China Sailor
It seems that Stickman admitted in this week's column that he is less interested on reporting on the 'nightlife' scene which is a reflection of his writings over the last several weeks. He does, however, recommend a new site started by Dave the Rave which is sort of a gossip column of the BKK bar scene: http://www.thailand-nightlife.net/review_news/ Not much info yet but the photo gallery is nice...
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:43 am on Jan. 30, 2006
i was in soi cowboy and went to 3 go go bars 1 Jap inside I wonder were they all went. The website look ok more picture here http://www.nightlifethailand.com/picture/
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:23 pm on Jan. 30, 2006
bsex.com, Of topic but was in Therme two nights ago and was completely filled with Japonease. First pearl harbor now therme. Also not a bad looking crowd in Therme--the ladies I mean. One theory--have they priced themselves out of go-go's and have discovered a new place or was this a fluke b/c it was Chinese New year. Looks like a wind fall for the Thereme regular FL's Just an obersevation for the ethnically sensative. gym
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:02 pm on Jan. 30, 2006
Quote: from Bangkoksexydotcom on 4:10 am on Jan. 31, 2006 http://www.nightlifethailand.com/picture/
You really should disclose when you are pushing your own adsense pages, you know..?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:50 pm on Jan. 30, 2006
Quote: from DaffyDuck on 5:37 am on Jan. 31, 2006
Quote: from Bangkoksexydotcom on 4:10 am on Jan. 31, 2006 http://www.nightlifethailand.com/picture/
You really should disclose when you are pushing your own adsense pages, you know..?
Well based upon the site's layout, I can understand why.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:51 pm on Jan. 30, 2006
Ned Flanders
Stickman's writings differ a lot in quality and interest every week. I've been reading him for a couple of years and generally it's a good read, entertaining and informative. I also think lately he's got a vision of Tahiland a bit negative. But he's been there for so much time that it's understandable he doesen't value so much the good things of Thailand and the negative ones have dawned up on him. But the most interesting and fun you can read in his website are Dana's letters in the reader's submition's section. His writings areby far the most insightful, un-PC, and hilarious stuff about Thailand I've ever read.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:41 pm on Jan. 31, 2006
Quote: from ThaidUp on 10:38 am on Jan. 31, 2006 Well based upon the site's layout, I can understand why.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:22 pm on Jan. 31, 2006
An indication on how much Stickman's agenda is set (or he has lost touch with reality) is his reaction to this reader submission. http://www.stickmanbangkok.com/Reader2006/reader2286.htm The author paints himself all high and mighty about how pathetic is is to screw prostitutes, then he himself screws has sex with them and and he gives encourages them to take drugs and buys drugs for them. This guy is a pathetic loser and Stickman had every opportunity to ream this scumbag a new asshole. What does Stickman do? He compliments him on his thoughts that "prostitution is unhealthy". Or perhaps, the whole submission is a wind-up.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:05 pm on Feb. 3, 2006
dirty guru
Stickman should be an embarassment to anyone that has "salt" and experience. He is a mix of Mirrors and borrowed lines from books, and limited "naieve turned bitter " viewpoint. 2 /10.........:: DG
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:24 pm on Feb. 23, 2006
Not as much of a windup as this piece of crap: http://www.stickmanbangkok.com/Reader2006/reader2391.htm Written by a conveniently anonymous author, who is painting himself as an apparent 'expert' on things Thailand, he lectures about the 'phenomenon' of 'Gigs' (known as 'Giks' around here), and how 'dangerous' they are to the civilized world. Stickman's original comments were extremely lenient ("Some good information there, but some incorrect as well"), but have since been edited/revised to the more accurate "What a load of rubbish. This is concocted nonsense, with figures plucked out of the air." Still, he's being rather nice to that moron, especially for leaving the article online. Either way, with those kind of crap articles, it's pretty obvious that more and more are using Stickman to post windups, and he's falling for them.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:39 pm on Feb. 23, 2006