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I will start the business plan...all I need is some data for the proforma sheet..can you help? that way I can approach investors


ps. lets keep this thread about the wacko...and guys I do have a great story for you when this blows over!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:19 pm on Aug. 19, 2006
Yes, ALL of them please.

The few who are here are too spoiled and need some competition.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:38 pm on Aug. 19, 2006

Quote: from Adventure Guy on 12:00 am on Aug. 20, 2006

Or they might have said: "John Karr, the man suspect (ed) (sic) in the murder of JonBenet Ramsey, was repatriated to his native United States today- the global leader, for half its existence, in commerce, innovation, human rights, communications, higher education, scientific & medical achievements without parallel, opportunity, etc., etc., etc....

But no- anyone so consumed and fixated as to offer as a primary identification of his entire personna to the outward world, that he is first and foremost, above all other possible identities, a "Bush (and obviously a US) Refugee"/hater, wouldn't 'get' the correlation, would they?

Adventure guy:
Speak for you're own personna- Beer Bar Pro.

In the midst of your taking offense you missed my point: American media talks down to the rest of the world. Using the negative social indicators to embellish their slant on Thailand caused 64 million people to cringe. Was that insult neccessary? No. Having cringed at mine, can you now empathize with them? I hope so....

atl, on the other hand, did get the jist of my post.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:35 pm on Aug. 19, 2006
I feel the sick phuck didn't kill JBR, I just have a strong feeling he is so screwed up and sick he's looking for recognition.

Anyway it goes he's going to have a miserable life in a US jail. He will be kept in isolation which means he'll be alone for most of the day which is a terrible way to exist. If he does get into general population he'll be some tush hogs sex slave or killed as sex offenders are at the very bottom of the social scale.

If he did kill JBR, death is too good for him, let him live long and painful.

Shamas O'D

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:08 pm on Aug. 19, 2006
No please don't transfer all the TG's to US. Not enough to go around, even for continuous gangbang orgies. According to yr 2000 statistics there are 134,979 males in the US. There'd be too much competition and then I'd be right back where I started !

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:29 am on Aug. 20, 2006

Quote: from bkkz on 2:56 am on Aug. 20, 2006

Now, all you need to do is to transplant all the TGs into America, and you have the greatest nation on earth.

Only for about 3-5 months, then they will all have 'adapted', and we're screwed.

Quote: from shamas on 11:16 am on Aug. 20, 2006

Anyway it goes he's going to have a miserable life in a US jail.

Oh, you think worse than a Thai jail, which is where he was headed?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:33 am on Aug. 20, 2006
OK boys here is my story and Bkksexy I told you

My friend just got he said I can tell people.

my mate who lives in NY with his thai wife was a teacher at BCC and his wife was a teacher at Assumption across the street....well he called a friend of his that is still teaching at BCC and asked if he knew this dude.

The guy from BCC emailed my mate with great stories..apparently in the few weeks the guy taught at BCC he made a "splash" story was that he had a philipino asst and she had a young daughter that he met like 3 days after starting work. he obbsessed over her so much that the philipino asst went to BCC management to complain and the guy was repremanded.

then apparently he told a fellow teacher he that he could not return to the states (I dont know the details) friend contacts the "National Enquirer" (to non-americans..its a cheesy tabloid) and leaves a brief message on the tip hotline about the email..he got a call back asking for the email....he called his friend in bkk and the friend was like "sure"

so he forwarded the email to the National Enquirer and got a call back 20 minutes later and the guy asked for my friends buddies phone #..which he gave.

They booked a flight and flew over to BKK on the next flight...this all went down Wed. and early Thursday morning... and interviewed the guy...I saw him on 3 channels yesterday and apparently he is in a couple of mags.

The best part of the story is that my mate in NY got paid 2K by the National Enquirer for the hook up!!! idea what they paid his friend????

again, I still dont think he did it...but I could be wrong!!



Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:47 am on Aug. 20, 2006
Its all about the bling bling, does not mater if they story is true or not. The magazine has his source they can print it I do not think M will sue him he likes the media. he truley look sick on TV really. Why do people think Thailand still is a safe heaven for people on the run. Try South America or something Puerto Rico will not kick you if you not killed someone. Thailand will kick you out as soon as US ask for it. Since they sign the new agreement with many countries to send back people Thailand as a safe haven is gone.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:04 am on Aug. 20, 2006
With more bad international publicity I wonder if we'll be looking at another nightlife crackdown soon...

EDIT IN: atl, we may know some of the same people. A friend just sent me Karr's online resume from when he worked in Taiwan. Impressive. In 2004-2005 he held all these different jobs in Honduras--librarian, DOS, different teaching positions... all at the same time? Then when he works in Germany... Uh, they'd better check with the families there. They may need help from specialists!

Too bad the link for his photo is broken. He's nuts!

By the way, sorry for jacking up this page with the long link. Skip, you once sent me instrux for condensing the links, but I can't find them. If someone could help, I'll try to get the distension out...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:42 am on Aug. 20, 2006
i know that this is wandering down 'tangent boulevard' a bit but it does include a sleazy schoolteacher and racist reporting of thailand.

the following article was published in my home country ireland (fortunately, to save me too much embarasement, it's from the occupied north not the enlightened laid back 'sanook' south!). I discovered it while researching western media reporting of thailand.

i'm writing a rebuttal to the editor of the paper and would welcome any informed observations on the opinions expressed by this guy 'turner'. I've spent enough time in los to know this is mostly bullshit but my understanding of thai life and buddhism lacks depth. (too many nights in 'nana'!)

you can email me at '' (spammers note that this is just a backup email address and i'm only using it for this project)

look out for more examples of racist reporting soon.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:45 am on Aug. 20, 2006

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