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MainNews & Announcements – Extended smoking ban begins Dec 29, 2006 All Topics

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Wonder if the Asian Women Don't Smoke deal is country dependent. I lived with a Korean woman for 10 years. She quit smoking shortly after we got serious and started living together, but all her male and female friends smoked like fiends. I don't like kissing ashtrays, so it was nice that she stopped. But two days after she told me she thought it was time to move out, she started smoking again. From what I can gather, she still smokes.

- Balls

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:26 am on Oct. 6, 2007
PussyLover 69
Report from The Nation dated Thursday 1 November 2007 :-

Booze, cigarettes a norm with undergrads

6% of university students drink on all five weekdays according to a joint study by Abac Poll and the ThaiHealth Foundation released yesterday.

Of 4,485 freshmen and sophomores in 36 universities surveyed, 12% smoked more than 10 cigarettes a day. Of all respondents, 11% smoked regularly and 28% had drunk occasionally in the past six months.

Asst Prof Wilasinee Adulyanont, a senior ThaiHealth official, said the joint study was carried out to evaluate a ThaiHealth campaign to reduce drinking and smoking at university initiation parties over the past three years.

The number of parties participating in the campaign has risen to 74 this year, up from the original number of 40 when the campaign began. The number of parties expected for the next academic year is set at 100, she added.

The poll found that 41% of respondents thought of initiation, or "hazing", as a way to strengthen bonding among students, while 14.4% described it as a way for senior students to abuse, bully and intimidate freshman students.

Of 49 per cent of respondents who said they had been through hazing, 45% said they suffered stress, while 44% said they had later confronted their seniors. Another 27% said hazing disturbed them so much it affected their studies.

Asked what they thought about the ThaiHealth campaign, 73% said they wanted it to continue and most said the campaign was fruitful in terms of reducing brawls and accidents during hazings.

60% of respondents said the campaign had inspired them to not seek sponsorship from liquor companies for their future initiation ceremonies.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:34 am on Nov. 1, 2007
PussyLover 69
Report from Bangkok Post dated Monday 11 February 2008 :-

Strict smoking bans in force - All bars, pubs, discos, clubs - and markets

A total ban on smoking in pubs and clubs throughout the country takes effect today, to the delight of non-smokers and the chagrin of smokers.

The ban covers all air-conditioned bars, pubs, discos and clubs.

In addition, the owners of outdoor restaurants and markets are required to designate smoking and non-smoking zones.

"They will have to cross the street to smoke over there," said Than Leebamrung, the 36-year-old owner of the Sapha Kafe (Coffee Council) bar, when asked what arrangements he had made to help his customers.

Other bars and clubs may simply ask customers to smoke outside in the doorways, but Mr Than was not sure if the same could be applied to his bar, which is in the Din Daeng area.

This is because it is situated in a commercial building, where smoking is not allowed.

Like Mr Than, most bar owners see the law as impinging on people's civil liberties.

"People going to these entertainment places find it acceptable to be exposed to cigarette smoke. I have never received any complaints from non-smokers," he said.

The owner of a bar on Khao San road, who asked not to be named, frowned on the ban, saying it would certainly affect his business.

"Lawmakers should instead allow operators to set up both smoking and non-smoking areas to be fair," he said.

The law previously exempted nightclubs and bars from a smoking ban which was introduced in 2002.

The original ban covered indoor public places, including air-conditioned restaurants.

The ban's extension is being hailed by health advocates who say it is another milestone for tobacco control.

"By banning smoking in pubs and nightclubs, Thailand has once again shown its leadership in tobacco control in the international community, following the examples of Ireland, Uruguay, the UK, France and others," said Bungon Ritthiphakdee, director of the Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance.

"Hopefully, in the near future, all open-air restaurants in Thailand will be 100% smoke free," she added.

Health advocates said the new law would protect both patrons and workers in bars and clubs from the effects of second-hand smoke, which studies have shown can cause asthma, strokes and even heart attacks.

They said it would also help smokers quit the habit more easily.

Chonticha Putharak, a 21-year-old non-smoker who used to work in a bar, said she developed breathing difficulties and her eyes would also hurt when she was there.

"The law sounds good to me because I have an allergy," she said.

Chai Jeam-mornrat, a 33-year-old fashion designer who smokes almost a packet of cigarettes a night when visiting his favourite bars at weekends, said the new law is good as it would discourage him from smoking.

"I like to smoke when drinking alcohol. Being forced to go out of a club just to smoke outside could make me choose to not smoke to avoid the inconvenience," he said.

However, many are still doubtful about whether the law will be effectively enforced.

One bar worker said that bar owners may ignore the law and bribe police into turning a blind eye so that things could continue as before.

Karn Yaempetch, 33, who once co-owned the Original Sin club in the Chatuchak area agreed that it could be a problem.

"Now it all depends on how effective the law enforcement will be," he said.

"Law enforcement in this countryrarely works.

"I think a voluntary measure with proper education on tobacco's impact on health would be more effective than the smoking ban."

The health ministry said bar and restaurant owners can relax, at least for now, because authorities won't begin fining the law breakers until June.

"Although the ban takes effect on Feb 11, we will focus more on educating people and issuing warnings rather than fining wrongdoers until May 31," said Seri Hongyok, deputy director-general of the Disease Control Office.

The ministry is prepared to advise businesses on how to comply with the new rules, and will distribute copies of the regulations by the end of February, Mr Seri said.

"If there is any breach of the law, our authorities will consider them on a case-by-case basis to ensure fair treatment," he said.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:14 am on Feb. 11, 2008
Joe Wood
The new law seems to have been sporadically self-applied last night, being the first day of it becoming law.

I thought I would be safe by going to the outside restaurant at Gullivers and eating there, but no ! The smoking ban was being applied to the outside tables
as well.

Since my table was nearest to the road and to more car fumes than enything else, I lit a cigarette or three before I left.

I did notice that a lot of smokers were being huddled into the second-entrance area under the archways, where their smoke could more easily be wafted in as a concentrated cloud into the main bar and restaurant.

Yes ! You guessed it. That doorway was the designated area for smokers to stand and smoke, being in the way of other customers, waiters and waitresses and anyone exiting or entering the bar by that door-way.

Some bars in Nana were applying the No smoking ban, but a lot were not.
Same as Soi Cowboy. Some bars did, and some bars didn't. Certainly the girls definitely liked the move where it was applied.

And I suppose it will be just a matter of time before the bars that vigorously applied the law, will seek assurances and follow the lead of the other bars, otherwise, I should imagine, there will be a lot of short-fall in the till receipts every month.

There most probably will be the same number of customers going in to the bars but they certainly would not stay as long as they did before without a smoke and thus will not be buying as many drinks in that bar as before.

Still we live and learn.
That is, if we don't die of smoking beforehand.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:15 pm on Feb. 11, 2008
The smokers always predicting economic doom and their attempted boycotts die fast as they find out it is lonely staying at home puffing on a ciggy. Major hotel chains also announcing the ban on Smoking rooms.

You have a point about exhaust fumes. I foresee the eventual replacement of all toxic buses with the NGV variety over the next few years.

Years ago there was a proposed ban on 2-cycle motorcycles within the confines of BKK. I wonder if Samak has the balls to actually put this into play. This would greatly reduce the bad air in BKK.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:04 pm on Feb. 11, 2008
Mel Gibson
Well,,,what ever happened to "choice"??? Start at 50%,70%,90%!! non smoking bars and see how CHOICE works???
Oh no,,that cannot be, the homophobics( ooops forgot its fine to do that),,,AHHH smoker-phobics rule,AND dictate,,,,,,f*** them.
If the choice to select a bar that is for smokers is unavailable, my land and investments in Thailand will very soon be for sale,,,Vietnam here I come.

Freedom of choice,,,what a joke!!!!


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:55 am on Feb. 13, 2008
Does this mean you are going to stop posting?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:31 am on Feb. 13, 2008
Mel Gibson
Sorry Expat,,,in my struggle toward freedom for the under-privelidged, missunderstood,abused,vilified, and ostricized smokers of this world, I will not be silenced ( unless BK say's so).

I'd really like to turn this argument around, WHY would non-smokers NOT agree for at least 10%of bars to be smoking??? The only answer I could see it a Nazistic hatred.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:41 am on Feb. 13, 2008
Hey Mel, you still have freedom of choice; the choice to smoke or not to smoke; the choice to go into non-smoking bar or not go into them; the choice to come to Thailand or go to Vietnam – all up to you.

I could care either way about the smoking ban. I am a non-smoker but rarely do I have a problem with second hand smoke causing me any discomfort in LOS. Sometimes it happens and actually was starting to increase as an issue because the bar that I frequent is starting to get more and more Asian customers and many of them smoke – so maybe the ban took effect just in time.

I was at Cowboy last night and did not see a single ashtray – too bad because I found them handy to dispose of bits of trash. Did notice one punter who came in smoking a fag and seemed a bit miffed at not being able to continue to smoke inside. Noticed a few other punters that had to take step outside for a nicotine fix every now and again – IMHO it’s real shame when an addition takes precedence over pussy.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:47 am on Feb. 13, 2008
China Sailor

Quote: from IBFarang on 8:02 pm on Feb. 13, 2008
...when an addition takes precedence...

Your spell-checker slipped, you mean 'addiction takes precedence' of course.

I would not worry too much about Mel gents, he is harmless.

Heck he won't even come over to the 'Z' to defend his countrymen ...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:58 am on Feb. 13, 2008

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