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MainNews & Announcements – Extended smoking ban begins Dec 29, 2006 All Topics

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Mel Gibson
IBFarang,,, true freedom of choice allows a reasonable alternative.I'll ask again, why is it so repousive, so unreasonable to leave just a few bar's for smokers???

I find the Islamic religion horrid,I object to it and hate it.
But I'm reasonable enough to agree that they have a right to have Mosques here in Aus.I don't expect them to kneel on the foot-path.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:54 am on Feb. 13, 2008

Quote: from IBFarang on 7:02 pm on Feb. 13, 2008
I was at Cowboy last night and did not see a single ashtray – too bad because I found them handy to dispose of bits of trash. Did notice one punter who came in smoking a fag and seemed a bit miffed at not being able to continue to smoke inside. Noticed a few other punters that had to take step outside for a nicotine fix every now and again – IMHO it’s real shame when an addition takes precedence over pussy.
Was in Long Gun last night and when I saw the girls smoking, I asked one of the waitresses, isn't there a smoking ban? I also added, then again, they were not using their mouths, so I guess that's an exception.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:57 am on Feb. 13, 2008

Quote: from Mel Gibson on 8:09 pm on Feb. 13, 2008
,,, true freedom of choice allows a reasonable alternative.I'll ask again, why is it so repousive, so unreasonable to leave just a few bar's for smokers???

As I stated in my post I could care less one way or the other in regard to the ban. As it was before the addict heard was thinned naturally by allowing folks to smoke in any/all bars. I would not object to allowing certain bars to be smoking bars. But if airports are any measure I figure the bars that were set aside for smokers would basically just be big smoke clouds and it might be hard to see the naked/ half-naked ladies due to said cloud. Additionally it might be hard to find staff or ladies that could handle working in that kind of atmosphere. And I dare say that one would be hard pressed to find a single non-smoking patron in such an establishment.

That being said I think you posted something earlier about non-smokers having the choice to simply walk away. Now it is the case that smokers can simply walk away.

Additional who says that allowing smokers to smoke outside is not a reasonable alternative anyway? If a reasonable alternative before was for non-smokers to walk away - what is so unreasonable about asking smokers to take a short walk outside to kill themselves?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:56 am on Feb. 13, 2008
Mel Gibson
So,I gather you agree for the addicted herd?,to be permitted a few bars for drinking and smoking relaxation.
That would seem fair,,,as I would hate to evict all the non-smokers from the bar so I could have a cigarette.

The next step in this cycle is obviously the NO ALCOHOL bar,,,the addiction of THIS herd, has done more damage to society than any other.
Now,perhaps we should adress the "oldest profession",disease spreading cohorts of the addicted herd.
Oh my,,,bars with no smoking,no alcohol and no working gals.??? Sounds like fun???


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:19 am on Feb. 13, 2008
Broken Leg
Just give up smoking mel, then maybe you wouldn't look 15 years older than you actually are.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:48 am on Feb. 13, 2008
Not sure exactly what you mean by agree for the addicted herd – but as I stated in my earlier posts I really don’t have a dog in this fight. I was not really bothered enough to care one-way or the other before, and now that the ban has taken place I am not really bothered either.

Would I be OK if the powers that be allowed a few smoking bars? Sure, no problem for me. Would I sign a petition or pound the pavement to get the powers to that be to allow something like this to happen – hell no, much better things to do with my life.

I do not see how alcohol or “the worlds oldest profession” has anything at all to do with this discussion. There is no second hand smoke involved with alcohol and “the worlds oldest profession” generally involves willing participants.
BTW- technically prostitution is already illegal in LOS anyway.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:29 am on Feb. 13, 2008

Quote: from Joe Wood on 6:30 am on Feb. 12, 2008

There most probably will be the same number of customers going in to the bars but they certainly would not stay as long as they did before without a smoke and thus will not be buying as many drinks in that bar as before.
That's a common concern whenever such changes take place, but in many cases ends up being unfounded - the drop in addicted customers (if any) is usually replaced by those appreciating a smoke free environment. These same screams of anguish and pseudo-logic abounded when the same non-smoking regulations hit California, and even New York - and the bars there are doing just fine, if not better than before.

Mel's reaction is quite typical of smokers and other addicts, who have immediate knee-jerk reactions. I see no reason why someone could not take some savings and open up a special club/bar that is dedicated to only smokers - I'm sure it'll do famously well. C'mon, Mel, put your money where your mouth is.

As for 'Freedom of Choice' - first, you're in the wrong country; second, you're applying the wrong cultural influences; and lastly, you (smokers) pollute, non-smokers do not. You have every freedom in the world to leave a non-smoking establishment, and smoke... outside.

Quote: from IBFarang on 7:02 pm on Feb. 13, 2008

IMHO it’s real shame when an addition takes precedence over pussy.
..and I think IBFarang hit it squarely on the head there, illustrating the true extent of these addicts' addiction. Sad, really.

Quote: from IBFarang on 9:11 pm on Feb. 13, 2008

Additional who says that allowing smokers to smoke outside is not a reasonable alternative anyway? If a reasonable alternative before was for non-smokers to walk away - what is so unreasonable about asking smokers to take a short walk outside to kill themselves?

(I notice he never responded to that one

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:10 am on Feb. 13, 2008
as a former bar/restuarant owner.....I was scared as hell when they proposed this issue back in 1998 in the atl (this and having weekend closing time at 2am)...

but after living in LA where they pretty much want to ban smoking in your home bathroom...(but you can buy weed at every strip mall lol)...its not really a big deal..

Me and mrs atl stopped in at a Waffle House (yanks will know that one) in Mississippi and the waitress took our order with a cig hanging out her mouth...
not a good sight..."Tilac why does the lady blow smoke at me?" was mrs atl's reaction after our order was taken

I am not a smoker and it maybe easy for me to dismiss but it really isnt a big deal...just step outside when you want a smoke...

my 2 cents,

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:44 pm on Feb. 13, 2008

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 1:25 am on Feb. 14, 2008
... and the bars there [California, NY] are doing just fine, if not better than before.

They are. But if we're talking about the Entertainment Zones of Bangkok, I still wonder if there wouldn't be a difference here, based on the fact that the kinds of bars and the kinds of customers are different.

Well, we'll see.

In any event, without trying to be discouraging or encouraging, either way, as someone mentioned, I doubt if the law will last in the myriad tiny bars and karaoke's all over the city of Bangkok, not to mention the provinces. I could be wrong.

EDIT: Thinking further about the businesses and their customers... I suppose it's possible that, because the customers to the bars in Bangkok Entertainment Zones are bound to be more motivated than they are in almost any bar in California or New York, that they'll keep coming and coming regardless.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:02 am on Feb. 14, 2008
Mel Gibson
With my recent hiatus from this forum, I conclude my full support for banning of smoking in bars.
My support stems from several factors,,,
1) The drinks money I will save by spending minimal time in the bars ( quick selection of gal and LEAVE)
2) Not risking to spend time amongst the Nazist smoking haters from this forum.

I win again


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:18 am on Feb. 20, 2008

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