Quote: from MarkC on 4:42 pm on Mar. 12, 2005 smelly little French friends (they buy the least soap per capita in the EU and change their underpants the least often, so I think that's fair comment).
It's funny, but the French have the exact same misconception of Americans --- it's a cute litlle urban myth that French wash less and change their underwear less than the squeaky clean Americans. I've known enough French people who also think the same of Americans. It's a myth. Just as Americans, or other people in the world containing running water, some French people shower daily, some shower twice daily, some shower less. I've probably met more Americans that stink, than French folks that do. It's all relative. Dr. von Quack!
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:55 am on Mar. 12, 2005
Mr Alan
Quote: from DaffyDuck on 9:49 am on Mar. 12, 2005 It's funny, but the French have the exact same misconception of Americans --- it's a cute litlle urban myth that French wash less and change their underwear less than the squeaky clean Americans. I've known enough French people who also think the same of Americans. It's a myth. Just as Americans, or other people in the world containing running water, some French people shower daily, some shower twice daily, some shower less. I've probably met more Americans that stink, than French folks that do. It's all relative. Dr. von Quack!
It's not exactly a myth, but the informaiton is a bit outdated. 30-40 years ago Europeans definitely bathed much less frequency than Americans, but in the last 20 years that has changed so there is much less difference. Part of the issue was water conservation.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:13 am on Mar. 12, 2005
Water conservation? I think it was more lack of abundant (and proper cheap) water heating during the winter. Summers were ok.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:40 pm on Mar. 12, 2005
Mr Alan
Quote: from Smegma on 11:34 am on Mar. 12, 2005 Water conservation? I think it was more lack of abundant (and proper cheap) water heating during the winter. Summers were ok.
OK, hot water preservation.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:48 pm on Mar. 12, 2005
A few points to address. I've f***ed a number of Viet, Khmer-Chola, and Latina cashiers at my local Orange County Wal Marts. Easy as pie, pussy pie that is. A have disdain for the French, but not France. I lived there in 88-89 and French did stink, but not the French-Vietnamese. No one has pussies that smell better or taste better than TGS. I did not buy my Chinese military-style weapons at Wal Mart, but at Turners Outdoorsman. I buy my knives, kerosene, Viagra, sundries, kitchen supplies, toy soldiers, propane, condoms, and and paper targets at Wal Mart. Anyone every ST or LT a Big C cashier. I love the way their C cups stick to those lime green-yellow polo shirts. So, who can remember why my name is Riceman? HINT: http://www.bigc.co.th/en/branch/Store.asp?StoreID=6 HINT:
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:35 pm on Mar. 12, 2005
It's funny, but the French have the exact same misconception of Americans --- it's a cute litlle urban myth that French wash less and change their underwear less than the squeaky clean Americans. I've known enough French people who also think the same of Americans.
Ah, if only it was an urban myth. It's actually the results of an early '90s EU member country survey.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:22 pm on Mar. 12, 2005
Actually, if I recall, it was a survey on how much soap is being used, or rather, sold, in the respective countries -- which one could technically argue is no reflection on the general state of cleanliness of a person, or even a nation.... ....and down another tangent we goooooo........... Dr. von Quack!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:56 pm on Mar. 12, 2005
Quote: from Hermanolobo on 3:37 am on Mar. 26, 2005 Taiwan rallies against China law Hundreds of thousands of people are attending a mass protest in Taiwan against China's anti-secession law passed earlier this month.
China is a becoming a bully trying to bully America ( already a bully 55555555) and Japan ( bully in wait) with poor Taiwan ( always been bullied by someone). Why can't China just leave it alone, go make more $$, become a real bully with $$ and then buy Taiwan ? Taiwan is all about making $$, don't want a fight with anyone, besides it's not all that big. I am sure in 20 years, China will have enough US$$ to buy Taiwan......well, maybe just Taipei. Didn't someone say that if US just dropped millions of One-Dollar bills in Hanoi, the VC would have just surrendered. Would have never lost that war if we just bought our way in ( and out). Make love (=$$), not war !
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:45 pm on Mar. 27, 2005
Ok, It may be off topic but I would like to ask a question. In a few hotels in Paris and Amsterdam, not expensive hotel but not cheap in American Standard, because I paid 50 Euro/night. Why don't they have shower curains? I did not find any shower curtains in the hotels I stayed. Event in Mortel 6 in America, you will have shower curtains. The funny thing is that I visited my uncle in London suburb. It is a kind of town house. He also does not have shower curtain but the bath room is fully carpeted. How the hell you take shower without wetting the carpet?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:37 am on Mar. 28, 2005