Things are changing? No not a Bob Dylan song Below are some excerpts from Stickman's Latest Weekly 07/09/03 There are some interesting observations. Before you shout-'ah the 'Conspiracy Buff' is off again, the system of graduation and incremental change is a favourite method of the big players in the political and financial world to get you from point 'A' to point 'B' or whatever. If the approach is small step by small step the 'big players' get what they want when one giant leap would be thrown out by a grumpy public. As Stickman says,"but I do believe that we will continue to see minor crackdown after minor crackdown, measures made to make it more difficult for business owners, and less attractive to customers. Closing down a whole industry overnight would have a dramatic effect on many." Once the businesses we all enjoy go out of business they have achieved their goal. When the 'Global Elite'(IMF,World Bank etc etc) confirm their plans for a more unified Asia(Asian NAFTA) at the APEC meeting the Thai politicians will have their orders for change(you don't get your loans otherwise-It's called 'Conditionality'). It seems 'They' don't want a sexy Thailand anymore, they'd like a squeaky clean 'Fantasyland'. That in their view fits in better in the 'Global Village' and Thailand can be part of what's called the 'Global Community'(Where's that sickbag?) The feminists are having their revenge? You've seen the pouting 'get-me-out-of here' expressions on the 'Western-wimmen' visiting LOS ? The more extreme 'Conspiracy Buffs' will claim that the 'Global Elite' will threaten the Thai politicians with untraceable acts of terror ! Read that as a threat to Nana Plaza and the Khao Sarn Road, those terrible dens of iniquity that they are ! Some of the sexual lives of the so called 'Global Elite' would make Thailand pale into insignificance, but that's not the point."Do as we say not as we do!" Most of you will think I am also onto the 'Conspiracy tack'- well if it sounds like that so be it. Time will tell. I feel as though a spoilsport wants to take away my playground. 'Hypocracy Rules OK!' Further from Stickman:- "This week I heard a story of a young Farang woman standing together with a cop on Walking Street, Pattaya. She had short blonde hair, blue eyes and wore a shirt that said, "Tourist Police Volunteer" on the back." I visit Thailand to get away from the 'two-faced' morality of Western women ! I happen to like watching naked ladies dance ! Imagine Thailand getting a heavy dose of Political Correctness? Becoming squeaky clean on the surface, everything else driven underground and expensive like the West. Western feminists chucking things at allegedly sex tourists ? It may happen. Things do change. I just hope the French expression is accurate here. "The more things change,the more they stay the same?" Longer extracts from Stickman's article:- "Various policies have been put in place to make running a bar a little cleaner but really, no real measures have been made to close the industry down. My guess is that the industry is responsible for the employment of just too many Thais and closing it down would hurt too many people and if they ever tried to close it down completely, Pattaya would die overnight." "Until there are far better employment opportunities for people from the countryside, the naughty nightlife industry will continue to flourish. I do not believe that any real effort will be made to close the industry down, but I do believe that we will continue to see minor crackdown after minor crackdown, measures made to make it more difficult for business owners, and less attractive to customers. Closing down a whole industry overnight would have a dramatic effect on many, so the way the government seems to be handling it indicates to me that they really do not like it, but will tolerate it, for now at least. The only way that the industry would disappear would be if the economy turned around completely and the distribution of wealth became more even. We know that will not happen." "Thailand is changing rapidly and at the same time is trying to clean up many of the social problems that have existed for a long time. Whether they will make a concerted effort to rid the country of these problems totally, or merely drive them underground remains to be seen. But one thing is for sure, these changes will affect the average farang in one way or another." "From time to time I hear stories of Western women milling around the farang naughty nightlife areas. I have heard of one Australian woman who has been seen in both the Thermae and the Grace Hotel who tries to assist girls in leaving the industry. I have also heard of another woman who helps the down and out bargirls by trying to get them into programs such as Empower or other NGO operated programs. This week I heard a story of a young Farang woman standing together with a cop on Walking Street, Pattaya. She had short blonde hair, blue eyes and wore a shirt that said, "Tourist Police Volunteer" on the back. I wonder what that could be about? I remember reading an article recently in the Bangkok Post that said the Interior Minister was going to shut down all the "indecent" shows and nude dancing in Thailand and that Farangs were going to help them do it. Well, shit, have they imported a few farang women to bust us?"
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:16 am on Sep. 8, 2003
Quote: from Hermanolobo on 4:16 pm on Sep. 8, 2003 Things are changing? I visit Thailand to get away from the 'two-faced' morality of Western women !
Nah! You come to Thailand to exercise your own 'two-faced' Western morality. Don't blame it on women.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:13 am on Sep. 8, 2003
C'mon, Hermie, you're just going to give yourself another ulcer. Or do you collect them? Rest assured, the brickbat-throwing farang wimmin are terrible shots.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:20 am on Sep. 8, 2003
Movefaster- I don't exercise any two-faced morality. I am a sex tourist - end of story
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:05 am on Sep. 8, 2003
Back to the possibility of change. I believe that the people I termed 'Global Elite' are awaiting a major change at the top through 'natural causes' before implementing any major change. However the wiser heads on this board like Arcadius say that any change will be temporary and cosmetic.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:15 am on Sep. 8, 2003
Quote: from Hermanobobo on 6:05 pm on Sep. 8, 2003 _______________________________________________ "I don't exercise any two-faced morality. I am a sex tourist - end of story" _______________________________________________ That's one face. ______________________________________________ "I visit Thailand to get away from the 'two-faced' morality of Western women !" _______________________________________________ And that's another face, or two faces. Now I suspect there is truth to both of your faces, but is blaming Western women for your emotional and sexual need to run away to Thailand necessary? So Western women have made you a sex-tourist? That is quite an admission of dysfunction.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:18 am on Sep. 8, 2003
Movefaster- What's your excuse? "I visit the Temples man - they're really cool!" So if Western women are so nice, helpful friendly and looking after their blokes so well why does the music-hall joke go:- 'Why get married? - Just find a woman you don't like and buy her a house!' Movefaster- Sounds to me you are missing your regular visit to a Thai Ladyboy massage parlour ?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:30 am on Sep. 8, 2003
Be very careful Mr. Hermanolobo, Maybe Fastmover is a ladyboy. TC. ps. Did I ever tell anyone that I love this place
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:46 am on Sep. 8, 2003
TC- What do you reckon then, pre or post op ?
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:53 am on Sep. 8, 2003
Mr Hermanolobotomy......and your friend Trikychops.... Homophobic jokes? That's it? The Testerone Boys!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:04 am on Sep. 8, 2003