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Thailand, the "Land of Smiles" is ranked 76th in the world (of 178 nations ). It is really surprising to me that the just comparing with its Asian neighbors, Thai peopel are not as happy as the Malaysians (17th), Singaporeans (53th),Hong Kong (63), Indonesia (64), Taiwan (68) and just barely ahead of the Phillippines. Someone explains this to me.......

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:35 am on Aug. 2, 2006
My abiding memory of my first trip to thailand was crossing the border on the way into Malaysia.

I was noticable how f***ing miserable the locals were on the southern side in comparison.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:39 am on Aug. 2, 2006
I consider polls and surveys about subjective emotional states to be pretty worthless. How the heck do you quantify the state of a country's 'happiness' ???

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:33 am on Aug. 2, 2006
Well, they use 3 criterions : 1. Health. 2. Welath and 3. Education. Maybe the Thais (on average) are not as healthy, wealthy and educated as you and I thought. But they are more "contented", which this survey does not measure. My theory is that their deep rooted belief in Buddhism gives them that "contentment" which outwardly appear to be "happy". So next debate begins here : is "happiness" = " contentment" ? Does this also explain their constant political instability? I am a bit disappointed with this findings because I always thought I would like to spend more time in LOS when I retire. But obviously, you don't want to retire to a country where people there are actually less happy than your home country.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:40 am on Aug. 2, 2006
Mel Gibson
Where marks deducted per "tonne" of Prozac and or valium sold?

Maybe they took the survey on a Monday morning in Sukumvit russh hour for Thailand and a the others on a Friday night in the local bar area when "50% off drinks" where available.

AHHH I could easily twist this survey to make Iraq the happiest.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:04 pm on Aug. 2, 2006

Quote: from Mel Gibson on 2:12 am on Aug. 3, 2006

AHHH I could easily twist this survey to make Iraq the happiest.
Exactly, or Switzerland, UK, Austria, or any other miserable countries out there.

Gauging 'happiness' is futile, as you first need to define 'what is happiness'?

So, what is it?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:19 pm on Aug. 2, 2006
I disagree

there are the basic needs of an individual

when they are met, a person is much more able to be happy

but maybe if a person isn't well educated, they won't realize that they are missing some of the basic needs

hence the term "ignorance is bliss"

basic needs are as follows :

Water, Food, Sleep, Warmth, Health, Excercise, Sex

of course some of us put quite a high value on the last one, 555

as per the Hierarchy of Needs

the higher up the Hierarchy, supposedly the happier you are

and you guys keep forgetting that there is a huge population out there in LOS that aren't getting their basic needs met, i.e. not getting laid and not getting any sleep

or, have no shelter, or at least not decent shelter

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:45 pm on Aug. 2, 2006

Quote: from manowar on 12:48 am on Aug. 3, 2006
Well, they use 3 criterions : 1. Health. 2. Welath and 3. Education. Maybe the Thais (on average) are not as healthy, wealthy and educated as you and I thought. But they are more "contented", which this survey does not measure. My theory is that their deep rooted belief in Buddhism gives them that "contentment" which outwardly appear to be "happy". So next debate begins here : is "happiness" = " contentment" ? Does this also explain their constant political instability? I am a bit disappointed with this findings because I always thought I would like to spend more time in LOS when I retire. But obviously, you don't want to retire to a country where people there are actually less happy than your home country.

Are Thais content? Are they Buddhist? These might seem like silly questions. I don't mean to be disagreeable.

But I've rarely seen any Thai more satisfied with their lot in life than anyone else on Earth... I've seen poor and rich alike hunger for more power, more money, more "face" in front of their neighbors...

I have seen a poor uneducated class of people beaten and exhausted and trained since birth to serve their masters with a smile on their face. A smile on their face. I would smile too if I thought it would pacify those who feed me and I had a chance at getting something behind their backs.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be nihilistic. Obviously some combination of their culture has produced a peaceful and gentle society and people who have been trained to be peaceful and gentle (as long as they don't snap, get too drunk or extraordinarily emboldened, or you don't have to listen to their envious gossip about their neighbors) which I enjoy, as I've been involved with them on all levels for some years now. And I too would like to able to articulate and explain what it is I like here and why. But I don't want to idolize them with religious virtues which I'm not sure they, as a whole, really possess.

I do believe they have learned to disguise their disatisfactions better than most people. That makes it nice for a guest. This faculty may be due to religion, as you suggest, or a fear of reprisal from those with more power, or a way to trick them, or a strategy to preserve some pride in a life of feudalistic control--or a combination of any of these.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:00 pm on Aug. 2, 2006
Not really a survey of individual persons per se...more a comparison of things like life expectancy, access to health care, GDP, UNESCO findings on access to secondary education etc etc from various countries.

"Health is more important than wealth or education. Further analysis was performed to examine the links between satisfaction with life and measures of life expectancy (health), wealth (GDP per capita) and education (access to secondary level education).It was found that satisfaction with life correlated most closely with health (a correlation of.62), followed by wealth (.52) and then education (.51). (It) is based on an analysis of the results from over 100 studies. It uses data published by by UNESCO, the CIA, the New Economics Foundation, the WHO, the Veenhoven Database, the Latinbarometer, the Afrobarometer, and the UNHDR."

Based on that data Denmark is the "happiest" place in the world. Thailand is 76. Oz is 26 and UK 41. Enjoy.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:47 pm on Aug. 2, 2006
What I would like to know is the index of people from all of those 'happier' countries, and if they were plaed in Thailand, how that were to affect their happiness.

Keep male and female results separate, please.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:53 pm on Aug. 2, 2006

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