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MainForum Help/Suggestions – Losing your Newbie'ness All Topics

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Vancouver Jay
You stop being a newbie when you stop whining about being a newbie.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:01 am on April 21, 2004
With respect VJ

Please direct where I was "whining" ???

I have absolutely no interest whatsoever whether I am considered a newbie or not, in fact, feel quite free to refer to me as a newbie in any post that you want to.

When becoming aware that I could only create a new topic in two threads and then trying to find the answer (to no avail) as to exactly why, I believed that I asked a perfectly good question.

I don't think that the question deserved the smartass response that FM felt was necessary...

Feel free to disagree....

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:10 am on April 21, 2004
JackRabbit present...

fastmover was not smartassing You, Isee.

When You read threads, You will see those codes a lot ( FWIW, CIM, GT... ) and get confused.

You asked RULES ??? RULES IN HERE and fm brought You a link to them.

Relax, this board can be irritating sometimes and You (as we all do ) get tongue-in-cheek answers but fastmovers answer was not one of them.

All topics is the list of ALL threads written in here, datafile. Check it when You are looking for info, it can be found in there.


BTW, what thread You wished to start ??

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:23 am on April 21, 2004

The "Rules in Here???" bit was very much a tongue in cheek statement. I thought that was fairly obvious, especially considering some of the recent posts elsewhere in the forum....

You say that FM wasn't being a smartass, notwithstanding that issue what is clearly evident is that he DIDN'T KNOW the answer to the question. He decided to post a lot of links which had no ability in answering the question. Cmore to his credit knew the answer and answered without any of the BS that FM decided to churn out.

The thread was in Phrases, Language - Cyborg created it for me after I asked him if he knew what the word meant.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:36 am on April 21, 2004
Vancouver Jay
Isee, my attempt at humour failed. Sorry.

What I meant was, "You stop being a newbie when you realize that everything after the correct answer is b*llsh*t" which my post obviously was.

After the comprehensive Cmore answer, the rest is just fun and games, right? To quote that worthy brother... Peace.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:07 am on April 21, 2004
Isee......."like yourself who "think" they are "somebody".

Well I am 'somebody' to me.
Just me. Always was, always will be.
Bothered some guys, didn't bother me.

I never gave a f_ck about virgin status
or post totals or being a newbie.
In fact at one time I had my posting
totals wiped and my 'virgin' status locked in.

But you seem to be really bothered about your
newbie status. Your taking it personally.
In fact it has nothing to do with 'you'.
It has to do with BK looking to get a handle
on his forum's shape and construction.

But you just join and presto you post about
trying to shuck your newbie status?

Like who cares how big your dick is?

Finding answers is easy.
Click on anything red and start reading.

In reality, on this forum, there is only two
catagories.....BK and the rest of us.

There are currently 6,189 members.
Try to imagine the result if EVERY new
member posted the same queries you did.

If you stay with the forum long enough,
you will come to see what I mean.

And yes I did know the answer.
It has been posted in several threads.
But the fact is, it was very difficult
to not have some fun with you.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:24 am on April 21, 2004
I thought loosing your newbie status was to tea bag some hottie in BKK.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:08 pm on April 21, 2004
FM lost his Virgin status making 51 posts in the 1st hour on BTF and still had time for breakfast. He is good to go ST.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:53 pm on April 21, 2004

Quote: from fastmover on 10:24 pm on April 21, 2004
And yes I did know the answer.
It has been posted in several threads.

I just have to finish up with this final post.....


Is that your "saving face" statement is it?? Why oh Why master of all knowledge didn't you include a link to one of the "posts in several threads" - just one FM, only one needed.

If you did in fact "know" the answer but chose to "have fun" then by your own admission you are (in my strict interpretation) in breach of the rules of this forum and I shall be happy to direct you to the rules (No, I'm not the forum police) :

I think in particular, could your admission be seen as stirring up trouble or was it a flame?? ooohhh, but wait, you already knew that already didn't you.

How much of a tosser are you to "have fun" in the newbie section???

Its very hard not to keep going on criticising you FM.......
You come across very strongly as someone who tries to make out that you are all knowing and never wrong. I meet ppl like you in real life and they never amount to anything more than just being a tosser! What ever "qualities" they have is overshadowed by their fundamental flaw.

As ThiadUp has suggested, I could just do 51 posts of useless garbage to allow me to create a thread, but I think I'll just plod along and rack up the 51 by making useful contributions. If I can't create a thread - so be it. But thanks to cmore, at least I know "exactly" why I can't create. Doesn't sound like something that one would do who was only interested in losing the status of being a "newbie".

About the "just joining" and trying to "shuck your newbie status" - I think that I'll just give up on that point and concede that no matter what I say, you won't see it as being anything else.

I know this will come off as a "how big is the other dick" but yes I "joined" in december last year. What you DON'T know all mighty knowing one, is that I actually planned to go to LOS October last year but due to work couldn't. Now month (S) prior to October, I found this site and have since spent quite a considerable amount of time reading the information contained herein as a visitor. Because of the sheer amount of information, it wasn't until Dec that I become interested in reading the members section.

What is condescending is your ramblings and direction to information which WASN'T requested on your presumption that I haven't read any of it. I know that my knowledge is only a drop in your great pool of knowledge, but here is a tip from me to you:

If you want to "have fun", stay the F*&K out of the newbie section. Not only does your "fun" make a fool of yourself, it also is (in my respectful view) detrimental to the whole point of having a "newbie" section. It should be an area for users (new AND matured) on this forum to ask questions without having some wanker like yourself "having fun" at them. If you want to have "fun" then go find it in a magazine!

Obviously, having your post count wiped and being locked in as a "newbie" for a period some time ago, should really make you now reflect on whether you have really changed........

But, reflection would require you to acknowledge that there is a problem, and I doubt you can see a problem and HENCE why there is a problem!

oooops, I gave into temptation in criticising you some more...... I seek forgiveness of great and all knowing one.

Anyway, I'm done on this thread now, the question has been answered.....

Peace to all

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:55 pm on April 21, 2004
Wow! Do I dare say:

Isee 1
FM 0


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:07 pm on April 21, 2004

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