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China Sailor
WOW Segs!

Flame lite...  Thus is the newer and gentler forum...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:13 am on Sep. 22, 2003
Mr Alan
Smegma, as usual we seem to disagree on the facts:

1. Smegma says ìWhat is funny is you calling attention to it trying to say you are funny. Why don't you let other say if they find you funny or not.î

mm3 said in this thread referring to me: ìOn top of that, I don't recall reading anything funny posted by him.î

When I posted the link to Suggested Topics for APEC, it was in direct response to mm3ís remark. I responded: ìNot funny? You didn't like my 'Suggested Topics for APEC?'" So I did let others say if they find me funny or not.

2. Smegma says ìI do not list to enlist anyone.î

I got some personal messages from people who told me that you did. Obviously, I cannot disclose details on that.

3. Smegma says: ìWhy is it that some guys have to always say ëmany people have told me they like meí etc? I guess it shows some hidden insecurity and they like to hear that thing repeated again and again, even if it is just coming from themselves.î

I never said that anyone on this forum likes me. I said: ìMany other people have found my posts useful, and have thanked me for the information I have provided, including the person who started this thread.î

Besides the 5th post in this thread, here are a few others just for reference:

Two people thanked me for this report on the Admiral:

Someone thanked me for the link I provided here:

I have also received private messages thanking me for the information I have provided.

But I donít post on this forum in order to receive thanks, or because I want or need people to like me (I thought that would be quite obvious by now). I have received some valuable information on this forum over the last couple of years (I had another ID on this forum previously) and I feel some responsibility to help others in return. I thought that is what this board is primarily about.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:50 am on Sep. 22, 2003
Some guys never learn...........

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:54 am on Sep. 22, 2003
China Sailor
Damn Mr. Alan,

Who really cares who thanked you or not??

If you feel you helped someone, great! ÝJust do not 'pound your own drum' at our expense.

And if the bro's did not find your posting funny, so be it. ÝMaybe our sense of humor is not as juvenile as yours.

(Oh I'm sorry, we are supposed to be nice to the dull and ignorant, let me edit my comment: Our humor is not as 'sophisticated' as yours )

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:10 am on Sep. 22, 2003
Mr Alan
China Sailor,

Yes it seems ridiculous and somewhat boastful for me to have to set the record straight by those who distort what I said.

I was responding first to mm3 who said:

"What makes him annoying is his suposingly "informative" posts, which are very prolific. ÝMost of them do not address the question/topic asked or posted Ýby the poster as if he has problems comprehanding what the poster is saying."

Also smegma claimed that I said:

"many people have told me they like me"

Of course I said no such thing, only that there were those who thanked me for the information in my posts. Smegma would have denied that if I had not provided links.

So I have repeated the facts in response to those who continuously misquote me and distort what I said. My apologies for being redundant.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:28 am on Sep. 22, 2003
Mr Alan
China Sailor said:

"And if the bro's did not find your posting funny, so be it.  Maybe our sense of humor is not as juvenile as yours."

I don't care if you or anyone else found it funny. I merely asked mm3 if he liked it, and he said no. I did not argue with him.

But I wouldn't expect "the bros" to admit it was humorous even if they thought so.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:36 am on Sep. 22, 2003
Nobody thanks me.
Nobody likes me.
I am not funny. Ý

I am going out in the back yard and eat worms.

Bye, bye.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:50 am on Sep. 22, 2003
China Sailor

I know you better than that, the real reason that you are going into the back yard is to get another piece of that partridge, the worms are just bait....

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:52 am on Sep. 22, 2003
You just gotta watch out for the pear tree!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:58 am on Sep. 22, 2003
Alan, look in the mirror! Brothers here are not the morons you may think they are.

You keep posting with the intention to set "the record straight." You thinking that you need to do so, shows that you believe others cannot read. We are all reading the same stuff. You do not have to say: " I am posting in reply to mm3..." or "that post was in reply to so and so..." WE CAN READ.

And once again you go on about all the people who send you messages saying great things. But from what I read HERE, more people are at odds with you than those who seem to think you are the last cold soda bottle to be found in the desert.

Fastmover, for once i will have to agree with you. yes some guys NEVER LEARN. No matter how many ttimes they tell us they went to school.

Magic coming: Alan come set it straight! We need you! (give him a few minutes)

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:25 am on Sep. 22, 2003

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