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Oh, didn't see the post from Smegma. Sorry -- maybe I shouldn't have posted on this forum...

I'm such a newbie, I got confused!

Maybe it's now time for me to make some dramatic announcement like: "I'm not going to post here anymore!"

Nah, I don't think so. If I go, I shall go silently again...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:35 am on June 12, 2003
Oh Shit! MrJoe, now you are making me feel guilty for doing the same things you have done.

And once again you are making sense. Damn! I better also stop making fun and abusing the lesser minds. It is stupid shit yes. It was fun for a while, but yes, even too much of something fun can become annoying.

I will make and effort at reducing the shit -cannot guarantee to bring it down to zero; but will try al least make the effort.

Hey! Mr Joe, just saw your last post. the other extreme can also be boring. Don't you do that. Extreme clinical PC is no good either. Besides there are some smart guys here with whom good exchanges can  be had on legitimate interesting LOS related topics.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:37 am on June 12, 2003
Extreme clinical PC?

Like what?  I don't give a f**k about what's "correct" -- politically or otherwise; I just state my own feelings and follow my own ethics (or try to)...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:41 am on June 12, 2003
Oh and as for the rest of you post: I'm with you.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:48 am on June 12, 2003
Up yours MrJoe trying to pick a fight with me?. Lets go to the other one and there we can fight like the grown up silly pussies we are.

Chao, I am off to Z for a while

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:49 am on June 12, 2003
Smeggers and others.
i and others know why you will not answer any questions i have asked.
you think you know all about certain things and people,but in reality you do not have a clue.

you have made allegations about me,but have failed to follow with any proof.
i'm still interested in the Nokna/Sayjann thing you have alleged.
come on,show me the proof we are the same person.
it is very easy to make allegations on the forum,and then forget all about it.
i have given you enough clues to the identity of the 2 members,but you cannot see the wood for the trees.
you think you are smart and can outwit me but i'm still waiting for the proof.

no proof?,no good explanation?,come on give all you know.
will be interesting to see your proof.

but if you cannot back up your words,then why continue?
oh sorry,you do not have to answer as you know all there is to know,my apologies.

"silly nokna, care to go look sillier in the other forum? or else do you prefer looking silly here?  BK may eventually get annoyed."

what other forum?

and if BK gets annoyed,his choice,but i have done nothing wrong in his eyes.
everything i have posted has been with his blessing.
why cannot you accept this?.
perhaps it is because he is not important to you and you want to take over the forum.

many members know BK has lost the plot and has handed over the forum to other members.
this is a real shame.

"one final magic act: nokna stupid daddy of idiotic bandit!!"

as far as i know,this situation was not started by me.
just a bit of fun,but you had to take it personally.
but i see you never have a go at Sandiegon,WHY?
are Nokna and bandit your only targets?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:41 am on June 13, 2003
You are a lost cause. I give up to your idiocy. It is impossible to debate real issues with the likes of you.

Anyway, you are MrJoe's plaything. I will let him take care of you. I should not be so greedy. I will stick to my own toy: Bandit.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:48 am on June 13, 2003

Quote: from nokna on 2:41 pm on June 13, 2003
many members know BK has lost the plot and has handed over the forum to other members. this is a real shame.

Nokna ,
I am not taking any sides in this argument - BUT why do you bite the hand that feeds you ? Why are you always making snide remarks about BK . Is it because he is too mature and gentlemanly to get into a pissing contest with a skunk ?
I don't know BK personally & I have never met him but from the little I have seen in his rare posts I am sure that he does not need me to defend him .
What I am defending is the great atmosphere in this Forum with which the majority of members are happy - an atmosphere created and sustained by BK's very perceptive insight into what makes this Forum a great one .
As others have said before - if you don't like it here or if you dislike BK then you have the option to leave . BUT stop these snide remarks against a person Ýwho is too mature and gentlemanly to retort .

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:05 am on June 13, 2003

A thread nokna is not involved in

I say I to sayjann I have no clue as to who he is talking about

nokna (remember not in this thread) says I am not meant to know and goes on about how pleased he is to have received a PM...'I loved the attention'. At the time well over 2500 posts and he hadn't received a PM????

He then answered a sayjann question in another thread obviously thinking he was logged in as sayjann.

Recently he tells us (in a thread I can't remember the title of) that sayjann is another 'female' member of the forum who he is in frequent conversation with about how we do not know what is going on, and how funny we all are. so who could that other member be. Not X for sure. Not Lady Anne. any other female members? Nokna if you know this person is a double poster, then get rid of them, you know it upsets people.

sayjann's syntax was identical to nokna's, no capitals, inability to use an apostrophy in the correct place and no spaces after a comma.

Nokna's stock response

Whiny Whiny f_ckin and my faceless buddies all think you big kids are really stupid, we PM and joke about how you don't know what's going on. Just a smoke screen and then will accuse others of exactly what he is doing.

Then stick's in a snidy about BK. I do know BK personally and he is a fine companion without a bad word to say about anyone. Unlike the rest of the people at GT's on occassions standing there telling their favourite 'nokna what a wanker' story.

3000+ posts on a place he's spent two days in. Sorry...count the maybe 200 posts in the Phuket thread where he has spent approx 88 days.

Q1. Nokna were you sayjan (last post March 30th 2003)

he'll say no.

Q2. Why did you answer a question/point asked of sayjann

hell say...Yurune read the thread you are completely missing the joke me and my chums are having...

Q3 At that time is it true you'd never received PMs?

He'll answer...nah he won't...he be off on a whine at that point.

Frankly there are times when I've been sympathetic to nokna as he well knows and tried to get on, but this issue annoys me.

Never mind I'll go out tonight in Bangkok and have a few quiet one followed by some noisy ones. I know where nokna would rather be.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:37 am on June 13, 2003

Quote: from Arramsey on 4:05 pm on June 13, 2003

... - BUT why do you bite the hand that feeds you ?
There is a Thai Proverb, which describes it better... "Eat in my house and shit on the roof".

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:49 am on June 13, 2003

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