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MainMembers' Lounge – April 2004 RT All Topics

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Quote: from cmore on 5:06 am on Mar. 20, 2004
Guys, once again BK has already suggested the RT schedule for all of 2004. Unless something comes up to cause him to make a change in the suggested schedule then it's probably safe to assume that those dates will probably apply. This way you guys have lots of advance notice of when the RT's are scheduled so that you can try to plan your visits to coincide with one or more of those dates. Check the schedule below . Peace

All the dates listed there will probably not change, with exception of December's date.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:53 pm on Mar. 19, 2004
HAS anybody decided what time and place that we are all getting together (i hope you regular guys do not mind a newbie coming to the rt) how about gullivers or german beer bar soi 7 just my suggestions but always open for more

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:09 am on Mar. 20, 2004
i arrive on the 25 march (so too late for march RT) and leave on the 22 april (so too late for April RT)

poor me


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:20 am on Mar. 20, 2004
Now we are going to have 10 pages of:

"when are we meeting and when?"

"why don't we go to....."

"I do not like it there, instead I suggest we go to...."

"where is the RT this month"

"The so and so day is not good for me. I will miss the RT once again"

"BK already said when, but hasn't said where yet"

"I cannot make it on the so and so because I leave one day before...."

"when and where?"

"I cannot make it on the so and so because I arrive a day late....."

"when and where?"


and many more.

I wonder if we cut have an automatic post generator for these threads. After all, each monthly thread reads very much like the one from the previous month.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:31 am on Mar. 20, 2004
I arrive too late for the March RT, leave before the April RT, arrive after the May RT and leave before the June RT.

July and August are out of the question but when is the September RT and where will it be?


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:28 am on Mar. 20, 2004

Quote: from celticwarrior on 6:09 am on Mar. 21, 2004

HAS anybody decided what time and place that we are all getting together

Hey brother Celtic, all members of the brotherhood are welcome to attend any RT they choose to. As far as time and place it's still too early for that to be decided yet. Normally the RT's start between 6pm and 7pm.

As far as the place, the brothers usually suggest locations to BK over a 2 or 3 week period before the RT then about a week before the scheduled date he chooses the place and makes an official announcement on the thread which is usually written partially in RED.

I think the fact that the RT schedule has been chosen for the whole year is a good thing. Now that everyone knows exactly when the RT's are scheduled for each month they can arrange their visit around those dates ( If they so choose ) which could mean that instead of the usual 10 or so guys that generally show up for a RT that each month could end up seeing 20 or more bros in attendance each month.

What's even better is if most of those guys were to book their hotel arrangements through one of BK's hotel sites on the main page that could help keep the brotherhood a free site.

Might be a good idea to post a link on the main forum page to the 2004 RT schedule. What do you think BK? Peace

BTW- Brother EPC the answer to your question is Sept. 17

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:21 pm on Mar. 20, 2004

Most RT's are decided on whose coming and what type of chicks they like... usually ending in a dull venue, where no-one is happy....

This may sound TOTALLY stupid, but forget thef chicks... its about the boys meeting for a chat, getting pissed, and THEN going pussy hunting... if there happens to be fair game at the venue, then go for it, if the boys' company is that bad (which it usually is)....

I suggest a venue with ATMOSPHERE... we all know how to arrange the chicks we like... no point arguing that mine is bigger than yours,,, just bring it along... Im happy to show you mine if you show me yours....

Sick of going to joints where you pay through the nose for crap music, crap service, fake smiles, and big bills... lets have fun, then follow your dick

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:47 pm on Mar. 20, 2004
Ronnie Raygun
Smugma: Yes, there's some whining and repetitve posting, but I see it as a hashing out process whereby the members who will be attending suggest a few places and then BK chooses. The process could be shorter, but eventually it gets to the point.

FB: "...if the boys' company is that bad (which it usually is)..." Ouch! But I like your idea. What venues have the atmoshpere that you have in mind?

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:15 pm on Mar. 20, 2004
Mr President,

Deciding on venues is always difficult...

If we leave women out of the equation to start with, it would be easier (look at the debates about women quality here).

So, MUSIC is important, affordability is important (to some)....

(Sorry meeting started./.. will contiue this later)

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:33 pm on Mar. 20, 2004
Midnite Bar has always been the best venue so far!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:49 pm on Mar. 20, 2004

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