Yes and they let you dance with the girls. Just ask RTB, honest Are you serious, "Most RT's are decided on whose coming and what type of chicks they like... usually ending in a dull venue, where no-one is happy.... " I can't believe anyone in LOS could be unhappy! on a night out... The reason a potential explosive night out at a Round Table (RT) ends up " a dull venue" or Really Terrible (RT) is that the location is not correct... Location, location, location is the key. Bring your own CD's to Midnight Bar Privilliage, etc... If you forget them then so what buy some more... BK, just select 3-4 locations staring off with Bamboo Bar (your office) or GT's, most members seem to congregate around that area and it's easy to find... Then move on from there.. It is up to the individual person to enjoy himself we can't blame otheres for not entertaining us... Or just insist that RTB attend.. then job done. Me I'm quite a reserved and boring person so don't invite me ok. TC
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:25 am on Mar. 21, 2004
OK just to expand on Farangbha's problems. 1. Usually this thread ends up being upteen pages long with the same old hash as Smegs points out and usually what the end result is the same group of local drunks appear very few of the people who said they were going to come actually make it. Actually in reviewing all the messgaes in the March RT thread, it is the same group of drunks trading comments. 2. Usually the newbies or visitors leave or hook-up early. This is understandable as they want to make the most of their limited time here so it distills down to the local group of resident drunks. 3. Bring a TG is usually a bad idea. Why... One, TG's are usually attention whores so you have to devote an large amount of time catering to her needs tand conversing. Two, when you are out visiting other Go-Go's you are definitely limited in your own activities with a date already in hand. Three, if your TG is a good looker the rest of the bros will be scamming on here. I use the RT's as a place to talk real English for a change instead of Thai English, my once a month drunk outing, and most importantly a scouting mission for new talent.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:18 pm on Mar. 21, 2004
Most RT's are decided on whose coming and what type of chicks they like... usually ending in a dull venue, where no-one is happy.... ------------------------------------- All I can say is EVERY RT I have been too was great and I thank BK for putting them together. I will be there on the 23rd come hell or high water. Teach
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:40 pm on Mar. 21, 2004
aha. that's real english then. american. and he labelled me a local drunk, hhmm. rtb
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:42 pm on Mar. 21, 2004
Quote: from bkkz on 11:49 am on Mar. 21, 2004 Midnite Bar has always been the best venue so far!
From what I’ve hear and IMHO it depends on if you are the Photographer or the Photographed.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:01 pm on Mar. 21, 2004
Quote: from ringthebells on 11:42 am on Mar. 22, 2004 aha. that's real english then. american. and he labelled me a local drunk, hhmm. rtb
Well there is UK English, Aussie English and American English and having to manage Thai's all day long any one of them is preferable to Thai's English. Right you are local and were drunk, but at least you remember all the bars we visited. It's cell phones you have trouble with
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:07 am on Mar. 22, 2004
5 days no posts..... As one who only visits BKK a few times a year I enjoy the RT thread even if it looks like the same old sh1t every month. I look forward to the updates every day. With that said....I think the Midnite is good because we get our own space. The dance contest idea last time was great. Bringing Tequilla for the girls doesn't hurt. Nothing like a bunch of naked drunk women running around I say. Maybe we could meet for dinner before the RT. Give the brothers a chance to get to know one another. Anyway just my 2 baht...... 26 days and counting Teach
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:00 am on Mar. 27, 2004
yes, some real greasy food (pork knuckle), a couple of boiled eggs, some lard and my phone will be safe. good idea teach. usually I gulp about a dozen heinekens and forget about eating. and then, there is pretty good food at privilege... rtb
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:13 am on April 2, 2004
Have you decided on a Venue yet as I will be in Bangkok in time for this one!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:05 am on April 5, 2004
Look here at the master of bad timing...... RT is the 23rd and I fly back on the 22nd.... have to check if I can change flights! It´s really sad to have to miss it! Sob.....
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:26 pm on April 5, 2004