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Tryclops, bravo for the great idea of the t-shirts, and one more bravo for the charity found's suggestion....
Here my ideas about the found:
1. Profits shall be kept until they reach an amount that suffice a great R/T with free flow of drinks & ladies
2. Profits shall be kept as an emergency brotherhood found for the members that lost everything and need to be sent back home......
3. Profits shall be kept to cover the cost of a one night MP charter operation, i.e. a main MP should be reserved in toto only for the brotherhood......
4. Profits shall be kept to cover the cost of at least a dozen of water buffalos as they always come useful....
That's all for now.....

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:48 am on Oct. 8, 2003
Deleted Member
INteresting views comming out.

My view has evolved after reading all this:

1) Poloshirt

2) A small version of the standard BKK tonight Forum - as on top of the forum page

3) the butterfly chased by a superman-like figure, only it says "farang", i.e. the farang is chasing the butterfly

4) THere is a basic choice to make, i.e. a T-shirt with big avatars all over - very glaring or a poloshirt with discrete avatar which allows to wear it in more than the beer bars, i.e. you can wear it casual smart in good clubs as well and generate some interest.

personally I prefer to discrete poloversion.
\is it good economics to make both styles - I don't know.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:29 am on Oct. 8, 2003
how about...

'long time, short time, anytime'

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:08 am on Oct. 8, 2003
My vote def goes for the BKK Tonight logo on front and the red butterfly (on the back) with NaughtiusMaximus idea "long Time, Short Time, Anytime!" underneath it.

I also think that they should be sold at a profit (but still good quality) say 500B and any money made should be given to charity.

I also hope BK will plan to sell these mail order to increase sales to bros who cant make it back into town for a while, at least it would meeting other members in town easier!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:49 pm on Oct. 9, 2003
I think that's a great idea
imagine walking down the street of bangkok and running into a brother wearing the same shirt!

if it's available by end of next month when I go to LOS, I'll be sure to pick one up

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:51 pm on Oct. 9, 2003
your idea about the quote is a good one,but your quote is also good.

BKK... WOW.... When Can I Get Back!

works for me.....

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:36 am on Oct. 10, 2003

Quote: from caronte on 4:48 pm on Oct. 8, 2003
Tryclops, bravo for the great idea of the t-shirts, and one more bravo for the charity found's suggestion....
Here my ideas about the found:
1. Profits shall be kept until they reach an amount that suffice a great R/T with free flow of drinks & ladies
2. Profits shall be kept as an emergency brotherhood found for the members that lost everything and need to be sent back home......
3. Profits shall be kept to cover the cost of a one night MP charter operation, i.e. a main MP should be reserved in toto only for the brotherhood......
4. Profits shall be kept to cover the cost of at least a dozen of water buffalos as they always come useful....
That's all for now.....

I think that BK should decide the price and ALL PROFITS should accrue TO BK .
We all make demands on BK (add this feature to the Forum , delete this feature from the Forum , change the colour of the Main Page , make the Main page perform acrobatics , etc.) - let the guy get some benefit for all his uncomplaining efforts .

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:09 am on Oct. 10, 2003
I am still voting for the butterfly.

I am still volunteering to make samples, free of charge.

I just need the design and ok from BK.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:19 am on Oct. 10, 2003
I agree with you wholeheartedly BK should be rewarded for his valiant efforts with the forum. If this turns out well he will be rewarded in more ways than one. But money is allways important...

Also UKYorkie, you are spot on with your post, thanks for the support, 500baht seems reasonable, depending upon the quality.  I would even pay up to 1,000baht, to be in line with European prices for quality merchandise!!

However, I also think it would be a nice gesture from the forum to LOS, which after all, is the main reason for this excellent and very entertaining forum and which has also given all of us so much love and joy (and pain) in the past.

I myself just want to put something back in instead of just taking...

There are so many needy children all over the world, but if we can help just one child even just a little bit, then I will feel better, how about you?

As it was my original idea, I can take pleasure in whatever becomes of it, but I want nothing back...

I agree, someone has to take charge, if I were living in BKK I would, but I don't.

Therefore, I vote BK, as the main man (if his time permits) and I am willing to send my cash via western union/money gramm whatever it takes and place an order.  

Furthermore, prices should not reflect the price on the streets for a "T" shirt. These are specials and a lot of effort will be needed to get this up and running.

If anyone is so cheap as to try and compare the prices with street vendors, then f*** off and print your own...

BK , will you take my order?


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:26 am on Oct. 10, 2003
Sorry, rtb I posted before I read your last post.

Didn't realize you were in the print business... Great!!!

You have my vote as a fellow forum member to do the printing...

Quality is the most important thing and I'm certain you can deliver the goods.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:31 am on Oct. 10, 2003

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