sign me up dudes I think BK should get a cut of the profits cuz I ain't paying jack for using this forum, a lot of forums like this have paid memberships
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:33 am on Oct. 10, 2003
Too many opinions. At the end we will have to live with whatever someone decides -decission process enriched by reading all the good sugestions and opinions here given by all. To make it easier on the person deciding, and not burden him with too many thoughts, I will not submit any idea myself. I will happily buy whatever shirt is finally made.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:38 am on Oct. 10, 2003
mzeng, Now theres another idea, what about paying due's for the membership to sort the men from the boy's/lady boy's. JMHO. Well said Smegma... TC.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:39 am on Oct. 10, 2003
this being a free forum is what made it so popular I'm sure but there are forums that have an open discussion but paid members get special previleges, like redbook based in san francisco. just a thought for BK, it's all up to him
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:42 am on Oct. 10, 2003
I agree with you all. but don't put this on BK. I think he is busy as it is and he is already doing the design of the butterfly. I volunteer to do it, without profit or charging for expenses. I will do the stocktaking and put the money upfront to produce them. if you want to add for charity/roundtable, well, fine with me. we get one of our investmentbankers from the forum to manage the fund. let's decide on the quality. is a cotton t shirt in adidas or nike quality acceptable?? is rubber printing acceptable (it lasts longer than silk screen)?? it is difficult to print on a pique polo shirt. here it should be embroidered on the left chest. impossible for a butterfly with all the names. but possible for a calligraphic butterfly. prices depend on quantities. but for a rubber print one, in above mentionned quality, it should not be more than 250 to 300 baht. we can make as little as 50. we can make a limited version like 1 - 50. individually numbered. of course you can go to a indian tailor shop and get the ones with the embroidery individual and singly. I will do the butterfly tshirt's as I like it. I might do some of the others. but I need your guys ok and help with designs. ok?? rtb.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:55 am on Oct. 10, 2003
Quote: from ringthebells on 4:55 pm on Oct. 10, 2003 let's decide on the quality.rtb.
and how do we do this? who decides? who decides who decides? at the end someone has to go ahead and do it. maybe consult a couple of guys in private after having seen the idea here. coodinate through BK so that not many people do it -and to have his blessing. anybody else out there has leather balls? (yes maybe we can go play rugby) c'mon guys, stop so much talking and someone be brave and go ahead and do something about it? or am i going to have to do it myself?
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:01 am on Oct. 10, 2003
RTB, That's fine by me. If BK's too busy and you are in the business, then (with BK's blessing) I would willingly have you take the reigns.. You seem to know the business. Cotton is a must. Quality is now your call. But yes nike/adidas sounds ok to me. I myself don't like rubber printing as it can make you sweat, and I think silk printing looks better. As far as longevity, so what. I don't keep "T" shirts for more than 1-2 years anyway... I vote Silk Print. An Embroidered Calligraphic Butterfly also sounds ok. But where can we advertise BKK tonight? This was my original intent to spread the word about BKK Tonight. One butterfly may be enough! To keep it simple: "T" Shirts & Polo Shirts. (with breast pocket!) White with Butterfly (Royal Blue) (as per BK's) suggestion, on the back. Nearly full width of shoulders. Loose fitting, Quality Cotton (Addidas/Nike) with Silk Print... BKK Tonight on left side (Breast pocket if available). I will help with finances if need be, just PM me.. You are in business. You need to make a profit , so after you have done the math, just stick another 50baht on for the charitable donation. ok... Shipping cost are extra. Yes I agree SMEGMA, lets get this show rolling. I want my "T" SHIRT NOW!!! rtb, go for it. TC.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:43 am on Oct. 10, 2003
i sent pm to BK, regarding the design. just wating for that and then I can make samples. it's that simple. rtb.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:02 am on Oct. 10, 2003
I like the butterfly design - it is classy. How about translating each name in Thai script to its phonetic equivelant name? A free Thai lesson comes with each shirt............... Put me down for two - size XL!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:35 am on Oct. 10, 2003
Quote: from Smegma on 4:38 pm on Oct. 10, 2003 Too many opinions. At the end we will have to live with whatever someone decides -decission process enriched by reading all the good sugestions and opinions here given by all. To make it easier on the person deciding, and not burden him with too many thoughts, I will not submit any idea myself. I will happily buy whatever shirt is finally made.
If Mr. Smegma will allow my humble opinion....... I must admit......... His post is brilliant. Same for me, and I guess, a few hundred other guys.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:19 pm on Oct. 10, 2003