YMBIT if distance, directions and location are reckoned in 7-11s, i.e. "Oh, that massage parlor is just three 7-11s away. When you get to that 7-11 up ahead, take a right, then a left at the next 7-11, and you'll see the massage parlor just across the street from the next 7-11. Can't miss it."
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:01 am on Nov. 4, 2004
If you can get a beer and bj for the price of a pizza in the U.S., ymbit. If it costs less money for you to get laid than it costs for you to fill up a tank of gas in the U.S., ymbit
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:14 am on Nov. 4, 2004
Hugh Jardon
If Aussie model Sheilas consider you to be a cockroach...ymbit If you look like Fred Elliot and can't get laid by a TG, you must be in a British Soap. If you look like Fred Elliot and can get laid whenever, wherever or as many times as you like, ymbit If your shopping list in Boots includes a large pack of biggest size condoms and some KY jelly ymbit
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:37 pm on Nov. 4, 2004
French Goat
If the "beer garden" doesn't sell more than 10 different brands of beer, and none of those is a belgian one, and, moreover, you are not there for drink a beer anyway, then you might be in Thailand!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:02 pm on Nov. 4, 2004
QUOTE: "If your thai bar girl girlfriend brings you another, even better looking girl, as your Valentine's Day present, ymbit." "If a mamasan at a soi33 bar runs out to the nearby 7-11 and brought back a condom for you so that you can bf one of her girls, ymbit. " OK guys....we have had some great ymbit jokes so far...please keep them coming!! Not wishing to point fingers or discount anyones attempts at making these jokes but I must point out that some people don't quite get the point of these jokes. The two quoted above simply do not work...much like this one I am making up as an example... "If you are in Bangkok on a long tail boat on the Chao Praya river drinking a Singha with an Isaan bar girl smoking you.....ymbit" Guys...when you make references to LOS or BGs directly then it is simply ruined. I hate to bitch but sorry, these types with direct references are not funny.... So here is my latest offering.... "If your girlfriend can serve in table tennis without using her hands or a paddle....ymbit" (Now thats funny me tinks!) Keep em coming!! Cyborg
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:04 pm on Nov. 4, 2004
If a ladyboy looks better than your GF, TYMBIT. If you barfine the most beautiful girl in the world and then find out later that she has bits and pieces and you thought for sure you could tel if they were ladyboys TYMBIT
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:51 pm on Nov. 4, 2004
If your ordered Cola, but you're getting Gin... and you don't mind - ymbit If you dont pay any attention to Caucasian girls that you used to consider 'hot' - ymbit
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:07 pm on Nov. 4, 2004
French Goat
- If you are a non-smoker yourself but enjoy the company of ladies who "smoke", then you might be in Thailand. - If you cannot tell for sure if smoking "sucks" or not, you might be in Thailand!!! - If you don't remember or even never asked the name of the lovely lady who slept with you last night, then you might be in Thailand. If you only refer to her by a number and the name of the place where you met her, it confirms that you probably are in Thailand again...
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:09 pm on Nov. 4, 2004
Broken Leg
If you've just started a 10 stretch for smoking a spliff then YMBIT.....
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:14 pm on Nov. 4, 2004