Been hearing about this Cialis. Supossed to work like Viagra but for up to 36 hours. Anyone with experience? Is it available in BKK or Pattaya? Thanks
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:58 pm on Nov. 18, 2003
Yes it has been available in LOS for quite some time. The bad news is it is very expensive. Very likely to be cheaper from your home country.I have tried it numerous times, only difference than Viagra is that you can eat, drink alcohol ( not too much) and it will still work efficiently for upto several hours continuously. Also it won't give you those dizzy spells and increased heart rate. It will stay in your bloodstream for upto 48 hours depending on various factors, food eaten body size...... I have personally found penagra to be just as effective on my performance and happily take these.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:34 am on Nov. 19, 2003
ib6ub9 - I have found Cialis to be somewhat milder than Viagra, but lasts considerably longer. I also do not experience the viagra headache, upset stomach and flushes! IMHO, sex is more enjoyable with Cialis as you can control when you decide to shoot - where the Big "V" can spike your cannon! - I can also get from Eden, past the TG's on the patio, and to the hotel next door without splitting my pants.. Cheers - moke
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:38 pm on Nov. 19, 2003
Deep File
The product just received approval from the FDA in the states. Wider distribution and larger sales volumes may reduce the cost.... Quote from The New York Times Cialis, a drug for impotence made by Eli Lilly & Company and the Icos Corporation, was approved yesterday, adding a new competitor in a $1.74 billion annual market. Cialis joins Pfizer's Viagra, approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1998, and GlaxoSmithKline's Levitra, approved earlier this year. Levitra has won about 15 percent of the new prescriptions in the market. If Cialis does as well in the United States as it has in Europe, its sales could eclipse those of Levitra. The company has said that clinical studies have shown that the effect of Cialis can last 24 to 36 hours - several times that of either Viagra or Levitra. The drug's absorption is unaffected by eating, the company says, whereas absorption of both Viagra and Levitra are impeded by rich meals. "In France, it's called 'le weekend' drug, " said Mark Barbato, executive director for the Lilly-Icos partnership for Cialis. Such talk continues to drive the transformation of TV commercials. When it was introduced in 1998, Viagra used Bob Dole as its pitchman in ads emphasizing that impotence was a serious medical problem, particularly in elderly men. But to improve sales, Pfizer has increasingly aimed its message at young men. Lilly's ads will focus on the spontaneity that Cialis's longer duration allows patients. "When people take Viagra or Levitra, the clock becomes an issue because they have to have sex soon after taking the pill, " Mr. Barbato said. "With Cialis, you could take the pill before you go to work on Friday morning and then let your sexual activity in the evening unfold however it will." By GARDINER HARRIS November 22, 2003
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:41 pm on Nov. 21, 2003
Having invested 2600 bt in four pills I hope it does the trick. But I take beta blockers for a blood pressure condition (acebutelol and approvel* and the literature warns against mixing C with nitrites. Do any of you expert dudes know whether the two above fall into the relevant category? I have taken V and Penegra with no obvious ill effects.... Thanx, dox
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:40 am on Nov. 24, 2003
pantagruel - Check with your doctor first! Having said that, if you have no problems with viagra, cialis should be okay as the side effects are milder. Having said that, again - check with your doctor!!!
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:52 am on Nov. 24, 2003
Panta, let us know if it works while under the influence. The one thing I hate about drinking sometimes for long periods......
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:00 am on Nov. 24, 2003
pantagruel, I am on Tenormin (ACETENALOL) since few years. took couple of times cialis. I think the medicine does not falls in nitrites but you should consult your doctor for sure. Specially if you got fast heart beat during high blood pressure. Let me know what your doctor adviced you.But one thing is for sure. Nothing should stop you to enjoy in LOS. just use some common sence when using any medicine. cheers !! crop till drop !!
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:01 am on Nov. 24, 2003
Smegma, no worries, drink and drive (in bed) with your honey's all you want. I use a Chinese copy of cialis as mentioned in a previous thread, and you can eat and drink yourself silly and no worries. The big plus (pun intended) is that when you wake up in the morning, cialis is still available for overtime duty without popping it again. It doesn't make you a 4 hour raging bull, but if you like the long distance stallion approach your ready to run.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:22 am on Nov. 24, 2003