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first of all why did I get these. Went to the travel clinic of my HMO and had an interview with the Nurse. She noted that I keep looking down her blouse and since I was going to Thailand I better get lots of shots.
Hep A
Hep B Enerix
A Polio shot
Sorry about the med words spelling!

And I was issued 12 Cipro 750mg to start if I have any signs, sores blisters drips pain when piss etc.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:35 pm on June 5, 2004
Hep A
Hep B Enerix
A Polio shot

That will teach you to look down at the nurses tities. Never fornicate with medical personnel when they are getting ready to give you shots or stick their finger up your ass.

Looks like your well prepared for the dangers of LOS.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:57 pm on June 5, 2004
i usually wait till fornacation begins before they start cleaning my arse. The girls wonder why I offer to buy the a manacure before I "pay bar".....

I hope I'm well protected but I still wish there was a shot for Hep C...
That nasty nurse must have know I was a back door man as I could see she was wearing thong panties!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:42 pm on June 5, 2004
BKK Banger
My list had:

Hepatitis A & B

Hence only meningitis was not in your list.

Yellow Fever not normally required in Thailand.

That she gave you antibiotics for a bacterial infection was very sweet of her.

I always advise visitors to Asia to have the whole lot. I once spent some time with a Typhus victim in Africa who had refused vaccinations on the bizarre basis that they caused more harm than good. He lost over 30 kg in weight and was in hospital for two months.

Needless to say I did not catch it even though I had been with him at the place where he caught it.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:00 am on June 24, 2004
You're scaring me! Is it really necessary to have all of these shots if most of the time (I'm guessing) we are going to be in a bar, hotel etc., in Bangkok, Pattaya etc? Also I'm not so sure about self medicating the anti-biotics, doesn't that often lead to more "nasty" strains of the bacteria?


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:45 am on June 24, 2004
if you just visit Pattaya and Bangkok none are needed
if you visit the jungle thats another matter.The word hypercondriac springs to mind reading between the lines. Using antibotics when you do not really need them just makes more chance they will not work if you really got sick doctors are not giving them so often in the west anymore because bacterias get resistant to them, not recommended.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:10 am on June 24, 2004
Hepatitis you can catch that anywhere not especially in thailand that is what I mean. so unless you live a sheltered life why only get this before going to Thailand, I got shots a few years back.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:08 am on June 24, 2004
The hep shots are are good move a highly contagious disease that is easily prevented witha vacinnation. Many of the others you would have gotten in school in the us if you were born after 1955.

Too bad I couldn't have been vacinnated to farang women (now that is a deadly disease) when I was in school. would have saved me a lot of grief.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:07 pm on June 24, 2004
BKK Banger
You need them all!!!!

Thailand has poor levels of hygiene. You can catch any of these diseases walking down the street, swimming in the hotel pool or sucking on a beer bottle.

My favourite is the beer bottle. The top is a breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria transmitted by handling and for leptospirosis.

The bottles are washed thoroughly at the brewery but once filled can sit in open storage until packing. Packing is a lot better than it was 10 or 15 years ago and it is rare now to see bottles shipped in open crates.

However once the packaging is opened the rats and roaches can get at it. Beer bars are overrun with such vermin. Open bars find it impossible to control.

I would refer you back to my previous post about my friend who decided not to bother with vaccinations. We reckoned he contracted Typhus standing on a highway bridge watching the more intrepid inspect an open sewer. The smell of raw sewage is ever present in Bangkok and Pattaya......

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:56 pm on June 24, 2004
"The bottles are washed thoroughly at the brewery but once filled can sit in open storage until packing. "

Aren't beer bottles caped immediately after they're filled?

Cheers, Hic!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:02 am on June 25, 2004

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