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haam sup

Quote: from The Machine on 12:10 pm on April 15, 2003
Dairy foods which are uncommon in the Thai diet are the source of bad body odour.

Still pulling answers out of your (probably unwashed) ass, Machine?

Thais routinely drink milk, and nom priaw...both of which are dairy products, last time I checked.

The odor of dairy-consumers is an old legend, usually attributed to Chinese sniffers, and apparently useful as fodder for those who have nothing to say, but want to appear knowlegable...

haam sup

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:21 pm on April 14, 2003
The Machine
Haam Sup

You are what you eat and in your case it is probably plenty of shit.

Thais consume very small amounts of dairy produce compared to a typical western diet and in fact many Aisans are lactose intolerant so they cannot even digest dairy produce. You couldn't even find dairy produce in Thailand 20 years ago and dairy is not part of the traditional thai diet.
It leaves a distinct odour when eliminating from the body.    

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:47 am on April 15, 2003
think the odour of some crisp new "Nung Phans" comming from the Farangs wallet is enuff to overcome anything else that may smell offensive to the average BG/TG

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:23 am on April 15, 2003
Jumping Jack

O so true



Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:35 am on April 15, 2003
Thin White Duke

think the odour of some crisp new "Nung Phans" comming from the Farangs wallet is enuff to overcome anything else that may smell offensive to the average BG/TG - Thai


Thaiprivate eye-  will "Nung Phans" overcome smell of Machine breath as he barks his shit, (or shites)?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:25 pm on April 15, 2003

How soon you forget, it takes two shits to make one "shite."

And with this stunningly banal bit of trivia, I will become a beer bar pro .


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:44 pm on April 15, 2003
haam sup

Quote: from Thin White Duke on 2:25 am on April 16, 2003

Thaiprivate eye- Ýwill "Nung Phans" overcome smell of Machine breath as he barks his shit, (or shites)?

Actually, TWD, Machine IS correct about 'Aisans' being largely lactose intolerant, with estimates from 70 - 90% affected. ÝSo their GAS, with which I'm sure Machine, seat-smeller that he is, is familiar, MAY be somewhat more, ah..., fragrant.

As for 'traditional' diet, and what was popular 20 years ago, I'm not sure (although a GF confirms that she grew up drinking milk, and she's 32)...but the statement was about what causes BODY odor, and my statement stands: consuming dairy products has no bearing on it.

It's a typical 'cute' story: Chinese man say "White devil smell bad, drink cow's milk". ÝPure ethnic stereotyping.

Next we'll hear about subservient Oriental women, or some such crap.

Oh, and I, myself, am mildly lactose intolerant, having some Native American blood in my veins. ÝWooo, wooo, wooo, wooo....hay-ya, hay-ya...

Wow!! It's raining.....

haam sup

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:44 pm on April 15, 2003
Thin White Duke
Mr. Sup- Happy Poster as I am I will not contest your last statement re: the flatulous and olfactory issues of your arch-nemesis. Far be it from me, (I mean really far), to begin testing these premises. I give.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:10 pm on April 15, 2003
haam sup

Let me know if you need any rain over your way


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:35 pm on April 15, 2003
Thin White Duke
Mr. Sup-

Rained like hell in HB, RB, MB. Today sunny and mild.

And please sir do not misunderstand me, I pray at the alter every night that in the next life I come back as a girls bicycle seat........

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:11 pm on April 15, 2003

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