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Haam sup beat me to the punch.

gook is entirely as negative and emotionally charged a racial epithet as nigger, spic, kike. There is NO fun involved, and before you accuse ME of being PC, you ASSHOLE gooklvr,, you'd best find out who are are talking to. I'm about as non PC as one can get, and well known for it.

To designate yourself with a handle such as 'gooklvr' on a forum that celevrates Thai women, is just as inherently offensive as showing up at an Urban League convention with a nametag that said "NIGGERLOVER"

It crosses the line, and whether or not you are truly a prick racist dirtball, gooklvr, it sees to it that you perceived as such.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:08 am on April 21, 2003
And I'm from the USA
But I live in Bangkok
And I am married to a Thai
And I have been here for 15 years
And I am a Vietnam veteran
And I am 52 years old
And you sound like a low grade moron teenager, your writing is the pathetic scribbling of some urban ethnic cretin, like haam sup I strongly suspect you have never been to Asia, you are a miserable wanker, so shut the f_ck up.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:14 am on April 21, 2003
How pathetic can you get???  Yeah your not PC!  My ass, then why would that even be a PC comment to you?  You got me really scared now...  I better change... Hmmm ...
Yep it's people like you that's got this world in a downhill slide... I guess no one can offend anyone anymore according to you.
Well I best be going now I got to get rid of these last few bullets... saw some spics down the road! Bye

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:18 am on April 21, 2003
Hey Sauron... GOT RICE?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:21 am on April 21, 2003
By the warehouse full, you pinhead.

Got balls?

(Rhetorical question, it's obvious that you don't.)

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:28 am on April 21, 2003
I will plead ignorance. Not being a native English speaker, and having learn the language in adulthood, I failed to learn some of the more folkloric epithets.

I am still not sure what it means, but in this case, I give the benefit of the doubt to haam sup and Sauron in this matter to conclude that is a nasty thing to say. BTW, can anyway explain a bit more what the word intends to mean by way of insult.

H-S, I hope this answers your question on my supposed promotion. I was only addressing the intringulis of the matter.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:51 am on April 21, 2003

Hmmm, reading some of gooklvr51's posts , one should not object to nicks such as :
'nigger_lover' or 'chink' , or 'jew_boy' or 'irish_trash' , or 'limey_shitface', etc. etc ,. as long as one has a smile on one's face . Right?    

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:22 am on April 21, 2003
haam sup
Thanks Sauron, Zipper.

Smeg - it kind of refreshing to know that you DON'T know the term - sorry to have assumed you did...

gook - n. Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a person of East Asian birth or descent.

The point's moot. ÝThe moron is history.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:37 pm on April 21, 2003
So tell me, what exactly is the difference between calling an asian a "gook" and calling a french guy a "weasel" or "frog"??

This kind of f_cking stupid hypocrisy is really both amusing and incomprehensible at the same time.

I agree that "gook" is very insulting, and should not be used at all, especially not in this forum.

But "specialists" like Sauron are in no position at all to make any demands here. Unless they watch their on language first.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:08 pm on April 21, 2003
haam sup

There is a subtle distinction here.

First, weasel is a GENERAL perjorative description, which is non-race-specific, hence the term 'Axis of Weasels', describing the French, German, and Russian states, used largely because their GOVERNMENTS had a DIFFERENT agenda with respect to Iraq, than did the US GOVERNMENT.

Quite different, actually, than calling a specific RACE of people weasels.

'Frog', however, IS generally used to describe French persons, and, at least to my mind, not much different from calling an American a Yank. ÝIt really denote a COUNTRY, rather than a race.

WOG, gook, spic, etc. are all racial terms, and widely condemned.

That said, my intent (not necessarily Sauron's) was to call the guy's manners into question, not to prevent his being a bigot. ÝHopefully, we will not sink to calling even our most disliked adversaries by their races.

haam sup

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:48 pm on April 21, 2003

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