Beer Barone
you know....Americans don't even mind being called "yanks"....it actually has a somewhat positive conotation. The only reason I don't like it is because I'm a "REB"...yanks are from the north! Only Americans are going to understand this. I hate frogs. Dirty nasty monsters of deceit!
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:37 pm on April 21, 2003
@ haam sup: Aha... I don't really get it, at least not immediately... But I'm not a native English speaker, so I just take your word for it, so far. @ Beer Barone: I don't recall any really bad names for US-Citizens right now... "Yanks" is somehow neutral, although clearly targeted at the northern Union, if I remember the Civil War correctly. (Dubbya would probably feel a little bit insulted when called a Yank?) But I'm quite sure that the Asians (and Blacks and ...) also have one or two "special" words for the Caucasian race in general. BTW, you should actually like the Fro.. ahh French, at least a little bit. You know what Chirac replied in 1995 when the UN sternly critized the French because of their nuclear tests? "Je pisse sur l'Onu" = "I shit on the UN" ;) Ý
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:24 pm on April 21, 2003
Beer Barone
I don't like them and that's final! Even the most irrational people act rationally some of the time. This was one of those times for Chirac, although I never heard about this particular statement. Well, now that I've offically done my "thread f_cking" for the evening, I bid you adieu. BB
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:29 pm on April 21, 2003
Quote: from Fritz But I'm quite sure that the Asians (and Blacks and ...) also have one or two "special" words for the Caucasian race in general.
Yup, and more then just a few. Asians also have names for other races that are not very nice!! Infact with asians it can go as deep at where you were born. Like China, U.S, Taiwan, Hong Kong, ect.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:38 pm on April 21, 2003
Beer Barone
name calling is for children....sticks and stones kiddies...bring them on, this white boy can handle it BB
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:39 pm on April 21, 2003
Quote: from Beer Barone on 8:39 am on April 22, 2003 name calling is for children....sticks and stones kiddies...bring them on, this white boy can handle it BB
Wonder what 'white boys' like you, are doing in the land of 'gooks' ? Let me also add re what I've learned on Thai lady preferences, by nationality : Most disliked are the Thais. This is often because a lot of these girls had their first sex experience with a fellow Thai & were subsequently let down by that individual . That episode colors their view of Thai men in general. Second most disliked are : (Surprise !, Surprise!!) our noble warriors from 'The Land of the Free' ie, the USA . There are two basic reasons for this : 1. These 5 ft nothing Thai ladies regard those 6 foot 3 & 220 lbs plus, supposed 'he men' as some kind of freaks . 2. The American (& British & Aussie ) fondness for facials and anal sex endears them to no Thai lady that I've ever come across. 3. Chinese are not liked particularly, because they are very demanding & tight fisted. 4. Europeans (excluding Brits) are generally liked, along with the Japanese.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:43 am on April 22, 2003
Really??...that's quite different to the answers I've ever gotten from girls. Doubtless the ones you hear they like best are the ones you fit into...and I hear the ones I fit into....however certainly the major dislikes are different to what you list.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:14 am on April 22, 2003
Quote: from zipper on 4:43 pm on April 22, 2003
Quote: from Beer Barone on 8:39 am on April 22, 2003 name calling is for children....sticks and stones kiddies...bring them on, this white boy can handle it BB
Wonder what 'white boys' Ýlike you, are doing in the land of 'gooks' ? Let me also add re what I've learned on Thai lady preferences, by nationality : Most disliked are the Thais. This is often because a lot of these girls had their first sex experience with a fellow Thai & were subsequently let down by that individual . That episode colors their view of Thai men in general. Ý Second most disliked are : (Surprise !, Surprise!!) our noble warriors from 'The Land of the Free' ie, the USA . There are two basic reasons for this : Ý1. These 5 ft nothing Thai ladies regard those Ý Ý Ý6 foot 3 Ý & 220 lbs plus, Ýsupposed 'he men' as Ý Ý Ý Ýsome kind of Ýfreaks .
What about Americans that are under 6'3?
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:48 pm on April 22, 2003
Thin White Duke
_____________________________________________ 1. These 5 ft nothing Thai ladies regard those Ý Ý 6 foot 3 Ý & 220 lbs plus, Ýsupposed 'he men' as Ý Ý Ý some kind of Ýfreaks- Zippy the newest pinhead. _____________________________________________ I'm six foot three, from Detroit Michigan, and whiter than white on rice. Tell you one thing pin head, no Thai girl I ever met has viewed me as "a freak" when being handed a thousand baht note. Japanese are favored for their ignorance of currency exchange, and reputation for overpaying and for tiny dicks. They are widely regarded as easy marks for st short dickin ripoffs. British, Germans, if some of the rudeness exhibited inside the bars and on the street is any indication of their bedroom behavior, which is usually the case. I say you're wrong on this one. Zippy, you're wisecrack about the "Noble warrior", possibly, is in reference to the recent effort underway to free an enslaved people from a murderous dictator. That and your thinly veiled racist attack, (who said gooks?), only expose Ýyou as the dimwitted lowblow a-hole you are. Go to f_cking hell asshole, and don't let the door hit you on the way out. Ý Ý
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:26 pm on April 22, 2003
I'm not sure how the subject matter went from Farlang smells to what bg's like and dislike, but ........ I'll go with the flow. I can only comment on the Asian part. I think that we need to define asians here. I've never heard a tg complain about A.B.A = American Born Asians. Their issues are usually with foriegn born individuals, especially Koreans. As for the rest, each female has her likes and dislikes and if you happened to get one that likes your Ýlook or nationality, ect. then Ýgreat. If not, then it still won't stop her from going out with you. Why?? Because as we've all stated long ago, it's the $$$ that they are mostly interested in. Keep it real gentlemen!! ha ha ha!!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:32 pm on April 22, 2003