haam sup
"Japanese are favored for their ignorance of currency exchange, and reputation for overpaying and for tiny dicks. They are widely regarded as easy marks for st short dickin ripoffs." - TWD Funny, BGs I know HATE the Japanese. ÝYes, some of them will participate, because of the cash, but many say Japanese are sadistic, and like to hurt the girls and humiliate them. Let's face it: Thai bar girls are NOT exactly social scientists. ÝThey make generalized judgements based on their most recent experience with a particular race/nationality. ÝI have seen them reverse themselves after a positive experience. Zipper, the moron, should know better. ÝEveryone else should be able to discern between members' wishful projections (TWD) and the truth, which is that there IS no truth... TWD, for a while, I feared you were in danger of losing the descriptor, 'unhinged', which I earlier bestowed upon you. You're safe. haam sup
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:17 pm on April 22, 2003
Thin White Duke
Mr Sup- I may be beginning to realize the origins of crustydom. Once again I implore all good men to cease namecalling, do not use the 123 emoticon, and be especially nice to newbies, for they no not what idiots they are. And thanks for the reminder of the handle. It's probably the nicest thing you've said to me today. It's been said I put the tic in Lunatic, (Another shameless time reference), but the Dilantin helps. With regard to the Japanese men, I stand behind the tiny dick generaliztion, and while easily perceived as a racist view, I've seen enough Jap AV to say with authoritie. Still enjoy a visit to Tokyo once or twice a year however.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:54 pm on April 22, 2003
Quote: from Thin White Duke on 4:26 am on April 23, 2003 no Thai girl I ever met has viewed me as "a freak" when being handed a thousand baht note.
Aahhh! Yes. The wonders and powers of the mighty thousand Baht note. Amazing what it can do. Gotta love it. Don't you?
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:46 pm on April 22, 2003
Thin White Duke
Opened many a zipper not otherwise have opened.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:20 pm on April 22, 2003
haam sup
TWD: "With regard to the Japanese men, I stand behind the tiny dick generaliztion, and while easily perceived as a racist view, I've seen enough Jap AV to say with authoritie. Still enjoy a visit to Tokyo once or twice a year however." So, in spite of their small dicks, you still enjoy a visit to Tokyo, once or twice a year??? Hey folks, I don't write 'em, I just point 'em out... haam sup all sincerity aside, I'm just jokin'
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:43 pm on April 22, 2003
Quote: from Thin White Duke on 4:26 am on April 23, 2003 _____________________________________________ 1. These 5 ft nothing Thai ladies regard those Ý Ý 6 foot 3 Ý & 220 lbs plus, Ýsupposed 'he men' as Ý Ý Ý some kind of Ýfreaks- Zippy the newest pinhead. _____________________________________________ I'm six foot three, from Detroit Michigan, and whiter than white on rice. Tell you one thing pin head, no Thai girl I ever met has viewed me as "a freak" when being handed a thousand baht note. Japanese are favored for their ignorance of currency exchange, and reputation for overpaying and for tiny dicks. They are widely regarded as easy marks for st short dickin ripoffs. British, Germans, if some of the rudeness exhibited inside the bars and on the street is any indication of their bedroom behavior, which is usually the case. I say you're wrong on this one. Zippy, you're wisecrack about the "Noble warrior", possibly, is in reference to the recent effort underway to free an enslaved people from a murderous dictator. That and your thinly veiled racist attack, (who said gooks?), only expose Ýyou as the dimwitted lowblow a-hole you are. Go to f_cking hell asshole, and don't let the door hit you on the way out. Ý Ý
Ha!, Ha!, Ha! You seem kinda rattled 'noble warrior'. My reference to the despicable word 'gooks' was an excerpt from an earlier post from one of your kind - specifically : an asshole with the nick of 'gook-lover'. Let me add: I have the greatest respect & regard for Thai people in general, including BGs' & MP ladies . They do what they have to do , not because they (remotely ) like your kind, but because they want to educate a younger sibling and/or care for sick /elderly parents. I consider this to be noble, not bombing defenceless people.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:01 am on April 23, 2003
Quote: from Yurune on 5:14 pm on April 22, 2003 Really??...that's quite different to the answers I've ever gotten from girls. Doubtless the ones you hear they like best are the ones you fit into...and I hear the ones I fit into....however certainly the major dislikes are different to what you list.
Care to list YOUR version of major dislikes?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:04 am on April 23, 2003
ÝWhat about Americans that are under 6'3?
I'd mentioned TWO reasons for dislikes: Ý 1. > 6'3 Ý 2. Ýfondness for facials & anal sex I've never asked a lady what she thinks of Americans who happen to be < 6'3 and wo don't practice facials & anal sex. Similarly I've never asked a lady whether she prefers brown eyes to blue, or a shining bald head. If you are interested in such details, go ahead & do the groundwork yourself. Maybe you could write a thesis on the subject at some stage.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:16 am on April 23, 2003
What's up, Zipper? You sound a bit troubled, mate. Take it easy and enjoy life, buddy! (You wanna talk about it?)
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:19 am on April 23, 2003
Quote: from Whisper on 12:19 pm on April 23, 2003 What's up, Zipper? You sound a bit troubled, mate. Take it easy and enjoy life, buddy! :) (You wanna talk about it?)
Me troubled ? Not at all . But, I do get a kick from reading some of the stuff (mostly gibberish) that emanates from most of the bros. on these forums. Some of it is really quite hilarious, providing that one doesn't take it seriously.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:38 am on April 23, 2003