Quote: from haam sup on 7:17 am on April 23, 2003 . Zipper, the moron, should know better. Ý. haam sup
haam sup : You consider me a moron? Here was I thinking that you're somewhat more sensible than the rest (of the people on this forum). Perhaps we are BOTH wrong.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:18 am on April 23, 2003
Zipper he is. H-S is "somewhat more sensible than the rest". But he swtiches on and off his sensible side and is somehow capricious and very selective about the timing of and the people he wants to expose to such side. It has taking me long, but I am getting the timing right now about 90% of .......... the time (duh!). I guess you may have to work a little bit more at it and be patient.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:27 am on April 23, 2003
sorry interfering here, but i can second zippers points of the dislike of the girls on some sexual practices mainly linked to some nations. in general these girls do not like sadist games and also are not at all into anal, facials or even bj's which are so desperately demanded by some particular fellows of some nations.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:07 am on April 23, 2003
griffin that is the beauty of modern times. how easily can the masses be manipulated by mass marketing. what you mention is the result of the superb and magnificent porno industry in the USA. if such beautiful babes, with perfect breast implants as one see in each single porno movie coming from the USA, they all like facials so much -to the point of making gargles with cum while smiling with eyes wide open, and all engage in anal, what are guys like us going to think about the rest of the world? If every one in the world loves all the fashion and trends that come out of the USA -McDonnalds, DrPepper, Britney Spears, rap music, etc. how is one not to expect that these girls are not taking the hint from the porno USA industry
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:25 am on April 23, 2003
haam sup
Quote: from zipper on 6:18 pm on April 23, 2003 haam sup : You consider me a moron? Here was I thinking that you're somewhat more sensible than the rest (of the people on this forum). Ý Perhaps we are BOTH wrong.
Zipster - Although Smegma is partially correct: caprice DOES modulate my tone here, you earned an honorary 'moron' accolade by your post on Thai girl preferences. ÝHad you qualified it by saying: "These are only the opinions of the limited number of BGs I have spoken to, and are not necessarily representative of Thai Bar Girls in general, and may, in fact, have something to do with my own prejudices.", I would have given you a pass, specifically because you blindly supported me in something or other I said earlier. Long sentence, eh? Anyway, to the extent that caprice has caused me to cause you injury, I am probably apologetic. ÝIt is unlikely to happen again, except as caused by acts of The Cosmic Muffin, natural disasters, and acts of war. ÝYour mileage may vary. Batteries not included. haam sup
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:33 pm on April 23, 2003
I was actually only being facetious about the less than 6'3 question. Even though I am less than 6'3.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:30 pm on April 23, 2003
Thin White Duke
Mr. Sup - Caprice sounds like a nice lady. Does she know Nam? I miss Nam and am still looking for her. Has Caprice seen Nam? Anyway, tell Caprice I said "hi", and take care. (PS- If Zippity Do Dah knocks please tell him I, (like all americans, am off having anal sadistic sex and giving facials to silicone breasted porn stars).
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:53 pm on April 23, 2003
Mr. Sup: ÝI thought Caprice was a car made by General Motors. ÝYou do mention mileage after all.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:57 am on April 24, 2003
haam sup
Ok, I will resort to the redundant: capriciousnessability. hs
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:00 am on April 24, 2003
H-S, you are right. You are not capricious. You just may sometimes seem capricious to those who do not know you well yet. I should have better explained myself. Anyway, from Zipper's point of view the above should make little difference as of now. In due time after he reads more posts from you, I hope he will get the difference. Cheers
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:12 am on April 24, 2003