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I have a Samsung Galaxy S 11
Bought in Australia I'm very happy has all the bells & whistles more than half I'll never use.

Last week I had a Business associate down from AC

we went to MBK and he like my phone, mate he said how much are they back in OZ?

I'm on a plan but I think there about $888?

On the 4th floor they worked out to be $530 AUD

Looked same same, same sealed box so he took the punt.

He skyped me today and said wi fi no work and it over heats

f***en China Knock off!

There unreal they know your on a short holiday and won't come back to complain, even if you did the Thais not refund your money.

So buy your phone from the Correct shop at HOME.

Or if you want an apple see Daffy you can trust him

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:41 am on Oct. 24, 2011

Put DG space for rent on iggy like you have done for me on him please, every time I make a post he's stalking me and I can't read what his saying, he HAS to have the last word on every thing!

He thinks is a GURU

Yeah he is a Guru in his own mind

Why not just keep him in the Z & CW

Any Money MORE Members will come back

What you think guys?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:33 am on Oct. 24, 2011
I'll support that, Jingjo.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:18 am on Oct. 24, 2011
Look, here's the point -- yes, BK has placed DG and Blonk on ignore for our accounts so we can't see his stuff.

That's nice - but pointless.

Pointless because DG's bullshit, and mostly lies, can still be seen by everyone else - and without the ability to be aware of his crap or his lies, others will take whatever he says at face value.

It's bad forum management.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:55 am on Oct. 24, 2011
jingjo, well, if he posts here again or in any of the threads that you have started, let me know and I will send him back to CW, and the you should also refrain from responding to him anymore otherwise you will be frozen.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:11 am on Oct. 24, 2011
james bond
Well said bkkz, something I will always do on forums and that is don't feed the trolls, they feed of it, people will find out in the end who's the turds.
Why bother replying to him Jingjo,you should know better really mate, start using your wisdom.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:26 pm on Oct. 24, 2011
I don't believe he is responding to him, rather than vent his frustration about DG's alleged stalking and disruptions.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:48 pm on Oct. 24, 2011
Well this thread is well and truly f***ed but lets try to steer it back.I will just say I want to always read everyones posts. Can't see the point to this cloak and dagger stuff but each to his own.

Interesting post Jingjo but if its cheap that usually means it is. Expensive is also no guarantee though I bought a toshiba sattelite f***in thing overheated. But would they replace it no and I never took out a long insurance so this happened after the insurance was finshed factory mistake becomes my problem.

It finally conked out last trip so I decided to buy a new one. Went to tesco lotus in klong toei only one labtop had legal software a gateway so I took it. It has thai keys but the prick kid in the shop was not much help.

There were more than 20 labtops only one had legal windows, that was sold seperatly I was informed.
It was the most expensive one in the shop but I know the problems down the line with illegal software just aint worth it. Its not like back home but just dont go for the stuff that seems too cheap as it probably is.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:48 pm on Oct. 24, 2011
China Sailor
I have a China built Android phone, I got it because it can run 2 SIMs simultaneously for voice and you can designate the default data SIM to avoid roaming charges.

Quite handy in my business as unlike some of the deviants on this site who use the iPhone I travel globally for business all of the time and having a two SIM capability is an essential. The smart phone aspect is a 'nice to have'.

It cost me 126 USD delivered and has a one year warranty. The company, 'ChinaVision' appears to have a good record in backing warranties so hell for that price if it lasts more than a year I am already ahead.

PM me if any of you are interested and I will hook you up with the company...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:48 pm on Oct. 24, 2011
Yeah, I heard some people till believe that having two physical SIMs is the only way to ave multiple phone numbers in a phone. Used to be a popular choice with bargirls, for obvious reasons.

I have 4 different numbers, including a European and Hong Kong number, ringing through (and able to call from) on my iPhone. Not really much of an issue. Let me know if you are interested in doing the same.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:41 am on Oct. 25, 2011

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