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Quote: from Smegma on 11:31 pm on Nov. 1, 2004

Quote: from GATOR420 on 10:50 am on Nov. 1, 2004
Don't know where you are from but just keep in mind that most imported products are likely going to be more expensive in Thailand than in your home country. Are you trying to say that Thailand is a very expensive place?

I'm saying that yes, genuine Sony, Nike, BMW's, and just about every other imported name brand is more expensive in Thailand than anywhere else.

I mean, you say that without knowing where he is from, most likely things here will be more expensive. So, in general Thailand is more expensive than Finland, Italy, India, Australia, Greece, Morocco, Holland, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Norway, Argentina, Mexico, Egypt, Iceland, Guatemala, Brazil, Germany, and so on......

Yes, Thailand in general is more expensive than the countries you mentioned above, and so on. This is due to their high "up to 40%" import tax on *most items.*

afterall.... we do not know where he is from, but we certainly know that most likely it will be more expensive in Thailand than wherever the hell he is from.

Yes, that's correct. Imported products will likely be more expensive.

Sorry Gator, but to me, saying that not knowing where he is from things here will be more expensive doesn't make much sense.

Not knowing where he is from refers to not knowing how much import taxes are in this person's home country and warranty issues. Hopefully that will clear things up for you.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:16 am on Nov. 1, 2004
I still disagree. I mean that without certain data it is still a very broad comment to make. You may be right, but I have doubts.

I could go and check and get data. But that will take a while -I may do it later. Maybe, maybe not. But until I find out by myself that I am wrong, or until you give me convincing data, I will continue thinking that you are most likely wrong.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:45 am on Nov. 1, 2004
How about ladyboys, is there a tax on their replacement parts ??

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:54 am on Nov. 1, 2004
Imported or made here?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:57 am on Nov. 1, 2004

Quote: from Smegma on 10:00 am on Nov. 2, 2004
I still disagree. I mean that without certain data it is still a very broad comment to make. You may be right, but I have doubts.

I could go and check and get data. But that will take a while -I may do it later. Maybe, maybe not. But until I find out by myself that I am wrong, or until you give me convincing data, I will continue thinking that you are most likely wrong.


Which "broad" comment were you referring to? The fact that imported goods cost more in Thailand than in most other countries importing the same item? I guarantee you I can get just about any identical electronic item imported into both the US and Thailand cheaper in the US than in Thailand. This applies to many other types of items as well. This is why I am dumbfounded when I see people anxious to make these types of purchases in Thailand. Often times I find prices higher in Thailand than the retail price listed on the manufacturer's website.

While you are of course free to believe as you wish, I would not detract other people from checking the prices in their own country first before making purchases for identical items in Thailand under the broad belief that *everything* is cheaper in Thailand. Just MHO.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:36 am on Nov. 1, 2004
Now you are talking about comparing between the USA and Thailand electronic items and about checking your "own" country (very obvious and I do agree with this-was I ever detracting anyone from checking on their own country? - this was not what we were discussing first).

But that is very different from saying that Thailand is more expensive that most countries in the world for anything imported. Again, you do not know where he is from.

Imported computer equipment for one, is more expensive in India than in Thailand. The same goes for cars. Imported books are more expensive in Venezuela than in Thailand. Imported original Louis Vuitton bags are more expensive in Japan than in Thailand. Nautica shirts are more expensive in the USA than in Thailand. Imported whiskey is more expensive in Argentina than in Thailand. Just a few examples.

I still disagree that "most imported products are more expensive in Thailand than in most countries." That to me is a very broad statement likely to be wrong. Don't you think that is very broad statement?

BTW, thanks for reminding me of my freedom to think as I wish. You are also free to... (nah, I won't say it.... cuz I like you a bit).

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:01 am on Nov. 1, 2004
A brief point of reference for import duties in Thailand from the Association of South East Asian Nations:

Particularly take a look a section 3:

Rates of Duty

There are six duty rates for imported goods, excluding vehicles which have special rates. These duty rates are as follows:

Duty rate is 0% for goods that government policy provides not to collect duties

Duty rate is 1% for raw materials

Duty rate is 5% for primary products and capital goods

Duty rate is 10% for intermediate products

Duty rate is 20% for finished products

Duty rate is 30% for government protected goods

There are two rates of duty to be paid for exported goods:

Duty rate of 5 baht/kg for raw hide

Duty rate of 40% for wood and sawn wood

I would imagine that an item like a laptop would fall under "finished goods" with a 20% duty rate. While some of the components may be manufactured in Thailand we do not know where it was assembled. My laptop says Mexico.

Now, if the import tax were only 10% in your home country, you immediately save 10% off the price just because you bought it at home instead of in Thailand.

And if any one of these products are made in your country, you've just saved 20%. Why would you come to Thailand to pay 20% more than you would in your own country? Makes no sense to me...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:02 am on Nov. 1, 2004

Quote: from GATOR420 on 11:17 pm on Nov. 1, 2004

Now, if the import tax were only 10% in your home country, you immediately save 10% off the price just because you bought it at home instead of in Thailand.

And if any one of these products are made in your country, you've just saved 20%. Why would you come to Thailand to pay 20% more than you would in your own country? Makes no sense to me...

Now notice a few things. One is the use of the word IF. Now you do not know where the guy is coming from. Do you know for certain that taxes in most countries are lower? Certainly you do not know what the tax in his country is because you do not know where he is from. So you could already be wrong.

Another one is that even if tax in the unknown country this guy is from is 10% lower, a savings in tax on the CIF cost does not automatically mean a lower selling price. You need to look at many more things to add into the equation. Now, if you actually believe that the most important thing in determing price differences between countries is import tax... well ok, then lets leave the discussion here.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:08 am on Nov. 1, 2004

Quote: from Smegma on 11:16 am on Nov. 2, 2004
Now you are talking about comparing between the USA and Thailand electronic items and about checking your "own" country (very obvious and I do agree with this-was I ever detracting anyone from checking on their own country? - this was not what we were discussing first).

But that is very different from saying that Thailand is more expensive that most countries in the world for anything imported. Again, you do not know where he is from.

Imported computer equipment for one, is more expensive in India than in Thailand. The same goes for cars. Imported books are more expensive in Venezuela than in Thailand. Imported original Louis Vuitton bags are more expensive in Japan than in Thailand. Nautica shirts are more expensive in the USA than in Thailand. Imported whiskey is more expensive in Argentina than in Thailand. Just a few examples.

I still disagree that "most imported products are more expensive in Thailand than in most countries." That to me is a very broad statement likely to be wrong. Don't you think that is very broad statement?

BTW, thanks for reminding me of my freedom to think as I wish. You are also free to... (nah, I won't say it.... cuz I like you a bit).

In case you haven't noticed, I have nothing to do at work.

I was just using electronic items as a reference, not a rule. And of course you are correct. I do not know where he is from which is why I made that statement to begin with. So if he was from India trying to buy a computer and import taxes are higher in India than in Thailand then of course it would make sense that the same item in Thailand would be cheaper than in India.

Perhaps the statement in itself may have been a little broad, but I do know for a fact that Thailand ranks right up there with having some of the highest import duties on goods manufactured outside of the country.

My point that I was trying to make was that while some things are cheaper in Thailand, there are many things that are not (electronics being one of them). It pays to do a bit of research before you buy. If nothing else, I hope I got that across.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:17 am on Nov. 1, 2004
There are no import tariffs on computers in Thailand. import tariffs were removed several years ago.

In my limited experience most laptop products are 10-15% more expensive than Singapore/Hong Kong but I think that is tied to a number of brands giving sole distributorships to various companies (and hence limited competition). Presumably they are subject to 7% VAT.

A number of PC components (hard disks especially) are exceptionally cheap in Thailand because they tend to fall off the back of lorries from the many electronics factories.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:18 am on Nov. 1, 2004

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