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Mel Gibson
Yep,, TRUE wireless ( Mobile wireless in Aus),, available near anywhere in major cities, is a great thing. I can sit at the beach with my son,, he plays in the sand I can check e-mails,, I can sit at work AHHHHH,, in my lunch-break and surf away without being accused of abusing Company property ( their telephone lines LOL )

Here in Aus,, I got 2 GIGABYTES per month,, FREE modem ( uses USB port ) for AUD $29. 2 year contract.
The modem,, looks like a small mobile phone AHHH Cell phone and just plugs into one of the holes on the side of the laptop. It uses the mobile ( Cell ) network, so anywhere you can use a phone you can use the internet.
Speed is excellent, only used it at one place that speed was a little slow ( small river / picnic place south of Sydney )
For the balance of speed / cost and most importantly flexibility,, YEP mobile wireless rules.

Do you have "3" ex Hutchinson in the USA?

don5252, for TRUE mobile wireless ( at park beach etc etc ) here in Aus it is normally through your mobile ( OOOPS CELL ) provider.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:01 am on Feb. 24, 2008
Mr Alan
I would not take advice about internet service in LA from someone who lives in Austrailia.

AT&T DSL (internet through your phone line) offers free Wi-Fi access at thousands of locations, but there is likely no provider of Wi-Fi at any location in LA unless you sign up for expensive wireless internet service with a wireless phone company (but it depends on the city--SF is working on a city-wide plan right now I believe).

If you get DSL, make sure your specify a wireless router (AT&T Wireless Gateway) for your home. If you get the "Pro Plan" you get a AT&T Wireless Gateway (wireless router) for free. Go to the AT&T webpage and see if DSL is available for your phone number.

Also, you should consider a Windows laptop, since you will be paying hundreds of dollars more for the "privledge" of using a Mac (for the equivilent processor speed, hard drive size, and memory size). HP and Dell both make very good laptops and have very good service (some credit cards will automatically add one year on to the warranty period, so check that out with your credit card company).

Just tell the salesperson what you want in terms of video (I am not sure what meant by "option to adapt screen monitor to my large screen t.v"). If you get a little more specific about the video requirements and what your budget is, someone on this forum can look at the BestBuy website and select a model for you.

AT&T DSL service will provide free virus scan software that you can download.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:53 am on Feb. 24, 2008
more complications here, I don't have a mobile phone, nor do I want one, I guess this means no unlimited wireless access, only regular access, I don't have 3 ex Hutchinson in USA
So maybe it could be put in a nutshell, when I ask for a laptop a wireless, with 2 GIGABYTES, per month hopfully with free modem for about $29 a month for a 2 year contract
Why should I be sure I'm not going to download porn? Wew, I'm exhausted
edit, according to Best Buys it's very simply inexpensive to plug your computer into a port on television to put the picture there, not sure about the quality
another edit, Daffy, Mr Alan say Windows will save you hundreds over Mac

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:54 am on Feb. 24, 2008
Mel Gibson
Mr Alan,, yes indeed I live in Australia,, that is the very reason I kept my advice reasonably non provider specific.

don5252,, if you want the freedom to log onto the internet at home,at the beach, at the park,, yes you want Mobile wireless and a suitable modem, yes it costs AUD $29 per month ( for 2 gig download) with a free modum here in Aus.
2 GIGabytes download limit per month will be plenty for normal internet surfing and email etc.

Mr Alan, I was trying hard to explain the difference between wireless,, as in a wireless modem on the end of you wire / cable,, good for 50 m- 100 metres ( yards) and mobile wireless,, you can use near anywhere ( I can use my 3,500 kilometres away in Perth Aus).

Mr Alan, is mobile wireless,, as in sit at home OR park/beach and connect, so expensive in the USA?


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:14 am on Feb. 24, 2008
Mr Alan

Quote: from Mel Gibson on 9:29 am on Feb. 24, 2008
Mr Alan, I was trying hard to explain the difference between wireless,, as in a wireless modem on the end of you wire / cable,, good for 50 m- 100 metres ( yards) and mobile wireless,, you can use near anywhere ( I can use my 3,500 kilometres away in Perth Aus).

Mr Alan, is mobile wireless,, as in sit at home OR park/beach and connect, so expensive in the USA?

Wireless internet is fairly expensive in most locations of the US, unless the city has its own wireless network. The reason is that it takes economy of scale to make the price reasonable, and most people already have (and only need) wired access to their homes and businesses. Wireless phones and internet seems to be cheaper when it arrives before (or about the same time) as wired access and can gather a large market share. Also, many companies provide their employees with Blackberry devices that have wireless email (and sometimes wireless internet) which reduces the demand for wireless internet access by consumers.

Most casual restaurants (where it would be appropriate to have a laptop) have free wireless access (you just ask them for the password). With AT&T DSL Pro Plan, you get free Wi-Fi from thousands of locations (including most McDonalds) that use the AT&T Wi-Fi service, if you are close enough (but don't have to be inside or ask them for password). The AT&T site provides a map of the sites.

Addtionally, it is sometimes possible to "borrow" a Wi-Fi connection since many Wireless routers do not have password protection set up. But you have to be within a reasonable distance from the router.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:34 am on Feb. 24, 2008
Mel Gibson
Don't tell me the USA is behind the times?,, GOD forbid.

How can that be,,, shit,, the sky is falling, the world may end!!!!

As stated I have Mobile wireless,, I can use that in any major city and most minor cities in Australia,, yes even in Perth some 3,500KM away.
AUD $29 per month 2 GIG download and free mobile wireless modem. I could have chosen 5 gig per month at the same price with less speed, but for me what I chose was the best.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:55 am on Feb. 24, 2008

In general, in the USA, DSL download is unlimited. Obviously there are bandwidth limitations, but rarely are there limitations in the contract such as "2GB/month". However, I don't live in the LA area and don't know what AT&T offers there. In other areas, AT&T does not impose a limit that I know of. (This, BTW, is probably one reason that Mr. Alan made the comments that he did about Mel's posts. There will certainly be differences between offerings in the USA and Australia. Hell, there will be a lot of different offerings within the USA, depending on competition and other factors.)

If you get DSL from AT&T you will need a DSL modem and a wireless router (so you can connect your laptop wirelessly). AT&T may offer a combination DSL modem/wireless router. Just realize that they serve different functions and you need both functions for your wireless laptop.

The MAC/PC debate will go on for a long time. Really up to you - perhaps the deciding factor will be if you have a friend who is a PC expert or a Mac expert. Then you will have expertize that you can lean on.

Best Buy is probably talking about connecting your laptop to your TV using the VGA port at the back of your computer. Many modern TVs have VGA input ports. That is why I suggested buying the VGA cable on-line. Just make sure you know what kind of cable to buy (usually male/male). Best Buy will rip you off on the price of the cable.

As for DL porn, up to you. But, if you plan on keeping it you probably need a fair sized hard disk and/or a DVD writer - as I suggested earlier.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:03 am on Feb. 24, 2008
Mel Gibson
retiredintahoe,, ( Mr Alan made the comments he did ?? for what ??)
retiredintahoe,, as we had already established the FACT that don was after a service that he would use only for basic "surfing" and email, then band-width limitations WILL NOT come into effect until AFTER
.2 GIG,, he is only wanting, normal surfing and email,, 2 GIG,, 2 GIG,,NORMAL surfing plus email will NOT use 2 GIG,,,,SO,, BAND WIDTH NOT AN ISSUE!!!!!!!

Quote from retiredintahoe "In general, in the USA, DSL download is unlimited.",, mostly same here in Aus,, I was leaving the crap OUT as don was never going to use the 2 GIG.

From what I have read,, don wants a laptop that he can coonect at home / at the park / at thye beach. He only wishes to do basic net surfing and email,, so his BEST alkternative is, IS a mobile wireless connection with around a 2 GIG ( at speed) download per month.
Pay no more than US$25 or your being ripped-off.
By as PC NOT an Apple like 97% of people do.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:34 am on Feb. 24, 2008
Poor don attempting to weed thru all of this back-and-forth. I hate to muddy the water here but I think a few of the members have their wires crossed. The wireless that Mel is talking about is WWAN – Wireless Wide Area Network:

This type of WiFi is accessing the internet basically via the same network that cell phones use as your web portal. This type of access would allow you to connect to the web virtually anywhere. Indeed many of the service providers for this type of service have limits related to downloads.

The type of WiFi that a few of the other members are talking about is a more local type of WiFi known as WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network:


This type of WiFi is really just short-range communications between your laptop and a local WiFi router. This type of WiFi is indeed limited and can be a hassle as many locations that have it require you to basically purchase the service directly from them, and coverage can be pretty spotty (limited number of hotspots) in most areas. This type of service is included with many internet service providers in some limited way. Also of note most of the service providers in this arena indeed advertise their services as unlimited but in reality if one reads the fine print they are not really unlimited, but the limits are so high that the average user never runs the risk of having a problem.

As for the PC vs Mac you’ll find folks falling on both sides of the aisle on this issue. I have pretty much always used PC’s dictated mainly thru school and work related access. Over the years I have rarely had any virus problems – the last time I had a virus related problem was nearly 8 years ago. And I have never had a major crash. On my main home laptop, and my main work laptop I do use anti-spyware software, and anti-virus software, but I have a couple of secondary laptops at home neither of which has had their anti-virus software updated in the last three years and neither of which have suffered because of it – not that I would recommend it but those two laptops are used mainly for internet and games and don’t have anything of significance on them so no big deal to me if they would get a bad virus and needed to be completely scraped (or reformatted). Speaking of games most hard core gamers are PC'ers.

But Apple must be doing something right because even with the premium prices they continue to hang around and generally speaking are gaining a little bit more market share. I am pretty sure they have a double digit market share in the US, and while 3% of the global market might sound like peanuts there is something to be said for the rate at which Apple sales continues to grow.

My personal preference is PC but that is mainly because of what I grew up using, and the relative trouble free history that I have had in my dealings with PC's - therefore no need to look for alternatives. No harm in dropping into an Apple store and test driving one.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:31 am on Feb. 24, 2008
OK. To further muddy the waters. I want to know exactly, in non techie terms, what I need to buy so I can use my SONY laptop with either of my mobile phones to achieve wireless on the beach at Samet, Samui, etc.
I currently use DTAC and TRUE sim cards and TRUE wireless at my home.

I dont want to use on the beach in LA or OZ, only on beaches and the like in Thailand(dont tell me Starbucks)......on the beach! Thank you bros.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:44 am on Feb. 24, 2008

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