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Quote: from Yurune on 12:23 pm on Aug. 5, 2003
Indeed you can call overseas, I called a friend yesterday and he said...Hi...but I'm not in Bangkok, I'm in Venezuala.
Dumbass!! If you called his Bangkok number that was not a long distance call for you. He does however have to pay for roaming.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:52 am on Aug. 5, 2003
I bought a 1-2call card when I stayed in BKK. Local calls were Ok but calls from and to Holland were crap. For those calls I had to switch to my Dutch Vodafone sim card (uses DTAC) in order to have a disturbance free conversation.
So based on this experience I will buy a DTAC sim next time I’m in BKK.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:32 am on Aug. 5, 2003
How long ago was that E ... ?     more competition, freeing of restrictions etc, means now you can indeed use a local AIS prepay to call oversea, receive/send  sms etc - or even use the sim in your phone,, which you could not do initially -

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:40 am on Aug. 5, 2003
Then he must be the dumbass to take his Thai mobile to Venezuala. Would you not agree?

Shit!! I would have talked to him if I'd known he was paying.

Oh well...anyway I can still call overseas using my mobile, I just dialled an 001 44 number.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:49 am on Aug. 5, 2003
I use my 1-2-Call card to call to Holland .... no problem .. crystal clear ..

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:25 am on Aug. 5, 2003
My 1-2-call phone is fine for incoming calls from all over Europe, Canada and North America.  Quality is fine.

For calls I make, I use a Callback service, so outgoing calls I make are actually "triggers" for the callback system to call me back.  Then, I can call all over the world and 1-2-call sees it as an incoming call, and no baht comes off my SIM.  This is only worth signing up for it if you make a lot of overseas calls.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:43 am on Aug. 5, 2003
Yurune, yes. Or maybe you were just lucky and called during those few minutes every day while he switches the phone on to check for sms and voice mail. Have you tried calling other times?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:57 am on Aug. 5, 2003
TPE,  I was there last June. DrL was there in July so maybe things changed for the better with the 1-2 call cards.
My statement about bad connections only applies to BKK and to be very specific, Sukumvit area. Outside this area I haven't used my mobile. I always carried my Vodafone (DTAC) card with me, so each time the conversation became too choppy I switched cards and the difference was like night and day.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:12 am on Aug. 6, 2003
I haven't...I confess....maybe I'll just wait and buy him a beer when we are both back in Bangkok.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:23 am on Aug. 6, 2003
DrL was there in July so maybe things changed for the better with the 1-2 call cards.'
I have been here every month since nine years ago .... and have been using 1-2-Call every month since a year ago to make calls to Holland.

It could be your telephone causing the problem .....

My phone is an old bulky one (Nokia 5100) but reception is very good.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:45 am on Aug. 6, 2003

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