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Cyberbkk: What do you have to say about the following experience:

Quoted from Per Vers at

"I am currently using True package "40 times 2560/512". I just want to throw myself or the PC equipment and modems out from the balcony. It is the most frustrating thing I ever have experienced. It is sooooo SLOOOOOWWW. I can't believe it. I was using the Nera World Communicator ( when I was posted in Baghdad before the war, and even that equipment had better speed and reliability that what I get from True. And I am now living in Sukhumvit, soi 39."

Another rumor??

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:45 pm on Sep. 10, 2004
Hi guys:

I am an experienced computer user/administrator, currently running consumer networking products on my home networks in the States. I have configured multiple secure LAN and WiFi systems (MS & Linux) using hardware from multiple vendors in the USA.

I have TRUE as my Bangkok ISP (I know... it was not my choice) with an ADSL modem that connects to my Win32 computer via a USB connection. To access the network this computer must run a windows client application that accesses the modem via the USB cable and negotiates the connection using a provided username and password pair. This client application then remains open and running in the background throughout the length of the internet activity. Of course this USB connection dependency precludes easy Ethernet connection sharing by any sort of standard WiFi Router and also prevents any sort of simple setup for a non MS Windows (Linux) computers to share the connection (as it can not run this MS Windows client application to establish the connection).

I am interested in setting up a shared wireless network in my home in Bangkok. Ultimately to allow for the whole residence to be able to be covered by the shared WiFi signal, allowing multiple MSWin and Linux systems to share the current TRUE connection. At present if I want to share the internet connection I need to physically move the TRUE modem and connect it to the MS Win32 computer (no sharing). I am looking for something that can support VPN and WAP, and will allow for connection of an external amplified antenna if needed. I have experience in setting up and configuring cable routers, and wireless security back here in the States and feel I could likely do the same in my friend’s house, as long as TRUE’s system supports this functionality.

What I would like to do is purchase and install a device such as a D-Link DSL-G604T and/or DSL-504T that would replace the TRUE ADSL modem and allow for connection sharing.

Would you please advise if a D-Link DSL-G604T and/or DSL-504T interface with the TRUE ADSL system operating in Bangkok, allowing me to setup a WiFi in BKK? What is the process of swapping out the TRUE modem for the D-Link and what hoops do I need to jump through to get TRUE to permit this replacement? If allowed, I plan to purchase these devices here in the USA and install them in the next month. What, if any configurations are needed to operate with Thailand's TRUE system?

From the back-and-forth here in this forum I can see there are folks here with experience of setting up WiFi in Thailand. Could you advise me if TRUE’s system will allow for a third party router to sit down stream (Ethernet connected) allowing wireless networking with more than one PC, even a non-MSWin computer?

If there are other, better, DSL modem options I would appreciate hearing of these as well. Any experience with particular models and any advise on configuration hassles or workarounds would be very welcomed.

Thanks for your help.

- Ahnan

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:21 pm on Mar. 13, 2006
I, too, would be interested in any experiences with Wifi.

My TGF and I just got an appt on Soi 22. Brand new re-fitted rooms. All new appliances (refrig, TV w/UBC, air con, bed/mattress, wardrobe, table/chairs), hot/cold water, and, amazingly, a CAT-5 Ethernet port!

I didn`t have my laptop this trip, and I don`t think the router had been installed yet in any case. According to the rental agreement, in-room Internet access is free (or, better put, including in the monthly rent).

I`ll bring an ethernet cable with me when I get back to BKK, but I assume that I can also bring an AP (access point) and just create a Wifi zone. Anyone have any experience doing this in BKK? I don`t know the ISP, but it shouldn`t make any difference (should it?). I have set up dozens of wired and wireless networks in the USA.

Also, I assume it would be better to get the Wifi in BKK, although I can`t remember seeing anything at Pantip. However, if I can find a Linksys/Netgear/D-Link/whatever AP with a 110/240 converter in the USA would it be better to buy it in the USA?

BTW, I`m glad this appt is only about 5 meters by 7 meters (including the western-style bathroom). The TGF is determined to fill it up. The first thing she wanted was a "wave". After some discussion, I realized she wanted a microwave.

She also had no idea how to make a bed after we got the sheets. Seems she only slept on a futon on the floor. Funny to watch her watch me as a made up the bed. I told her "from now on this your job".

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:48 pm on Mar. 13, 2006
nyc boy
To: ahnan142 and retiredintahoe,

Yes, Wifi can be installed on the existing line (either true or others)....

But be sure that the setup in both your cases is usable with the router you intend to use.... My building also gave me adsl... but the modem was USB not Cat-5... big power kill on my Intel Core Duo (problem with wXP drivers, hopefully Microsoft can fix it)

I would be sure before plugging it in that you have a power convertor... easy to pick up at either pantip or fortune town... a friend of mine blew his Netgear router before putting on the convertor, now its just a cool looking paper weight

or purchase the router here. plenty of choices. but if your looking for more mainstream brands from the US (like linksys or netgear) I have only seen them at some specialty shops here, one is located in Emporium on the main mall level, they also sell apple products (iPods, etc)... the prices from what I recall are not all that bad...

To: ahnan142

One word of advice... be sure to plug the router and modem into the main home line... sometimes when Thais add more lines to the existing or remodeled house they wil l split (yes I know the already small copper line) the existing line instead of buying more... this will actually halve the speed... this happened to my cousin when he could not achieve 2 Mbit DL while his neighbor down the soi could...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:09 pm on Mar. 13, 2006
Hello board members. First off, I want to thank you guys for all the useful information I have gleaned from this site.

I'll be moving to Bangkok indefinitely in one week and was wondering about the (current) state of internet connections/legislations in Thailand. I'll be living pretty close to the airport and I'm wondering about costs/speeds I can expect from internet connections. ie up/download limits.

Also, I would like to know about any legislations regarding internet piracy. I know Bkk is pretty well overrun with piracy that the authorities turn a blind eye to, but does the same go for internet pirates? I do much more than my fair share of movie, music, and software downloads, so am I going to be screwed when I get there?

Finally, I have an extensive collection of pirated DVDs here, some of them porn. Is there any risk if I bring them into LOS? None of it is it illegal in the child porn or bestiality sense, but it is all pirated, should I just trash it?

Thanks for any help, and I apologize if these issues have been addressed before. I just need to have current information.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:55 am on July 10, 2006
I saw a thread on another website.

Somebody asked which provider people recommend. TRUE didn't exactly get a thumbs up, but nevertheless people said to stick with them. Apparently CS Loxinfo has serious speed issues and connection drops on weekends.

Upload/download, etc. will depend on the area where you live, AFAIK. You can get TRUE for as little as THB 590/month (plus tax). The important thing: do not expect to get the kind of speed you are used to from the States!

Porn is illegal in Thailand, so I wouldn't bring Porn DVDs.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:44 am on July 11, 2006
Hi speed - Not outstanding... but usable (all providers)
Porn - A big No no

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:31 am on July 11, 2006
Thanks for the replies, guys. I suppose I won't be needing porn where I'm going, eh?

What about the non-porn movies, though? I have about 200 burnt DVDs that I'd be loath to part with. Should I say bye bye?

Thanks again,

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:03 pm on July 11, 2006
RE the other DVDs: my guess is that it should not be a problem.

Someone I once met was stopped at the Thailand/Malaysia border with more than 500 professionally copied DVDs in his bag - he managed to get through (after agreeing to the "standard procedure").

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:39 pm on July 11, 2006
How to make TRUE work for you, and essentially giving yourself a real wireless router, and hookup, versus TRUE's crappy usb connection:

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:22 am on July 12, 2006

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