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will a nokia 3330 or 3360 will work in BKK ?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:12 am on Oct. 21, 2002
sake bomb

Quote: from griffin on 7:51 pm on Oct. 21, 2002
you still do not get it!!!
why searching and paying and paying a higher price than in LOS for a second unlocked phone in the US???
save you rmoney and the hassles and buy it over here!!! About 2 years ago i brought a lot of phones into thailand as they were expensive at that time, nowadays I actually take them back to Europe as they are so damned cheap in Thailand!!!

As I stated in my orginal post, if the phone you buy in Thailand is gsm 900/1800, which the majority of phones sold there are, it will NOT work in the USA. If you're coming from Europe, thats a different story.  I personally dont have money to burn so I cant justify buying a phone in Thailand that will become a paperweight once I get home.

Even though the prices of mobiles in Thailand has come down considerably, the newer phones are still usually more expensive than can be found elsewhere, including the net.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:00 pm on Oct. 21, 2002
sake bomb

Quote: from zzzZ on 9:06 pm on Oct. 21, 2002
FYI, since there is a lot of talk about T-Mobile here, my last 2 trips to BKK  (both in the last 6 weeks) my roaming DID NOT work in Thailand.  Really pissed me off.  3 weeks ago it worked in HK, last week it didn't.  3 weeks ago it worked in Jakarta.  It seems completely hit or miss and I've had problems like this for over 2 years.   Sometimes they "wipe" your preferences and say you don't have roaming activated or some such nonsense....   I'm about finished with them.  Before my last trip I called to make sure everything was ok and that i wouldn't have the same problem but of course it still didn't work.    AT&T was 100 times better for me but it requires 2 telephones, one PCS for the US and one GSM for the rest of the world which isn't such a good option.

This is exactly the reason you should have your phone unlocked. The money you save by using pre-paid sims in each country far outweighs the cost of having the phone unlocked.

BTW, T-Mobile will usually give you the unlock code for your phone if you tell them you are leaving the country.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:14 pm on Oct. 21, 2002
anyway, if you can burn $100 hundred on unlocking your phonei can not see your point for doing so! what is wrong having two mobile phones one for the world inlcuding t-mobile in the USA and one for the USA non-t-mobile?
For USD 100 you get a brandnew medium class mobile nokia, ericsson, siemens etc. including a sim-card and thb 2,000 credit for talks in thailand! may be I am stupid, but i can not seethe point wasting that amount in the USA for unlocking your phone, when you have such a better deal elsewhere in the world.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:16 pm on Oct. 22, 2002

Sorry, I missed your question earlier. If the Nokia 3330 or 3360 is from India India, yes, it should work. I used the Nokia 8250 out of India and it worked just fine.


What you say makes sense. If you are coming from a country like India, the phone you usae there would work without any unlocking. Just switch the sim cards and you are in business. However, if you have to spend money on top of going through the hassle of getting the phone unlocked, just buying another phone makes more sense.


I agree you have to carry two phones but it is not such a big hassle. I have a reverse problem when I travel to USA. I am a Sprint PCS subscriber in the USA and when I subscribed the first time maybe four years ago noone was offfering gsm technology and triband phones had not surfaced yet. So I just bought a Nokia from Sprint and was able to save a lot of money there as I did not have to pay any roaming charges.

Now whenever I enter the USA I just get myself registered for whatever is the best tariff depending on my proposed stay and usage on the trip. When I am leaving, as I wait for my flight to be called, I just call Sprint pcs and get myself put on their vacation plan (I just love it - $5.00 per month and I retain my phone number )

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:54 pm on Oct. 22, 2002
sake bomb

If you read my post again you'd see that I didnt pay 100 dollars to unlock a phone, I paid 100 dollars for a brand new phone that was already unlocked. So for the same price of a phone in thailand that I can only use 3 weeks out of the year when I'm on holiday, I got something I can use every day. If you can show me a tri-band phone currently available in Thailand for less than 4500 baht, I will glady clean out the entire stock on my next visit.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:44 pm on Oct. 22, 2002
arrgghh! getting kind of sick of this now!
What is the problem in buying a second phone for the rest of the world. so you have one for the USA (non-gsm) and another one you can use while you are outside of the USA!
And this for a price which is less than any triband phone somewhere else in the world?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:25 am on Oct. 23, 2002

Quote: from griffin on 7:25 pm on Oct. 23, 2002
arrgghh! getting kind of sick of this now!
What is the problem in buying a second phone for the rest of the world. so you have one for the USA (non-gsm) and another one you can use while you are outside of the USA!
And this for a price which is less than any triband phone somewhere else in the world?

I can tell you why it did not make sense for me to buy a 2nd phone in Thailand.  Simply convenience.  My phone book and calendar are in my phones memory and not the sim card.  I pop in my DTAC sim card and I can still use all of the essential functions of my phone and phone book which I would not be able to do if I bought a new phone in LOS.  
I call the States often when I am in LOS I need several numbers that are in my phones memory.  I also only have to remember to charge one phone and not 2.  My headset which has Bluetooth can only work with my phone which has bluetooth.  My PDA also synchs with my phone which allows me the ability to leave the PDA in the room.  A second phone for me would be very inconvenient.  Sometimes, decisions cannot be simply made based on dollar costs.

That is why some people fly coach and some fly business even though they are travelling to the same destination.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:52 pm on Dec. 7, 2002
it is actually an advantage having two phones. i do have two from the same model, so i only do need one charger and if i run on a low battery i can always switch batteries to the one i do need more urgent at the moment! if you buy a small enough phone it actually does not matter any more wether you have one or better two phones!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:21 pm on Dec. 7, 2002

Quote: from griffin on 2:21 am on Dec. 8, 2002
it is actually an advantage having two phones. i do have two from the same model, so i only do need one charger and if i run on a low battery i can always switch batteries to the one i do need more urgent at the moment! if you buy a small enough phone it actually does not matter any more wether you have one or better two phones!

The only true advantage I can see in carrying 2 phones on your person is if you have to have 2 lines of communication open at all times (i.e business phone and personal phone).

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:09 pm on Dec. 7, 2002

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