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I just got a bad experience with my TRUE Visions rep. I am considering canceling my TRUE service which costs 2k/month for something better. What are our options?

1. TRUE - costs a mint and depending on your luck really crappy service. 2k/month for gold and 2.5k for platinum.

2. Satellite TV - Buy a satellite system and somehow get it wire up to my condo. Not sure how much it cost?

3. Condo satellite stations - Just use my condo's satellite TV service. 9 Channels of Thai and 3 Indian Channels(pay little extra Cost 1.2k(for the wire cost) and a hole in the wall for the cable

I am so pissed that I am considering just canceling my TRUE service after the TRUE female rep want me to send in a copy of my passport if I want to change my service from Platinum to Gold. I have had UBC/TRUE for 5 years and this was the worst customer service I ever had from them.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:14 pm on Jan. 31, 2008
Maybe next you can cut-off your nose to spite your face. Welcome to the Third World. Let your TG know that her Thai soaps are going to get cut and let her handle the Thai rep while you go out and get a drink. That is how I handle it, delegate.

True is the best you can get here.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:38 pm on Jan. 31, 2008
True may have crap customer service but with the gold their channel choice is OK, depends how much TV you watch I suppose.
If it is the one my mate has it seems to have 4 of everything. Movies, series, sports, news, NatGeo types, music (mostly Thai though) and a bunch of Thai channels and cartoons.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:51 am on Feb. 1, 2008
Thanks Edge, for your advice. I am just wondering what our options were. This is not a 3rd world or not 3rd world issue rather what we have here in LOS, which in some cases is more advanced than USA. I know that Shanghai's infrastructure in many aspects are more advanced since they didn't have too much to begin with, which means they could just start with the newest and best technology. Yes, the gold package is actually semi watchable. The platinum package is a rip since it has nothing of value for me to watch and costs 500 baht more per month. Too bad we don't have Direct TV here

1 thing I find very amusing is the way Thai's have about refunding money. For example I have had TOT for 3 years now at 1mbps and pay 1k/month. Well, they just had a price promotion(since 10/07) of 590baht/month for 1mbps so instead of charging me 590 baht/month. TOT just went into my account and changed my speed to 2mbps. All without bothering to tell me about it. BTW, the speed is even slower now that I have the 2mbps service. To dissuade me from getting the 590baht DEAL the customer service lady says "oh you must bring your passport" and must change "my username and password"... in order to change back to my original service. Well they didn't need the frickin passport when they UPGRADED me for the NEW FASTER SERVICE! Which is actually SLOWER than before!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:44 am on Feb. 1, 2008

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