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Here in L.A. I'm ready to walk in to Best Buys and buy a laptop, I've looked at some already and when I talk to the salesman we might as well be talking swahili,the bit I can add here is I don't need it for buisness applications, want wifi compatibiliy & option to adapt screen monitor to my large screen t.v. also what provider is best, dsl? I have Webtv now, that a caveman can operate I've talked with Geek Squad, for $229 they set up & tutor you for 2 hours

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:25 pm on Feb. 23, 2008

I would have 2nd thoughts about using the Geek Squad. Here are only a few of the many links you could find if you googled them:

Gouging Customers:

Geek Squad scans computer, finding porn:

Geek Squad stealing more porn:

Geek Squad infects new computer with virus:

And, what are they doing that requires 2 hours and $229? Setting up a computer, especially a laptop, is trivial. Basically start up the machine, answer some simple questions that Windows asks you (assuming you are using Microsoft Windows - if Apple probably even easier) and you are ready to go. Since not a desktop you don't even have to connect any parts (speakers, monitor).

You have just GOT to have a friend that is somewhat computer savvy. Buy them some drinks (afterwards) and have them help you.

DSL and Cable Internet are pretty much your high-speed choices in the USA. Some areas have both, some only 1, and some none. If you are lucky enough to have a choice, talk to both providers and see what the best deal is. Often they have a 6-month promotion for $29 or less. Plus both the phone company (DSL) and the Cable company want to bundle Internet with their other services and will offer you a discount. If all you are doing is basic Internet surfing, either DSL or Cable will be fine.

I believe both the Phone company or Cable company, for a price, will come and set up your broadband. That means connecting the cable or phone line to the cable modem or the DSL modem, connecting the modem to your computer with an Ethernet cable, and testing to make sure it works. If you buy them a drink they might even set up your laptop for you. 55555 BUT, don't let them install software on your laptop since it is not needed for Internet access.

As far as the laptop goes, if all you are doing is Internet surfing, a basic cheap laptop is all you need. I got one for $600 (Compaq) at Staples. Would never do video editing or play 3D games on it, but for writing e-mails and surfing it is fine. Get one with a large hard drive (80GB or greater), since you will probably store some pictures and stuff on it. DVD writer is probably also required.

As for connecting to your TV, simplest is to use the VGA output of the laptop and connect the VGA cable to your TV. Certainly not high definition, but it would work. Buy the VGA cable on-line, as the brick stores will rip you off. Here is one place you can look for vga cables:

Sorry, TGF just called and wants to go to dinner at MK. If you need more info...

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:06 am on Feb. 24, 2008
Wow, thanks for the heads up about Geek Squad,
Surfing & e-mails are my main interest
I'll take a look around for a friend w/a laptop & see what help they can offer.
Can I assume wifi is pretty much standard
Thanks R I T from caveman in L.A.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:40 am on Feb. 24, 2008

2 bits of advice:

- avoid GeekSquad. you'd be wasting your $229.

- buy a Mac laptop - most likely a MacBook. You can get them starting at $799.

In terms of internet access, you have three choice:

- DSL, from your phone provider (most likely AT&T)
- cable, from your TV provider (Time Warner, is my guess)
- Uverse, from AT&, which provides both if you are in their service area.

I have Uverse - for a single combined bill (in my case, $100), I get internet access at the highest possible speed, as well TV and HDTV over the same copper phone connection.

In my case, it's well worth it - the equipment AT&T installs includes a wireless router, and in the case of a MacBook, all you need to do past that is open your laptop - it will find the wireless access point, and connect.

Either way, with regular DSL, and cable, you can also request a wireless router, though you will most unduly pay extra for it. If you get a Mac, though, your best bet is to get Apple's Airport Extreme basestation for your home network.

That's, if you are considering getting a Mac.

Why a Mac?

Sure, you can get PC/Windows based laptops, but essentially, you'd be paying for that later with the added need of having to maintain the machine against the onslaught of virus' and malware and spyware that is the true charm of the PC/Windows experience - we don't have any of that on the Mac side.

Is that worth the minor premium you may may more?

Well, if you consider the PC laptop for $600, then add the $229 for the geeksquad. Then add to it some extra virus software they will talk you into (probably $50), and then consider the additional $229 you'd probably pay a few months later to have them come over and figure out why your PC misbehaves, runs slow, and does weird things....

...the Mac ends up costing you a lot less.

Let me know if you have any additional questions - plus, I'm based in California, so you could call me with questions, if you want.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:41 am on Feb. 24, 2008
To be honest Daffy I use Vista and have no problems with viruses and malware. I will admit I dont use my computer for things like video and more sophisticated stuff. But I dont really have any problems with vista.

I am not saying mac is crap I am merely pointing out that for the average user there is no problems with vista (certainly less problems than my iphone).

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:07 am on Feb. 24, 2008
I have dish satellite (no cable) so I'm guessing dsl the way to go, the extra expense for a laptop w/o the worry of virus spyware etc. would be my choice, DD, I have your pm, let me digest this information & soon I'll seek some more guidance

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:17 am on Feb. 24, 2008
Long Beach - home of great Cambodian food. Might be an excuse to drive down there

Abrak - what are your troubles with your iPhone? Didn't we establish they would be easily fixable? Of course, it would require being told what your problems are, to start with.

SMEGMA claimed he had a friend with some extreme problems on his iPhone, and despite offering to help out, again, no one spoke up.

Regarding Vista - not sure about your sophistication on the PC, or who set up your PC (you or someone else). Not saying it's not impossible to run a trouble-free PC (mine work fine as well), just that:

- the average user may not have the resources available.
- when there is a problem (and there *will* be, eventually) they are usually hell to deal with.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:42 am on Feb. 24, 2008
yes, some good Cambo food, pretty girls entertaiment,& a evening of fun on me
in exchange to creat a novice into a pc genis? fair?

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:50 am on Feb. 24, 2008
Mel Gibson
Don't write-off cable just because you use a dish for your TV, cable is often cheaper or as cheap as long as you have the cable in your area.
Also look into mobile wireless if you want to sit in the park etc and still use your laptop. I I get 2 GIG at high speed for AUD $29 per month )

When choosing the service provider you will be asked "how fast you want" and "How many Gigs ".

For emails and general surfing 2 GIG per month is ample ( be sure you arn't going to down-load any porn? ). Speed of 512K or more will also suffice,, from there look at price and contract length,,, don't forget cost of modem and connection.

Be carefull of the difference between wireless and mobile wireless, the former is merely a router attached to the end of your wire that allows you to pick up the signal anywhere within 50 odd metres,, Mobile wireless is where you can pick up a signal near anywhere in any major city of your country.

Re PC Vs Mac,, there is a reason why Mac ONLY has 3% of the market,, yep only 3% of people believe Daffy. ( Amazingly similiar number to those in Psychiatric care.

On the virus problems,, several FREE programmes are available and easily installed,, no need to pay for anti-virus software.

Other than that,, ignore Daffy and you should be on the right path.

Question for Daffy ? QUOTE from Daffy" I get internet access at the highest possible speed ".
Daffy,, Are you declaring it is impossible for internet delivery to speed get faster ? Love a bet on that one.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:15 am on Feb. 24, 2008
this isn't going to be easy for a technical minded mental midget, but I'm sure I want mobile wireless, I think what your saying Mel is check with your phone co. & cable co. for best monthly price & cost of modem
The free virus protection programs, who installs them and on what brand of computer
Mel what computer do recommend, being you not a Apple fan

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:43 am on Feb. 24, 2008

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