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Just got back from Akane Chitlom. (ah-kah-nay shit loam)

Here I thought I was going to live up to my tagline, "Perverted Pessimist," but it appears that Hypershade had a far worse time of it. That boy really does seem to have bad luck when it comes to these things. But I agree that I like Sazanka better, overall.

I booked the most expensive option: V4, in the VIP room. That's two girls, for two hours, on the two.. well, on the fourth floor, actually. Comes with every service they offer. 2880 baht.

The room was a disappointment. 180 baht extra, and there was a leather chair and a private shower stall - except the shower didn't work, and WTF am I going to use a leather chair for at any point during the massage? Even if I was getting FS, a rocking leather CEO chair is nothing I would find useful. Wingback, maybe. Still had an open top to the room. Their VIP room reminded me a lot of the standard (not std) rooms at Sazanka, although I'll admit that they're not as close to one another, even if the same size.

When I arrived at Akane, they did the lineup of the girls. Maybe 6-8 girls there to choose from. I picked the two cutest. We'll call them BigTits and SmallTits. Both of them decent looking, both with reasonably large amounts of makeup on. But still eminently presentable and sufficiently attractive to turn me on. I don't need to go to Poseiden for a stiffy. Admittedly though, the rest (but one) were hideous. Are they all named 'Helga?'

BigTits started washing me off in the scrub room. I saw the chair they talk about, but I was never directed to use it. Looks like one of those submissive-as-toilet chairs, where a dom shits in the sub's mouth, if such a chair was ever to be made by Ikea: bright red plastic, and a very simple box-like structure; looking straight on the front, it probably looks something like this (dots indicate empty space) :


Not sure if the bottom was closed or not. But basically a box with the front cut off, and enough of the top cut out to shit through, in a rectangular swath. Did I mention it's made of red plastic?

But I digress.

SmallTits joined a short while later, and I got to have two girls scrubbing my body with the sponges. Very nice. Both of them flirted with me; as always, it's nice to speak some thai. Although much of the conversation was "lor mahk" and the like.

It was likely BigTits that stuck her finger in my ass the first time. Nice and lubed, and felt fine. Contrast this to later, in the VIP room, when her finger was... insufficiently lubricated. Yee-ouch. Then, shortly later, sufficiently lubed. Then withdrawn, and insufficiently lubed only 10 seconds later. I'm not sure quite how that one worked out. SmallTits told me that it hurt because she had big fingers. They weren't that big.

In the VIP room, lots of lotion massage, and they did the tongue massage bit to my back. Very nice. I enjoy having two girls tounging my body. But there was no rim job to be had, only the non-naughty rear bits were tongued.

Flipped over, and massage continued. It was only now that the girls finally took their tops off. BigTits was shy about having a bit of sag - it seems she's had a child, but she bears it quite well. The tits were still quite nice. And big. I sucked on one for a while, while SmallTits gave me a CBJ.

It seems that they do have a larger size of condoms available. This one, although Japanese lettered, said something to the effect of "big guy" on it in English. It didn't hurt.

Now, I'm a quiet guy. And I had a tit in my mouth, and a pussy at my finger, and those from a different girl than the one sucking me. So, as this was CBJ, SmallTits had no indication that I'd cum. She just kept going. And going. She eventually noticed that I was going soft. I just smiled and laughed. "why you not tell me?" "sanook mahk gwah." (more fun).

Immediately after, the tops went back on. A lot more fashion than titties in this massage. A bit more rubbing, and then back to the shower with BigTits. She's telling me I have a big dick, and indicating that the Japanese are as small as her thumb.

It's at this point that I noticed that my piss-slit (peepee hole, cum-slot, seminal aperture, whatever you want to call it) was quite red. I don't get that from normal sex, or BBBJ. Of course, I start thinking about the comment about the clap made here, even though this was CBJ. Must have been the lotion they used. Even so, made sure to take a nice piss afterwards, and even dipped my johnson in a glass of whiskey when I got home. Never seen it red like that before - just at the slit, too.

Down to the front, and the cost was 3060 total - 2880 + 180 for VIP room. Worth it? It was entertaining, but I doubt I'll repeat the experience.

A general comment about the two girls:

I've had two girls at Eden - they usually take care to ensure that both are servicing you at once.

I've had two at Darling Massage. I won't bother digging up my comments about that, from last year, suffice to say it was lame. One girl cleaned the room, while the other girl serviced me. In effect, I paid for a half-naked maid to clean the room while I was there, instead of afterwards.

At Akane, they were pretty good about having both girls work on you at once. There was a point where one went off to the bathroom, and then the other. But by and large, they were both with me at the same time; rubbing, licking, scrubbing, etc. Good.

Further comparisons to Sazanka:

Sazanka has a locker to put one's belongings. They have none here, which means I left my money and phone behind in the room. The girls did remind me to check that I had everything before I left. Nothing was taken.

I prefer the way they pound in the salt at Sazanka. This was just patted on and rubbed around a bit.

However, these girls scrubbed the hell out of my legs.

Blowjob or handjob, which is better? Have to say I prefer the handjob at Sazanka to the CBJ here. Stimulous is stimulous, unless I get the satisfaction of blowing my load in her mouth.

Tongue massage was nice. I liked that one, and Sazanka don't have it.

But, Sazanka does have the back walking, and far more of an actual massage. BigTits did pull my toes and fingers today, tugged on my arms. But the backwalking really throws in that added touch. Even if it does hurt sometimes.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:51 am on Feb. 25, 2005

but it appears that Hypershade had a far worse time of it. That boy really does seem to have bad luck when it comes to these things.

Sweet Jesus, you can say that again. Apart for the occasional FL, I have been staying away from conventional p4p for a while now.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:26 am on Feb. 25, 2005
"staying away from conventional p4p for a while now"

That reminds me, I wonder if "when it rains it poors" applies to the mongering life?

Whilst not reading TJ's post yet I really feel for you, hypershade. Hard to imagine a man who doesn't love a soapy too. If you did I'd be sending you down to Chavala for a sure thing.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:37 am on Feb. 25, 2005
agree that the ladies there are ave in looks...

only ayumi looks doable...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:27 pm on Feb. 25, 2005
I'll introduce myself by saying "thanks to many of you, for some very useful posts over the years". I don't recall ever posting on this board, but I've been on a few others for "long time", so I'm not quite a n00b

Anyway, I dropped by the Chitlom Akane yesterday, just to check it out, and was dissapointed. I won't waste your time echoing much of what was said by hypershade and TJ, but will give the significant highlights:

The general service was nothing more than a very poor quality lotion massage, including a body shampoo, bj and a poke in the arse for about a minute or two.

I took a petite and chubby girl name Mai who looks and acts a lot like one of those super cutesy j-girls. She was really TOO sweet and bubbly. I only fault her on the stubby body and lack of massage skills.

I got the S3 package with the VIP room (VIP, r u kidding me?) I can't imagine what the other rooms look like ; ( Some skanky-looking girl w/tats gave me a table shower and spent a long time making sure my nether regions were spotless. It wasn't particulary sexy for me. Next up, Mai sent straight for the lotion massage and it was very apparent that she had little skill in this area. I got the idea from an earlier post that I could expect a complete tongue bath, but this certainly wasn't the case. She licked me a bit and tossed in a little rimming, but it was nothing like what I used to get in the Korean MP's in Los Angeles wherein not an inch of skin would be missed.

I'm not ragging on the girl as she was very eager to please and, although chubby, she was cute and sexy in her own right. After some CBJ, I told her that I would probably not finish with the cover, so she reluctently removed it and got down to business very proficiently. She was highly skilled in the oral arts and she allowed a very satisfying completion to take place which was later deposited in a tissue.

Here's my bottom line on Akane:

$40-50 is a helluva lot of money for less-than-mediocre girls, providing poor quality massage in a lousy environment. The only novelty here is the finger poke and, if that's what I'm really looking for, I can have my doctor do it and the insurance company will reimburse me. Sazanka is a nicer place with better ladies and the massage, scrub I got there was very good. I don't recall how much I spent there, but I think it was comperable with Akane.

If Akane is "gunning" for Sazanka's business, they better drop the pea-shooter and step up with something a little higher caliber.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:29 am on Feb. 26, 2005

Maybe 6-8 girls there to choose from. I picked the two cutest. We'll call them BigTits and SmallTits.

LOL! Was that on their name tags! Thanks for the report!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:52 pm on Feb. 26, 2005
So,finally,after all Akane is Sazanka plus BJ (instead of HJ).Teen is Baron minus body-to body,and Euro inn is centre 33 plus big room?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:51 am on Feb. 27, 2005
Given some of the other FRs, I wonder if there are some kind of hygiene problems with the Chidlom branch. Maybe it's completely unrelated to the trip, but since right after my visit I've had a contact rash on my lower back, just above my ass; a really strong head and chest cold that I can't shake; and a lovely zit sprouting on my nose. Though thankfully I didn't leave with the parting gifts enjoyed by Japio and TJ.

Maybe they don't clean/sanitize the plastic sheets on the bathing tables, which puddle up during the washdown so you're swiming in a stew of water, soap/salt and your own filth....and perhaps that of the last guy as well? Maybe there is something wrong with the "pepe lotion," or maybe it's related to all the rimming and probing. Who knows.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:27 am on Feb. 28, 2005

Quote: from farva on 12:21 pm on Feb. 28, 2005
Though thankfully I didn't leave with the parting gifts enjoyed by Japio and TJ.

Further reflection convinces me that my parting gift was not bacterial in nature. It seems unlikely that any biological agents would have caused *immediate* redness. I noticed it as the girl was soaping my cock off at the end of the session. And the symptoms disappeared within a day or so.

Thus, it was probably from that peepee lotion they talk about so much. Alas, it did not agree with my peepee.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:16 am on Feb. 28, 2005
Just to be safe guys, I'd get checked anyway.

Thanks for the reports. I won't go there. Ditto with JJ Fashion Massage thats pushing a "pepe Russian" massage. I'll stick with Sanzanka for the time being and the safer soapies.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:12 pm on Mar. 1, 2005

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