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Hi all

Been reading this forum for over a year now and its great to hear how things are in Thailand when you are stuck in england on a cold wet day trying to save the money so you can get back there.

anyway what I would like to klnow is how easy is it to get divorced in Thailand.i married my tgf so that we could be together in england but it didn't work out.maybe it had something to do with the swiss bloke phoning up asking to speak to his tgf or the police coming round saying that they had reports that I was keeping her in a cage ??????????

is it a hard thing to do and how much is it going to cost the way she still phones me asking for money even though she is living with him.

any help would be great.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:26 pm on Jan. 19, 2004
I guess it depends on if you were married. I am presently researching the same thing and this is what I have learned.

If it is a mutual agreement and she is not contesting it you simply take a copy of the marriage certificate where it was issued, both sign and pay a little baht and it is over.

Now if she is contesting it I understand that you will have to hire an attorney and it will have to go to court. I have only talked to one attorney and he said not less than 30,000. He did say you must have some good reasons and it does take time.

In my case I have been seperated for 12 years so I went on a search in Bangkok to find the district I was married in. I found it and got a copy of my marriage certificate and wrote a letter to my X wife and offered her 20,000 if she would sign the paper. She has not responded so I have not taken it any further at this point.

Go to google and put in divorce Thailand and you will get some interesting info

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:13 pm on Jan. 19, 2004
hi aircrest

thanks for your reply.have looked on the internet before about getting divorced in can be quite simple like you just depends if the other person agree's to a divorce.

hope you can sort your situation out ok.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:07 am on Jan. 22, 2004
On the subject of divorce, I would like to share a divorce scam in the US that has just come to my attention.
So you ask what does that have to do with Thailand? Two things:
1) Whatever the legalities of the divorce laws in Thailand, they are nowhere near as biased as US/some others against males
2) The following scam is another good reason why farangs are fleeing to Asian women.

The scam:
Woman remarries and smoothtalks Husband#2 into legally adopting her children from former marriage. After the adoption is legalized, she divorces Husband#2.
Now guess who is responsible for Child Support payments? You guessed it, good old Husband #2.
And guess what she does now that she is single? That's right, she remarries Husband #1.
And it gets worse - the courts are biased to let the kids stay with the mother, while good old #2 pays the bills.
(Now Arcadius, does that give reason to be cynical? distrustful?)

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:29 pm on Jan. 23, 2004
Hello what if you married the girl in the US then if things went bad you just take her to Thailand say its over leave her there then return home alone then annul the marrige saying she bailed

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:34 pm on Jan. 27, 2004
Vancouver Jay
@invaderzim: I'm not a lawyer, but I think there are problems with that approach. The most significant is that it would require you to commit perjury. If you represent to a court that the girl bailed on you, when you in fact abandoned her, it could come back to bite your ass in a big way later on.

Most courts would likely recognize that you have a reasonable expectation of co-habitiation as one condition of marriage. So if the girl just flat out refused to rejoin you or even to make the effort to get a visa, you'd probably be able to convince the court that it is an act of bad faith on her part. But you'd have to document repeated requests for her to do that and her refusals.

Willful perjury is a bad idea and no reputable lawyer will risk permanent disbarment and prison to help you.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:08 pm on Jan. 27, 2004

Quote: from invaderzim on 4:34 am on Jan. 28, 2004
Hello what if you married the girl in the US then if things went bad you just take her to Thailand say its over leave her there then return home alone then annul the marrige saying she bailed

Geez, guys, think simple solution: Marry the girl in Thailand, in a Thai ceremony, and never have the marriage legitimzed in the US. Just the ceremony is not recognized in the US, yet the girl is most likely going to believe that you are married.

When it's time for splitsville, you do as suggested - dump her in Thailand, return home, and make sure your phone numbers and e-mail addresses are changed.

Of course, or you could take the road less travelled on, and decide not to be an asshole, and simply consider about NOT getting married, or making sure the person you marry is the right one for you.

Just a thought.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:08 am on Jan. 28, 2004
I obtained a legal divorce from my ex.

We both went to the Amphur with our original marriage certificates (two are issued at marriage and both must be surrendered when divorcing). We were seated in front of a clerk who began questioning us as to the terms of our divorce relating to assets and children as she wrote the settlement down on a form. After this procedure, we met with the Amphur who merely asked if we still agreed to these conditions and I paid a whole bunch of cash right there and then, which he witnessed. We each got a copy of the divorce decree (both laminated) and were divorced.

My ex-wife drove off in my ex-car and I got a taxi to my new apartment. My six year old daughter was waiting for me. My daughter is now 11 years old and is living in our new home. My ex-wife has dropped off the face of the earth and we know not where she is. My daughter has heard nothing from her in almost three years.

The entire divorce took less time than getting married did and it was really quite painless. You need to take a translator with you just to protect your interests.

The US government recognizes both the marriage and the divorce.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:55 am on Jan. 28, 2004

If'n the USA recognizes the marriage, does this mean that if you are legally married in Thailand that your wife would have no problem going to the USA?

Is the child born in Thailand to a legally married American eligible for citizenship?

Cousin Krypto

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:31 am on Jan. 28, 2004
Vancouver Jay
What I want to know is if a farang-Thai couple who legally married in the USA and never registered the marriage in Thailand can get this Thai divorce, and if that sticks in the USA.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:56 am on Jan. 28, 2004

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