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I love LOS, but only can take it all for about 2 weeks. After that, I got to come home. Some bros said it's like you are in your honeymoon. But how long can you honeymoon in LOS before it becomes boring ? some bros said it's all an illusion. How long can you live in the illusion before you say " enough " and need to get back to your root? For the long time expat there, do you miss your home country ? what about your friends and family back home ? How do you make such a drastic cut from the place that you grew up with ? I am especailly curious about guys over 40. How do you cope with such a drastically different culture ? Learning a new language ? What prompted you to make such a hard decision ? what is the success/failure rate for farangs moving to LOS to "settle" down ? Inquiring minds want to know.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:09 am on Oct. 19, 2004
I'm over 40

I love it...

Golf, Diving and Cuties!
What is a better diet that that?

I have been here 5 years.
I will "pull up stumps"soon.

As was said on another thread by an esteemed bro' someone who is here for two weeks tends to have a different perspective than someone who lives here!
You have to pace yourself!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:57 am on Oct. 19, 2004
French Goat
Hi, manowar!

I am "only" 37, but I try to live in the LOS with my thai wife since year 2002.

If you want to know more about my story, you can read this thread:

The mandatory condition for me before settling here was to be able to communicate with my friends and my family. As most of them have at least an email address, it is the way I use to keep in touch with them. I also have installed two webcams in my father's house and at my sister's appartment in France, another one in my house and it improves the situation a lot!

I also try to come back in France at least once or twice a year.

But there are some things that I miss after staying in the LOS for months, they are the following:
- some farang food (french cheese, bread, and wines, for example - OK, you can find some in the LOS, but the selection available is far than wide) ;
- the (real) mountains and the snow as skiing is one of my favorite sports ;
- some entertainment and cultural novelties not available in Thailand (french movies - yes, some are worth being watched! - books, music...).

My wife is a very good lady, attractive, intelligent, funny, sensual and not boring at all. But I cannot stay in the LOS with all these cuties smiling around without having some extraconjugal intercourses sometimes. My wife is comprehensive enough and just doesn't want to know or hear about that. At least, I do not sponsor a "mia noļ" (mistress) and do not intend to do that. I am sure that even in Europe, I would have acted as I do here on this point... I never have been able to remain perfectly faithful with my previous girlfriends for a long period of time. But IMHO, those infidelities are a good thing to fight the possible tiredness and boringness.

Of course, if you want to live here, you should try to learn the language and understand the culture and the manners. IMHO, it is not the easiest part. I still hardly understand some behaviours and sometimes, it would be better if I could forget to try to organise things in a more logical and efficient way than they are usually here. The priorities in the life are very different here (family, relationship with other people, pleasure...).

I am still not sure that my story will be successful or not, who can tell that for sure? You have to keep enough links and some savings in order to restart your life somewhere else if such a move appears to be a failure one day...

Honestly, I don't believe that this kind of change is often successful. You have to make it works with all your heart and it is not easy everyday... and you have to stay realistic! Don't try to play when the dices are loaded. If you want to live here with somebody who objectively never would have been loving you if this person was rich enough, it is not a good idea (IMHO) to give it a go.

Hope this helps a little bit...


French Goat

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:46 am on Oct. 19, 2004

I have been spending 5 months every year for the past 12 years in LOS ( 1 full year at the beginning of those 12years). I'm married here and have a kid, house etc.
A great Family-life as it could be in any other country.
My job is not really anywhere and I don't have a home in Europe anymore, so I call Bangkok Home.

Now, you could say that is not really leaving in LOS, but that would be the same anywhere else for me.

There is times you miss things from your place of origins, of course. It's very similar, just in a bigger scale, if you only move from one city to another, there will always be something you miss, but also things you gain.

Thailand is a great country to leave in if you have the means of course and I don't regret to have moved here.
For the moment since I'm still working everything is great, one day when I will stop to go around the world for work, well I don't know.

LOS is probably the final destination for me, because of family and so, but I don't know how happy I will be, because of this little things I will miss from my native culture as so well said by FG.

Keep in touch with friends and Family is getting easier and easier with all this progress in Telecomunication. 20 years ago this part must have been a major problem.

This Forum is also great for people leaving here, so they can meet and talk about different things. I'm sure if Forummembers meet it's not only to go hunting and so, but also because they need some Farang talk. Thai people are very nice and just like anywhere else there are smart ones and not so, but the contact with Farangs is very important, you feel like beeing member of a club, like you would be member of your local skiing, dart-club..........and mostly you feel you belong here.

One thing is for sure, it is not for everyone especially not for someone with deep roots and a already established life somewhere else (unless you want to get away from it all). I moved here when I was still young and did not have an established life anywhere else. Everybody has to know how he can deal with this drastic change, and if someone decides to just move to Bangkok (for whatever reason) after a few vacations, think again and before the big move give it a trial period for 6 months or so and then take it from there.

If someone wants to move make sure you have enough money to travel to your Homecountry once or twice a year. It helps a lot to see that you are not missing so much after all.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:12 am on Oct. 19, 2004

Quote: from samthedog on 11:12 pm on Oct. 18, 2004
I'm over 40

I love it...

Golf, Diving and Cuties!
What is a better diet that that?

I have been here 5 years.
I will "pull up stumps"soon.

As was said on another thread by an esteemed bro' someone who is here for two weeks tends to have a different perspective than someone who lives here!
You have to pace yourself!

I think you put it right on the nail ! You got to pace yourself. Maybe that's why after the first two weeks of non-stop partying, I am literally "spent". Need to come back to boring California to re-charge my battery. But as soon as I am back, I know I have left a piece of me there ( no, not my dick). Just wish I don't have to travel 20 hours to get there and don't have to keep coming up with "good " reasons to go back. I can see myself spending probably 1-2 months in LOS if I do pace myself. I suppose if there really is a special TGF, maybe longer. Is that the common denominator for bros that move there permanantly ? A special TGF ? Did anyone just move there "for good" without having someone special waiting for them ?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:43 pm on Oct. 19, 2004
Put it another way, would you have moved to BKK if there was that one special TGF ( or wife ) waiting for you ?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:26 pm on Oct. 19, 2004
French Goat

Quote: from manowar on 1:41 am on Oct. 20, 2004
Put it another way, would you have moved to BKK if there was that one special TGF ( or wife ) waiting for you ?

If I never have met my wife, perhaps I would have lived in Bangkok or in Pattaya.
Since I am married with her, I live in Issan!!!

Seriously, I would probably have settled in the LOS, but certainly far much later... when I'm 60 years-old or something?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:34 pm on Oct. 19, 2004
I need to edit my question, of course. I meant to say : would you have moved to LOS if there wasn't that one special TGF ( wife ) waiting for you. But you all got it anyway ! BTW, F.G., that is interesing you mention 60 years old to be the age to settle in LOS had it not been because of your wife. I think in the western society, you become a "senior" citizen when you are that age. And with that stigma of being a "senior" citizen, suddenly you have lost all your sex appeal because you are considered "dirty old man" if you even think anything sexual or sensual. That is the time to move to LOS, when TGs consider you sexy if you have a "good heart" ( and fat wallet). I will start planning now for my eventual settlement there in BKK. Watch out, BTF bros, I am coming....... ( not that kind of coming, Yurune, you s......sigh)

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:46 pm on Oct. 19, 2004
French Goat

Quote: from manowar on 2:01 am on Oct. 20, 2004
I need to edit my question, of course. I meant to say : would you have moved to LOS if there wasn't that one special TGF ( wife ) waiting for you. But you all got it anyway ! BTW, F.G., that is interesing you mention 60 years old to be the age to settle in LOS had it not been because of your wife. I think in the western society, you become a "senior" citizen when you are that age. And with that stigma of being a "senior" citizen, suddenly you have lost all your sex appeal because you are considered "dirty old man" if you even think anything sexual or sensual. That is the time to move to LOS, when TGs consider you sexy if you have a "good heart" ( and fat wallet). I will start planning now for my eventual settlement there in BKK. Watch out, BTF bros, I am coming....... ( not that kind of coming, Yurune, you s......sigh)

Yes, manowar... But it would have been totally different for me if it has had been happening at the age of 60!

I would have came only for the lust and would not have been fooling myself with the illusion of any sincere love feelings from girls that could have been my grand-daughters...

I do believe that many older guys are realistic enough to think as I do. They want to believe in a "pure" love, but deeply inside their brain, they know what the reality is. It is probably too hard to face, so, they just play a role and simply enjoy the illusion of love for the time that remains.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:36 pm on Oct. 19, 2004

I think life is very different if you live here than if you are just visiting - you make very different decisions about how you spend your life.

(I should point out that I was originally from London and I am not yet 40. I have been here for over 5 years.)

But how long can you honeymoon in LOS before it becomes boring ?

Seems to me anyone who bores of LOS (and Bkk in particular) is bored of life. There are new clubs, restaurants, girls every day. The quality of nearly everything in life is gradually and noticeably improving here.

For the long time expat there, do you miss your home country ? what about your friends and family back home ?

Less an less. For a start you gradually lose touch with your friends back home (so there is less to go back to). The fact that you never have to lift a finger here - maids, secretaries, drivers etc. - means that I have become reasonably dysfunctional in my home country. (In England some guys help wash the dishes after everyone has eaten a meal).

How do you cope with such a drastically different culture ?

I really dont think it is difficult to adapt to Thai culture. Thais give 'farang' enormous slack and are usually prepared to accept any behavior from foreigners.

Learning a new language ?

My Thai is not too bad. But I also know farang who have lived here forever and have no problems getting by with little or no Thai. Learning the language certainly adds to your life here in almost all respects but it is not a prerequisite to a good life.

What prompted you to make such a hard decision ? what is the success/failure rate for farangs moving to LOS to "settle" down ?

Hard decision? Not really for me. Maybe you just need a sense of adventure. As for the success rate - well I know of very few (actually none) farang who regret moving to Thailand... and many more who regret leaving...

would you have moved to LOS if there wasn't that one special TGF ( wife ) waiting for you?

One of the biggest problems with Thailand is that being here and having 'a special one' really dont go together. Monogamy and Thailand really does not mix well.

60 years old to be the age to settle in LOS ?

Any age is a good age to settle here - the younger the better.

(I will admit that I have been lucky careerwise here - I have earnt more here than I would (probably) have done in Europe and that is not the norm. For many that is the challenge - if you could earn the same bucks as they do in your own country, you would have a much better life in LOS. Unfortunately, achieving that is not that easy (he he looks like Scobie has done it!!) )

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:05 pm on Oct. 19, 2004

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