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Does Bangkok have regular mail service delivery similar to the West or should I set something up at the post office if I want to receive mail from the states? Thanks

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:26 pm on May 19, 2005
Are people going to be sending you mail to your Thailand address ? Credit card bills, magazines, etc.
I doubt you sent them all a Thai address.

I made it simple for myself knowing I would probably be moving around in Thailand so I took out a mailbox at UPS Store in CA and they forward my accumulated mail every 2 weeks. Works well.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:01 pm on May 19, 2005
Derman. Mail service here is very good. I have gotten stuff even though the sender left out 1/2 my details.

To be even more secure you could, I suppose, rent a P.O. Box at your nearest P.O.

Stuff does go missing but on the whole the Thai postal system is very very good.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:16 am on May 20, 2005

Quote: from dotcom on 12:28 pm on May 20, 2005
Derman. Mail service here is very good. I have gotten stuff even though the sender left out 1/2 my details.

To be even more secure you could, I suppose, rent a P.O. Box at your nearest P.O.

Stuff does go missing but on the whole the Thai postal system is very very good.

This last statement makes me wonder if you ever get any mail from the US.

I received a letter on 6 May 2005 sent from Baltimore "par avion".

Problem is that it was mailed on 25 March 2005.

Snail mail to here is exactly that. Snail Mail.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:28 am on May 20, 2005
Not to sound like a Thai basher..... I love Thailand, but it does have its weaknesses.

Internal mail within the country is good to excellent AFAIK.

But International mail leaves much to be desired.

I sent two boxes from US, about 30lbs each. They took 2 weeks longer than exoected. The local Thai PO did not deliver it to the written address, but left it on the floor of the PO. No message was sent to the written address that the boxes had arrived. When we finally got to them, they had been opened and several things pilfered.
I think expecting forwarded mail from US or UK every day is asking alot. But see if you can find someone that operates successfully this way. I doubt it but would love to learn I am wrong.
I always use FedEx or DHL to send back to US anything inportant. Expensive, but I can sleep well.
My experience anyway.....

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:27 am on May 22, 2005
Got a tip from a fellow American living in LOS
He keeps a POB in the states, travels home twice a year, picking up mail one piece of buisness
What was of interest to me was he doesn't ask for a vacation hold which is only good for 30 days, he doesn't tell the post office anything, using the postal system for 'mail storage'

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:35 am on May 13, 2008
You might check your local post office processes before following the advice that don posted. My US Post Office PO Box can have vacation hold of as long as you wish - but you have to tell them. If my PO Box fills up and I don't tell them anything, they will start throwing mail away after 30 days.

Apparently processing varies by local Post Office.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:44 am on May 13, 2008
The reason I found this of interest is my Post Office will only save my mail for no more than 30 days on a vacation hold, after that it's returned
Your P.O. actually put mail in trash because box was full (after 30 days, not returned?)
I'll ask my P.O. what they do w/mail that accumulates w/o vacation hold
Seems as you point out RIT, each postmaster processes differently, 3 right here

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:13 pm on May 13, 2008
Just back from my post office, if you don't pick-up your mail, it will be stored, no matter the length of time, provided your box rent is paid, same story as the ex-pat
But I stand corrected about 30 day vacation hold, as RIT stated that period can be what ever you ask for, more than 30 days requires supervisor's o.k.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:19 am on May 21, 2008
I used Mail Boxes Etc for a few years around 2000. I recall my California Bay Area post office would not keep mail if a box was full. It was a small facility and I doubt they had much free space. Maybe that's part of the policy.

Mail Boxes Etc will gather your mail and forward it via Fed Ex or UPS. Of course they charge for the service. They also charge for additional storage if you fill your mailbox. But they sign for delivery packages, and you just leave without worrying about notifying them.

I've noticed flyertalk postings for Bongo International, and USA2ME – They offer "on line review and scanning". You can check your snail mail via the web. But you have to use their Texas or Connecticut address, not your hometown. It doesn't seem right for my needs, but still interesting.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:26 am on May 21, 2008

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