Does anyone know of anywhere I can buy chewing tobacco (aka snuff) in LOS?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:43 am on Jan. 4, 2006
Big, I just PMed you about this, but for the others that may be curious I never saw it in 3.5 years living there, BKK or the islands, and I looked. I had friends bring it over on their holidays, stocked up on my trips back to the US. I am curious how many guys on this forum actually do "dip" I am thinking not too many, and thats good. I dont and have never smoked but I like the ocassional "dip". I am happy its pretty much sociable unexceptable; therefore, I dont do it that often. I remember the first time my friend brought me some to Thailand, my TGF was like, "what is dat?" and so she tried it and almost threw up. cheers all, atl
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:08 pm on Jan. 4, 2006
I chew. I've never found any in LOS either. None of my bodyguards would try any, they'd smell it, but not try it.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:32 pm on Jan. 4, 2006
Hey Guys. I spent many hours looking for snuff on my first trip to LOS. the best story I heard was from a guy at one of the cigar shops. He told me that they don't let it into the country anymore because someone was smuggling drugs in the cans. I don't know if this is true or not, but it sounds good. I also heard it is sold on the millitary bases. I just make sure I have enough with me when I come over. BTW I tend to chew less and smoke more when I am in LOS. smoke
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:21 pm on Jan. 4, 2006
Ina Labia
Quote from above : Does anyone know of anywhere I can buy chewing tobacco (aka snuff) in LOS? My apologies for resurrecting this languished thread from the depths, where only engaged brothers might park in the nocturnal hours, but I was always under the impression that chewing tobacco was a type of tobacco that you could chew and which you needed a spitoon for. Snuff on the other hand is something that you sniff up your nose and can act as a mild irritant, causing you to clear your nasal passages and sinuses in a somewhat explosive manner. I don't think snuff is available in this country although I'm sure you could have it made up for you if you so wishes by some ofthe Chinese medicine based pharmacies. And as for chewing tobacco, I do not think it is stocked at all, owing to the historical preference by the population for betel-nut chewing. Having said that, I have not seen one spitoon since I have been here.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:53 pm on Mar. 31, 2007
Let me enlighten some of you... It's available in one location for sure: D'Pelican in soi 22.... Think like THB 200...
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:25 pm on Mar. 31, 2007
The Dr. is right. But, unless their stock has been increased there is only one can left after my last trip. I ran out too early....lolol.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:11 am on April 1, 2007
Didn't quite get from the honourable DR as to whether snuff or chewing tobacco is available at D"Pelican in Soi 22. Maybe both ??? I know that both snuff and chewing tobacco are readily available on the internet and not too expensive. You have to be 16 in the U.K. before you are legally allowed to buy it and I am told that Americans have to be 18 before doing so. The chewing tobacco I have purchased in the past was in a pellet form and favoured with either apple or liquorice. It is widely known to have been responsible for many instances of mouth cancer in past generations when the habit was more wide-spread. Miners used to chew it down in the mines. A choice well made, since the alternative of lighting up a cigarette down there quite probably would have caused an explosion. Nasal snuff is a generic term for fine ground, smokeless tobacco products.Originally, the term referred only to snuff tobacco, a fine tan dust, popular mainly in the 18th.century. It is derived from the scorching process used to dry cured smoke free tobacco in the past by the factory. Since tobacco has been and is a good secondary crop from a lot of village smallholdings here in Thailand, I should think a deal could be made to get it into production on a small scale. What with parts of the U.S. and the whole of Britain being a smoker's banned area to indulge, maybe a present-day falang here could very well turn this whole movement to his advantage by becoming the Jim Thompson of the snuff trade and slowly building up a market that will flourish so much that the drift from rural areas to towns and cities will be reversed. And of course, no need to fear that the Snuff King woud go the same way as Jim Thompson. Jim Thompson was an ex-OSS ( CIA ) man and had not let go of his contacts and was still used occasionally for information and messages. I would think that at that time, in the late sixties, either the Russians or the Chinese snatched him for his knowledge, unless the Vietnamese were more organised then at that early stage of the war. But then, they've always surprised everybody. But then, this is a long way from chewing tobaco and snuff, but maybe more interesting. I'll let someone else venture off into theeareas of snorting cocaine or the past administration of medicines by way of the capillary-enriched nasal passges and sinuses.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:28 am on April 1, 2007
I didn't think anyone had used snuff for the past century. Chew on the other hand, chewing tobacco as it may be more internationally known, used to be available in some places here. Let's see. Besides soi 22 Pelican, anywhere... Hmmm What do I recall?... It sounds crazy, but I think a guy I used to know used to get it from the owner of this restaurant in an alley off Silom called The Wall. Maybe I'm wrong. But this fellow, he sure chewed up a lot of it. And he didn't use a spitoon, but any glass or cup he happened to be near. The first time I met him, we had some coffee in the Tung Hoo coffee shop on Soi Pramuen. After he drank his down it wasn't long before he was spitting his chew down in the ice of the glass---a gesture I considered singularly uncouth at the time. If it was just that I wouldn't have thought much more about it, but he developed before my eyes on later occasions many more bizarre and annoying patterns, so I did not pursue acquaintance with him further. Looking back at him, his tobacco chewing was probably the only sane thing about him. You remember how it is when you hadn't been living here long: sometimes you could find yourself meeting a couple wackos before you get your bearings straight. But even if this guy was a maniac, he still in a sense is a victim of the dirth of spitoons here, so I don't know what else a guy who wants to chew his tobacco is supposed to do. Back home they'll just spit in the road, but I understand that is highly impolite out here and gives the Police a pretext for slamming any spitter with a big fine. I recall warning signs on certain roads to that effect.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:06 am on April 1, 2007
==================================== Didn't quite get from the honourable DR as to whether snuff or chewing tobacco is available at D"Pelican in Soi 22. Maybe both ??? ==================================== No idea. Give Koolbreez a PM.. he knows all about this stuff.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:31 pm on April 1, 2007