Hi Please reply via private messages who have any info about jobs that fully or partially require my education/skills/experience. Also, please post any comments, even the funny ones, and information about job availability, contact info, search firm, and salary I can expect. I am looking for a job in Singapore or Bangkok. I am a non-caucasian American citizen working in an American fortune 100 company as a Strategic Investment Analyst, that involves IP (Intellectual Property) licensing, technology evaluation and some legal and IP related works. I know I will not find a job in that particular field but I have other qualifications that may be of interests to employers in Singapore/Bangkok and also I know I have to get a huge cut in my salary for a move to Singapore and more cuts for Bangkok. But I am willing to do that. I am a single without any dependent and 45 years old. I have an MS in Computer Science and a PhD in Engineering Management form American universities. Worked as Application Software Developers, Sofware Engineer, Project Team Leader, and 6 Sigma Black Belt. Skilled in OO analysis/design/architecture, SmallTalk, C, C++, Java, C#, Php, MFC, MS COM and DCOM, Oracle, MySql, Complex Web Application development and project management. Lead 6 sigma projects as BB in IT as well as manufacturing.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:44 pm on July 27, 2006
Might have something though age might be a bit f a deterent. How's your health? May I have the names of your varsities? Thank You.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:49 pm on July 27, 2006
Age is an issue? Am I too old? Just over the hill . Any way, I have two graduate level degrees from SIU (Southern Illinois Univeristy at Carbondale) and WVU (West Virginia University at Morgantown). Health is perfect. I can easily pass as a 35 yearl old.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:13 pm on July 27, 2006
I think you are in the wrong forum to find a job However some members might be able to point you in the right direction where jobs could be found.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:00 pm on July 27, 2006
Onera, dude, I went to thailand after my restaurant went south with enough $ to last a about 5 or 6 months. then I f***ing "hit the bricks" looking for jobs. I mean I went on interview after interview and got "no" after "no" Finally, after a almost a year (I taught for a few months) I got a nice job selling condo's, which I did for a year and a half and thru that met a wine dealer that gave me a better job. dont expect to get a corporate job from this website. I am the utmost optomist dude, but I am a young (34), relativley handsome guy with a a shit-load (non-americans love that remark LOL!) advice for you dude. 1. move there 2. get an apartment (with a nice address for your CV, its crazy but that matters to coporate thai people, when it comes to farangs) 3. Get 20 or 30 nice passport photo's taken with a great suit on and nice haircut (TRUST me this matters) for the CV's you will send out. 4. For the interview, go spend $$$ on nice cologne (you may think I am gay, but once agian trust me) 4. dont take "we dont hire farangs" as an answer. 5. look at companies that need farangs, (real estate, hospitality, etc) 6. dont expect to make expat money...I pulled 105,000baht a month with commission at my peak and after business expenses really wasnt enough to take the wife and I back to the US for a holiday and forget about Europe. 7. ***most important*** unless you want to teach...take at least 8 to 10K US to last you until you do find your spot!!!!!! I sold condo's to many, many, many rich expats and they all were moved from oversee's by major corps or just simply had money. You have speacial qualifications, but I would assume unless a company moves you over you will be in a similiar scenario as I was. remember the only way to make 1 million bucks in thailand as a farang is to start with 3 million LOL! and learn to spell better than me chok dee, atl
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:38 am on July 28, 2006
same rule as always - get YOUR MNC to relocate you - at least for the initial assignment - otherwise you're bound to end as just another balcony free fall statistic! also perhaps be a bit more flexible with your Asian cities to include Malaysia, Hong Kong, Jakarta etc.?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:11 am on Aug. 30, 2006
China Sailor
Quote: from onera on 11:22 am on July 28, 2006 Age is an issue? Am I too old? Just over the hill.
I do not know about LOS but here in Singapore you are past your 'use by date' at the age of 42 unless you have a major international reputation (but then they would be looking for you). You can do as I did by identifying a niche and setting up your own firm...
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:46 am on Aug. 30, 2006
great website BK...I wish I knew about it back on '02! I only reviewed the sales catagory, but saw a couple sales jobs in the 100K a month range... Now that I am making what I consider a good wage in the US....it would take more than that to get me to move back but when I first moved over I would of beaten a baby seal for that salary I would still say that after getting the real estate gig and networking with other farangs & thai's in teh business community I had few decent opportunities offered but decided on the one peddling vino to resorts/restaurants on the islands...hey twist my arm!! as luck would have it that offer came in early 2004 and we all know how that year ended. happy hunting to anyone that wants to make the leap...as for me I will just put as much away as possible over here (with annual trips back) and hope that the dollar doesnt drop to much over the next 20 years and set up shop in LOS. cheers, atl
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:14 pm on Aug. 30, 2006