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haam sup
Has anyone here actually been able to obtain a Tabien Rot (green registration book) for a motorcycle, imported from Japan as separate frame and engine, and then re-assembled and sold here (Thailand) with an invoice only?

So far, it appears that I would need to go to the only government certified laboratory, pay nearly 30K baht, and take my chances as to whether or not it would pass. No pre-check, no refunds possible. I'm told the test takes ten days, and is equivalent to the tests the manufacturers have to pass when they apply to import a whole model line.

I have done a lot of homework here, and can only hope there is some shortcut. Feel free to PM me if the shortcut is dodgy...


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:40 pm on Feb. 23, 2007
From what he's told me, Puk, the owner of Business Convenience has, several times.

He spent eight years studying in Japan, speaks the language fluenty, and has lots of connections there to this day. When I met him, he rode a custom Japanese 400cc he'd imported himself [which was one of several he'd brought in, and to this day, he still has the nicest custom Hayabusa I've ever laid eyes on.

It would be well worth your time to go chat with him in person....

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:59 am on Feb. 24, 2007
haam sup
Thanks, Skip, I'll make a point of it, and report back afterwards..

I know this is a particularly thorny problem, and may be of limited interest on this board, but I see a lot of big bikes being sold, and NONE of them are legal...

There are several shops around town whose business plan seems to involve farangs with too much money, and a brain too smooth...

thanks again,

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:50 am on Feb. 25, 2007

Quote: from haam sup on 10:14 pm on Feb. 25, 2007

I see a lot of big bikes being sold, and NONE of them are legal...

There are several shops around town whose business plan seems to involve farangs with too much money, and a brain too smooth...


NONE?! Are you sure you're sure? I think it depends on the players.

Sure there's plenty of dodgy farangs about trying to make a fast buck, but there's also plenty of honest ones. For instance, I've never heard a bad word spoken about the people behind SiamSuperBike. And that goes back a few years now.

My former [sino-] Thai teacher, who grew up in old Yaowarat, comes from a family business of japanese motorcycle & motorbike parts importers. From what she's told me the trade was both stable and honorable.

Bike imports are a different matter, however. From the stories Puk told me, there's an arcane art [and market for] locating old or wrecked machine titles and attaching them to the newly assembled imports. Problems arise- as they always do in LoS- when 'govt policy' comes into it: shades of grey....

Good luck

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:24 pm on Feb. 25, 2007
haam sup
Oops, did I leave out the 'almost'?

OK, ALMOST none of them are legal.

And I have heard of the old bike registration switcheroo, but seemingly apocryphally, as no one I have talked to knew how to go about it...

There's a big bike shop on Rama VI, very famous, and well known to be 'connected', who first quoted me 55K, then, sensing my hesitation, gave me a 30K option, that wasn't "clean", and then bumped it up to 85K, when I actually showed up with the paperwork, saying the government "wants more money"...

The local Saturday night market at Ladprao is packed with big bikes, owned by Thai, of course, and I have yet to see one with a tabien.

My latest lead, from a brother of a Dept of Land Transport worker, is that the rules are relaxed in the provinces away from Bangkok. As long as the import tax has been paid on the parts (it has), I should be able to register it.

Seeing will be believing. I'm delivering the paperwork this week...

Thanks for all the thought and input.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:42 am on Mar. 7, 2007
I for one will be very interested how this turns out. Keep us informed!

Once you get it legal, do not forget about Puk, the guy running Business Convenience. He does a lot of group riding around the country- it might be worthwhile to join in and expand your social circle...

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:56 am on Mar. 7, 2007
haam sup
Just a quick update:

After a month of fixing things, and putting them back to as near original as possible, the bike runs well enough to keep.

And the bottom line about registering it, no matter how many angles I have pursued, is that there is one, and only one, engineer at TIS who can sign off on it. You have to pay 27,000 up front, pass or fail, and let them keep the bike for about two weeks. There was some mention of a second chance if you increase it to 30,000, but I am not sure if I heard him correctly.

I looked into doing it upcountry, and got the same answer. I looked for a 'friendly' in the Department of Land Transport, no help. I offered to hire an agent who came highly recommended, and he said the same thing.

So, I guess, for my own peace of mind, I will bite the bullet, and pay the engineer. The tests are supposed to be similar to the emissions tests a major manufacturer would have to pass when introducing a new model.

Now I can see why few Thai big-bike owners bother to do the tabien. Just pay the 200 baht if the cop even thinks to check...Also, the bikes for sale locally take a huge jump in price if the book is included.

If you were to have an accident, with no registration, your insurance would be void, and you could be in major hot water, so don't take the above remarks as a way out...


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:41 am on April 18, 2007
So have you done the test yet? Could you PM me the model of Bike you are having tested please? Curious to see which country it came from & which set of rules it was built too!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:25 am on May 21, 2007
haam sup
Sorry to have let this go for such a long time.

I have not yet attempted to get the bike tested at the TIS lab. I have just restricted my riding to the smaller sois around home, and to Sundays for my longer rides (MIB need a break, too, I guess).

I am still open to alternative suggestions. I object to having to spring 30K for a test, and even more to having to leave my bike for a couple of weeks.

I will make some kind of move quite soon, even if it's to sell the bike, as I am considering moving upcountry soon...


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:25 am on July 24, 2007
Thank you for the update, I read your view on things in general with much interest & agreement. Thailand is not what it was & the BS your having with your Bike is more a symptom of the times, best of luck to you.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:38 am on July 24, 2007

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