I have 50 rai of land located about 3 hours drive NE of Bangkok. Some is already farm land and some just jungle. I am thinking about stripping it clear and planting Eucalyptus trees in nice neat rows that seem popular. From what I can understand, you grow them for 3-4 years then sell them and the $ return is good. Anybody tried this? What sort of price do these trees make and how easy is it to grow/look after them? As you can tell, I am not much of a farmer.... Any info appreciated. Thanks, MSB
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:21 am on May 8, 2007
Mel Gibson
MSB, I think an accurate description of growing Eucalyptus was written in a famous book called Bangkok Tatoo,, approximation of what was siad,,,,,This huge Japanese / Chinese comapny tellspeople in the north east to grow Eucalypts, never telling the poor uneducated people that growing these trees raises the water table and makes the land useless for growing crops for the next 10 years. All this deceit just so some rich bloody Japanese can use wooden chop-sticks,, why can't the bastards use plastic ones like everyone else. MadStcokBroker, You may well be expecting a greater return than what is fact. I had some Eucalypts priced for cutting down, I think they offerend 3,000 BHT for over 100 trees arounf 10 metres tall. P.S NO I did NOT plant the Eucalypts. On the positive side, Eucalypts grow in near any soil, don't need fertiliser and once established are very drought tolerant. Regards Mel.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:40 am on May 8, 2007
Hello Mate stripping it clear All the smarties grow the Aussie (Eucalyptus) in between the Rubber Plants (Furture Condoms) Grows Good No Worries! Quick turn over it's a hard wood and one can sell easy! and grow other crops under. Grows in ACID Clay Hey Hey Hey Any where in the Country up that way take your time go up there and talk to a few local falangs or in a near by larger town Grow on! Trees can't have enough! http://www.thekoala.com/koala/#HABITAT
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:00 am on May 8, 2007
Don't you need koala bears to grow eucalyptus trees?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:21 am on May 8, 2007
Mel Gibson
I tink dat visa versa. Mel. Another hint,,, you don't need water to grow Koalas
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:30 am on May 8, 2007
I'm thinking of growing Koalas. Are they easy to grow ?
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:06 pm on May 8, 2007
Mel Gibson
Cunnilingual, As with most things Australian a diet consisting on Beer, meat pies, Vegemite and more beer will see them grow quickly. It's of vital importance to regulate the beer at breeding times or you are more likely to get snoring than breeding. The young can be weaned onto beer at a very early age and growth rates can be outstanding ( especially around the stomach area). The beer should be a good Aussie product none of that Heineken but if you have trouble getting supplies Bia Chang will do the job on a temporary basis. Having soft music playing ( Waltzing Matilda etc ) will calm them and place pictures of internationally famous Australians such as Dennis Lillee to make them feel at home. They don't even have to actually be Australian but just claimed as Australians will do ( e.g Nicole Kidman born in Honolulu ). These animals have particularly sensitive hearing and respond badly to anything other than "Gday mate" or " you want another friggen beer or what!!". Shielding them from foreign accents will keep them calm and happy. Mel.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:30 pm on May 8, 2007
Gee ! Mel ! What a pal. Thanks. I would never have guessed about the beer. That's fine..... I can get that. Unfortunately I'm a bit daunted at the prospect of attempting to master the proper Australian accent to make them feel comfortable. Saying "Gday mate" or " you want another friggen beer or what!!" with the proper inflection, might give the impression that I'm trying too hard. Maybe I'll grow something else. Anyone know how to grow BGs ?
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:58 pm on May 8, 2007
Knock a woman up while drunk, and disappear with another to play cards and drink more after she's born?... Hmm, well I guess that's just the traditional method of planting the seed... The raising part is another fine kettle of fish.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:06 pm on May 8, 2007
Mel Gibson
The raising, by tradition is completed by the elders stuck up in Isaan. Mel
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:29 pm on May 8, 2007