Does it happen to you also? I notice that I fart much less in LOS than in the west. Obviously this has to do with the food we eat. Here we eat less starch ( beans, sweet potatoes, chickpeas, chestnuts, broccoli, cabbage) and more of some spices that counteract the production of intestinal gas. This worries me now that I think about it. Because there was a study I remember reading some time ago that showed that those who vented more frequently, lived significantly happier lives. I remember always being happy when I farted. I am thinking for the sake of living happier lives, that perhaps we should have a montly meeting for those of us living here and low on gas. A meeting where we go and feast on fart producing foods. Any candidates to join a methane RT?
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:47 am on Dec. 14, 2003
Just drink massive amounts of beer. The CO2 in the beer should be enough to produce your much desired gas. Oh, and no field report is needed.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:50 am on Dec. 14, 2003
That makes you burp but not fart. The gas in farts is a complete different thing from the gas in carbonated beverages.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:01 am on Dec. 14, 2003
Quote: from Smegma on 10:01 pm on Dec. 14, 2003 That makes you burp but not fart. The gas in farts is a complete different thing from the gas in carbonated beverages.
Not for me. When I go out and drink every Thursday and Friday night I never eat anything. The next morning I wake up with the worst gas ever. It happens every time.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:10 am on Dec. 14, 2003
Danger Mouse
Speaking of farting, how do you bro`s carry on the next morning after taking a TG back? I`m always ready for a gut rotting crap, but feel a little embarassed cos for the 1st couple a weeks, its pebble dash city!! Talk about spluttering, and being on the pot in the bathroom doesn`t help... Talk about ECHO! To combat this I put the T.V on and turn the shower on, she can probably still hear, but hey, it makes me feel more comfortable.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:35 pm on Dec. 14, 2003
DM, I have that problem to, thats why I like hotel rooms with a balcony. So I gan get out of the room till its safe again 555 God knows how the poor little TG's survive
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:38 pm on Dec. 14, 2003
Cheap Chalee Mai Dee
Smega. That makes you burp but not fart. A burp or belch is just something your ass refused
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:29 pm on Dec. 14, 2003
I fart just fine here in LoS. Probably more than when I was in the States. Every morning, just like a fog horn. Funny thing is, my 17 month old daughter does the same thing in the mornings hahahaha! My wife jsut says,"Oh hell, now there are two of you." 5555! Why fart it and waste it, when you can burp it and taste it. A fart is just a burp in reverse. I sometimes have nuclear farts. That's when there is a little fall out in you pants. I farted so hard once, that 3 feet of my intestines came out! 5555! Krypto
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:55 pm on Dec. 14, 2003
I also noticed that Thai Ladies when they fart they produce a very different sound than western ones....something cute also in this action....it's more like a pan flute than a trumpet...you brothers agree?
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:25 pm on Dec. 14, 2003
Had a great uncle who always said "Better out than a poor man's eye". What really gets me when I'm in a quiet room in a polite situation or in an intimate one where I don't dare fart, it rumbles around inside.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:12 pm on Dec. 14, 2003