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Hi, Derman,

Considering that we are from the same country, the good old USA, I will give you my estimates to what the Thai equivalent of US way of living and see if it makes any sense. What we consider here in the US to be low end could very well be mid-end lifestyle to them. So in my following analysis, I am using the US standard of low-mid-high end living so that you can guage the situtaiion better. I don't claim to be an expert on COS ( cost of living ) in LOS. But I did do some market research 'cos I was thinking about retiring there in 10 years myself. I have been to BKK, Chaing Mai and Phuket and here is what I have found :

(On a monthly range from low-mid-high end)

Food : 6,000 - 18,000 - 30,000- SIL (sky is the limit)
Alcohol : 2,000 - 5,000 -15,000 - SIL
Lodging : 10,000 -20,000 -100,000 - SIL
Girls : 6,000 -30,000 - 100,000 - SIL
portation : 1,000 - 6,000 - 10,000
Mis : + 10%

so you see, I think you need 27-30,000 bahts/mon to live on the low end and 87-90,000 bahts/mo to live on the mid end and it goes up from there. Good luck and report back.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:59 pm on Sep. 21, 2004
I would stay in Pattaya as your money will go 15 to 25% further then living in BKK. Pattaya is easier to get around and they have a good school in Pattaya, TEXT AND TALK. IMHO 10K USD your more then good to go. Have you checked out and

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:44 pm on Sep. 21, 2004
I think you can live as cheaply or as expensively as you want ONCE you are established in Thailand. However, my sense is that the 'set-up' costs of living there for the first few months would be more than you're guestimating.

US$750 for three months lodging? Sure, you might be able to get a cheap apartment for that, but if you're arriving in the country, wouldnt a hotel be needed for at least the first 2-3 weeks? And if you get an apartment for that short term, dont forget you'll need to pay 2-3 months either as advance rent or security deposit.

Setting up home anywhere - even in our own countries - is expensive in the first month or two, then gets cheaper. I would imagine doing it overseas when you have no guarantee of income is even more costly.

I agree with someone else's view. Work out your budget... then double it. Do that because your budget - any person's budget - represents an element of wishful thinking. The reality is likely to be same same, but diffelent.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:14 pm on Sep. 21, 2004
You can rent a decent studio apartment in the hotel district, Pattaya for 6K per month plus utilities.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:38 pm on Sep. 21, 2004
Derman, I'm planning to do exactly the same thing as you are, and here's some questions that occur to me:

Have you shopped around to see what a 10,000 baht/month apartment in Bangkok looks like? Remember, you will generally need a 3 month security deposit also. Don't forget electricity, phone, and water...

Where will you stay while you look for an apartment? Will you need to furnish the apartment, maybe buy a TV or a refrigerator? How long will it take you to find a job? Do you really think you can earn 30K as a newbie English teacher?

Two shags a week? I don't think so...

Do you know Thai language? If not, are you planning to learn? You'd better think about it, because wherever that 10Kbaht/mo. apartment is located there won't be much English spoken...

What kind of visa will you get? 60 day tourist? You'll get one 30 day extension, then have to make a visa run to Cambodia or someplace, which isn't free...

If you end up with a TGF, believe me - your expenses will double or triple...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:39 pm on Sep. 23, 2004
HP, I have done my research.

10,000 apartment - My TGF lives in a furnished 4500 Bhat apartment that is alright. I figured double that will be OK. I include utilities as part of the cost

The first two months will involve taking the TESOL and CELTA courses and will stay in guest house for a month or two. See ECC site for quest house for 10,000 - 12,000 Bhat per month.

2 shags a week - Ok maybe a visit or 2 to Lolitas.

Do not know Thai language but plan to learn.

Still working on Visa part. Try to get 60 day VISA.

Job - Try to get the Learn and teach deal at ECC where they hire there CELTA grads and repay half ($700) at the end of a one year contract. My understanding that teaching jobs are plentiful and easy to get if you have the right credentials (degree, TESOL, CELTA and 2 years as a corporate trainer when I start to hunt). I am going to ask for 40 and settle for 35,000 Bhat. I have a $30,000 reserve if I need it.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:40 pm on Sep. 23, 2004

Quote: from HarryParatestes on 3:54 am on Sep. 24, 2004
Derman, I'm planning to do exactly the same thing as you are, and here's some questions that occur to me:

Have you shopped around to see what a 10,000 baht/month apartment in Bangkok looks like? Remember, you will generally need a 3 month security deposit also. Don't forget electricity, phone, and water...

Where will you stay while you look for an apartment? Will you need to furnish the apartment, maybe buy a TV or a refrigerator? How long will it take you to find a job? Do you really think you can earn 30K as a newbie English teacher?

Two shags a week? I don't think so...

Do you know Thai language? If not, are you planning to learn? You'd better think about it, because wherever that 10Kbaht/mo. apartment is located there won't be much English spoken...

What kind of visa will you get? 60 day tourist? You'll get one 30 day extension, then have to make a visa run to Cambodia or someplace, which isn't free...

If you end up with a TGF, believe me - your expenses will double or triple...

I basically agree though you can find a partly furnished house in the Rajada Area close to WTC in a thai neighbourhood (townhouse with 2 stories). If you look around, there are always options and for 10,000 you can find something decent if you do not need fancy facilities like a pool, fitness, sauna....

You might for example want to check Interchange Tower on Soi Morleng, a friend stayed there for 2 years and they got him a very good rate. this place even has a pool. The prices on the site are very negotiable if you plan a longer rental period. 2 months deposit though but that is the usual thing.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:32 pm on Sep. 23, 2004

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