Mel Gibson
The people setting up the Thai company also rent office space a sign, fax etc etc, a perfectly legal office. There is NO requirement for 4 Thai employees, depending on the business the company is registered as doing. Cheers Mel.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:52 pm on Dec. 9, 2006
Quote: from PopSecret on 11:35 pm on Dec. 9, 2006 not sure how this helps Thailand.
Not everyone in Thailand that's for sure.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:12 pm on Dec. 9, 2006
Mel Gibson
Quote from BKKfella:Thailand does not allow dual citizenship while the US does. So if you get US citizenship for your son/daughter, keep it quiet and you should be ok to get it in LOS. But I would worry that they can sooner or later check with the US Embassy before they grant the Thai citizenship. In the US, if you are born on US soil, you are a citizen regarless of your parents legality. Don't know if being born on Thai soil confers automatic citizenship..... anyone know ?? As the honourable and loved King of Thailand was born in the USA I guess there must be some latitude on the rules you speak of. Mel
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:45 pm on Dec. 9, 2006
Both Thailand and the US allow dual citizenship. For US citizenship one can either be simply born on US soil, or have one US citizen parent. I am not 100% sure of the rules regarding Thai citizenship. I know several people that have dual nationalities some have US-Thai and some that have UK-Thai. When ever they enter/leave Thailand they use their Thai passport, and whenever they enter/leave the US they use their US passport, or whenever they enter/leave the UK they use their UK passport. If anyone really wants more info on dual citizenship there are several threads on Thaivisa.com. No popem. As far as land ownership goes I don’t have a clue – nor enough money for it to be of interest to me.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:05 pm on Dec. 9, 2006
LS, et al: My home in Pattaya is in my daughter's name, who is a dual citizen of the US and Thailand. It was put in her name at time of purchase. She was 11 years old and DID NOT have an ID card. I had to sign the papers for her so the Land Office certainly knew there was a farang involved and absolutely no questions were asked. She was speaking English to me and Thai to them so I doubt seriously if there was any doubt about her connections. The subject of citizenship was never raised by anybody, but I did have to provide a copy of her birth certificate in Thailand. The Land Office was very helpful and cooperative, even telling her how lucky she was to get a house from me. She can not dispose of the house until she has reached her 20th birthday, not her 18th as someone posted earlier. Dual citizenship is recognized by the Thai government until the 18th (I think) birthday when, in theory, one must choose which citizenship they wish. Most merely go with the Thai citizenship and keep the US citizenship anyway. The US recognizes dual citizenship if the child was born in a foreign country and has a US citizen mother or father. LS, the little one will be eligible for Thai citizenship as her mother is Thai, regardless of where she was born. Just get her a Thai passport when you arrive in LOS and she will be good to go. Bring the birth certificate and have it translated into Thai. I expect the bureaucrats will also require a few hundred other forms but it can be done and will only take a couple of days. Oh, a wife married to a farang does not forfeit her right to own property and, as LY says, the farang "might" have to sign a waiver. I did not when we recently bought a couple of rai up-country and I was with her when the money was paid over to the land seller. The Land Office certainly knew she was married to a farang. They just offered me a coca cola and a smile. All of this treatise is from personal experience.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:31 pm on Dec. 9, 2006
======================================== if your daughter lived in LOS full time until she was 18, shouldn't be a problem ======================================== I think LastSurvivorBaby still has to be born...
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:24 am on Dec. 10, 2006
Quote: from DrLove on 2:48 pm on Dec. 10, 2006 I think LastSurvivorBaby still has to be born...
Wrong, yet again, Doc Lub. Over to you, LS.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:12 am on Dec. 10, 2006
Thanks guys. You've told me what I needed to know. Cheers, Sir Titus
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:44 am on Dec. 10, 2006
Quote: from DrLove on 2:48 pm on Dec. 10, 2006 I think LastSurvivorBaby still has to be born...
My little girl was born on November 19th and will make her first trip to Thailand in March '07. EPC and I have talked about this in the past and I knew he had all the answers from personal experience. I'm actually glad he posted the details. I will contact the Thai Embassy in Washington D.C. next week as I've heard the Thai passport can be obtained that way as well. If not, my wife's father is fairly established in the Thai military and works for the "Big Boss" in Surin and will help out I'm sure. I still want to meet this guy as I'm curious what a "big boss" looks like as I tell the wife everyday that I am the "BIG BOSS"here at home! I know this is about land but I'm curious about a male child and their Thai citizenship rights regarding the military. I know my wife's brother recently had to do the colored ball lottery to determine if he had to serve time in the military. I wonder if a male child born in the U.S.A. and living primarily in the U.S. would be subject to this same rule especially if he had dual citizenship. Certainly a concern of a friend of mind as his little boy will also get a passport when he returns in March. LS
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:55 am on Dec. 10, 2006
My little girl can get her passport and birth certificate directly from the Thai embassy in Washington, D.C.. Ah, more paperwork for me. I wonder if this is indeed the easiest way to take care of this rather than dealing with it in Thailand during our vacation. Heck, I even wonder if we should register the marriage? http://www.thaiembdc.org/index.htm LS
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:02 am on Dec. 10, 2006