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Talking to another farang farmer I was told Euch trees are very hardy and once planted don't need any looking after.

The numbers (i was told) are like this:-

Plants cost Bt1-Bt2 each
Can plant 400 in one rai
wait 3 years

current market price about Bt1100 per ton. Takes approx 3 trees per ton.

So yield for one rai = 400/3*Bt1100 = Bt146,000

Cost of one rai land is only Bt10,000 to Bt20,000
Cost of plant onle 400*Bt2 = Bt800 plus a few thousand extra for someone to plant them.

so to me this looks very proifitable....

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:42 pm on May 8, 2007

I would seriously look at the growth of trees in LOS. Three years to grow a tree to around 350kg or more just does not seem right. I would have said somewhere in the 5-8yr bracket, but I could be wrong.

The trees I have seen growing in N/E LOS are nowhere near 350kg, maybe 200kg and would estimate they have been there for at least 5 years. I am talking about a long spindly eucalypt, common up this way.

Once felled, debranched they dont look quite so big. Check out Australian websites eg, Forestry, CSIRO, Eucalypt Management etc.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:04 pm on May 8, 2007
Joe Wood

Good advice.

Eucalyptus don't grow fast here, especially not to yield 1 ton of timber from 3 trees in 3 years.

Barrafish could be right about the time being more like 5 to 8 years.

I would have said 10 to 12 years to get that weight return.

But, I have been wrong before, although this must be hard for some to believe.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:18 pm on May 8, 2007

Quote: from Joe Wood on 1:03 pm on May 9, 2007
I have been wrong before

What does that feel like?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:49 am on May 9, 2007
Yeah my feeling was that 3 trees for a tonne seems high. I will check.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:58 am on May 9, 2007
Mel Gibson
Did a little research last night,, you need to make sure you use the right type of Eucalyptus for the specifics of your areas rainfall soil etc. They grow great in Thailand and you can expect 2 metres plus a year,, but no way are you going to see a 350KG in three years.
The "long spindly" type is grown because of its value as " scaffolding".
Other important factors,, select small trees ( compared to pot size), if a Eucalypt has become root-bound its growth rate will NEVER get back to normal. Although Eucalypts are famous for growing in poor quality soil, addition of fertliser will substantially increase growth rates.
What I quoted earlier about them raising the water table and harming the soil has been dissproven in a study done in Thailand. ( who knows the real truth?).

Madstockbroker,, you planting rates 400 per rai would see each tree only having 4m squared, not much room if you want to grow them big. Your quote of 1,100 BHT per tonne, is that after being cut down and stripped? * ( an extra cost there).


P.S Where are you getting decent land at only 10,000 - 20,000 a rai?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:28 pm on May 9, 2007

Hi there Mel my old pal. Pray, tell me one thing. This last seemingly self-contradictory post of yours, which I am positive you cannot assure us will be your last, does this indicate that your authoritive writing on the subject of eucalyptus trees in Thailnd posted on the first page on this thread mean that you were 'talking off the top of your head' without really knowing the first thing about it ?

And if so, am I right in strongly suspecting that you have left me and my Koalas up shit creek without a paddle ?

Shame on you.

Next time, let others do their own 'research' on the internet before you spout off.

I've got six tanker lorries of prime draught of beer and the damned Koalas wont drink a drop.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:21 am on May 10, 2007
Mel Gibson
Six tanker lorries,, ahh let me think ???? DG is in Thailand somewhere I'm sure he'll help.
Contradictory??? ahh You mean contradicting my quote from the Bangkok Tatoo book? Shit it sounded good when I read it in the book. But the Thai scietists have dissproved the theory ( I wonder who paid them? ).
Either way I really can't see much money in Eucalypts but I've been wrong before and will again.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:09 pm on May 10, 2007
Seems like it is possible to grow them in only 3 years but better to wait 5 or more according to people I have talked to who have such trees.

There is a set distance between each one and this is the same in all the land I have seen, its about 2 meters or so.

to get the best price you need to cut them and strip them into 2 meter standard lengths then sell at the local coop.

Mel - Most Issan land I have seen is in the 10 - 20k a rai price so long as it is not adjacent to a road (is suitable for development).

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:01 pm on May 10, 2007
Shredded Wheat

Quote: from Mel Gibson on 9:13 pm on May 9, 2007

Did a little research last night...
The "long spindly" type is grown because of its value as " scaffolding"....

There you are then Mad. That is your answer. Think of it as growing and selling scaffolding.

Grow your trees, buy yourself a saw, and get involved in the building supplies business - make and sell the scaffolding to local builders.

Keep away from the koalas. If you try to grow those the Thais will eat them all.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:31 am on May 16, 2007

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