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Your story brought tears to my eyes.

When is the wedding?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:17 am on July 16, 2007
Joe Wood, DaffyDuck, Expatchuck
Thank you for your responses in this thread.

To reply,

Joe....: 'If you cross the border too many times, 'they' will start to ask questions.'... Hmmm Yes, you're right, they all will--I can hear them now. And I will too. I am already, in fact. I am asking too many, probably, as I sail over the waterfall, instead of grabbing a vine or bush to save me. My mind is clouded, walking down the sidewalk in Bangkok with all the parts of this girl in my head jumbling gleefully while jabbing at a mobile keyboard again, like I got the hoodoo on me making me realize I got the crazy symptoms this time stronger than before.

Having become imbalanced, I am trying a new strategy. Today a beautiful girl offered me a handjob. I refused. My plan is to keep refusing for a while until I get so horny that the next sex adventure I have will break this powerful spell. In the meantime, my girlfriend is nursing me back to some semblance of sanity. I hope this is sound.

You asked how many girls were there. At our table, only 6 all together. But in the whole place, about 30 I guess. They were scrumptious.................. A small question of time and effort.


Daffy... Penang? Been there a few times, and well... yawn... I'm sorry, did you suggest Penang? Been there a few times, and well... yawn... I'm sorry, etc


EPC..., Truly sorry about the tears in your eyes. I can assure you, in my state I had no intention of making a grown man cry. But on a related note, isn't it funny how sensitive we can be when we are being shot at with arrows by a hairless flying creature? Should one shoot back, or dive for cover? In any event, dangerous toys should be kept away from hallucinating persons...... You ask, 'When is the wedding?' with a wisdom wisely grounded in tradition...... As soon as the paperwork gets past my girlfriend's desk certifying this new girl's official Mia Noi status, I am sure I could work out an appropriate ceremony. Then I'll just take it from there.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:07 am on July 16, 2007

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