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I would not want to work in Thailand with either Thai bosses or partners or Thai customers. If you can't obtain a job either using relatively inexpensive Thai labor or Thai resources for exportation, then save a lot of heart ache and earn you money elsewhere and retire in Thailand when you have an big enough revenue stream available.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:55 am on July 24, 2007

Yep, I'd have to agree with you and with haam sup. My TGF/fiancee should arrive Stateside in a couple of months, if all goes according to plan. She and I have discussed the money/job thing for years, and she is aware that the 12K baht/month she makes working 8-10 hour/6 day work weeks can easily be made in one week in Amerika working a 9-5 M-F at McDonald's. So we're planning on making our money in Farangland and spending it in Thailand. I've always viewed any money spent in LOS as a walkaway, including houses upcountry, etc.. if you can't walk away from it, don't spend it.

- Balls

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:38 am on July 24, 2007
Jeez....what a thoroughly depressing read this thread is. Several respected members all saying much the same thing.
Haam sup - good to hear from you again despite what you have to say.
The in-laws have recently discussed putting their meager life savings into the wife's bank account here in farangland - that said a lot on a dozen different levels.
Seems I currently have two choices - keep working here in farangland or kill myself!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:47 pm on July 25, 2007
Mel Gibson
Minder,, You definately have more than 2 choices, you just need to think a little more lateral.
Opportunities abound,, take a look at Vietnam,, maybe some investments there whilst Thailand goes through its "purging process" will bring your dream of living in Thialnd back alive in a few years.
Even with th less favourable exchange rate there is little trouble selling Thai made goods into places like the UK, Germany etc.
If worse comes to worse you could always work for a Thai ; Arthur Daley???????


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:27 pm on July 25, 2007

right now I am trying to get my head around what to do next

my evil employer is slowly (but maybe not so surely) working on getting me a work permit finally, but working for him is like working for Beelzabub himself, not to mention the salary is the same I was making back in 1999, good for back then but not so good now.

considering spending some of my hard-earned Baht on plane tix to get the f*** out of dodge and start over at home

so there I am back in Falahngland where I'm hearing it's no f***in' party lookin' for a job there either

I do need a break from LOS, but I don't want to wake up in a dead-end job 20 years from now when I can finally afford to retired back in LOS

the new government are xenophobic to extreme, surprised they've not just started martial law and commanded the national troops to shoot any Foreigner who can't show them a two million Baht bank balance

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:44 pm on July 25, 2007
Wow, I'm suddenly feeling a lot better being stuck thousands of miles away. I sensed something was up when it took nearly an hour just to clear immigration. Never seen that before. Figured I was just another victim of the usual Thai inefficiency but then I noticed they were really looking into people's paperwork and asking questions. Even taking photos of everyone. Not terribly welcoming really. My view of Thailand has been slipping for a long time and now that BKK2N has branched out into more locations maybe I will follow that lead. Maybe I'll try one of those other places next and give Thailand some time to decide if they really want my company or not. Maybe they'll change their tune or maybe they'll decide they'd rather I never came back. Either way it's their country and I'm just a fair weather guest.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:23 am on July 26, 2007
Mel Gibson
LY,, Not sure of your qualifications etc,, but Aussie land is screaming for workers. Anyone with half decent quals and work history has little trouble getting AUD 120,000 per year ( US 105,000).
Not sure if you would like the Aussie life-style but just throwing in another option.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:39 pm on July 26, 2007
Shredded Wheat

Quote: from haam sup on 8:10 am on July 24, 2007

Hamm Sup are you saying that English teaching jobs are hard to come by now in LOS for foreigners who have TOEFL or TESOL qualifications?

I was hoping to go for one of those qualifications in Thailand next year and then try to get a full or part-time job at the local school in Mrs Shreddie's village. I would be happy to work for a modest salary there. The main thing would be a life-style change and the chance to spend time with Mrs Shreddie in Thailand.

Mrs Shreddie and I would live in our house in the village. So no rent to pay, but would have other living costs - utilities, satellite tv fee, insurance, food, probably a car and m/cycle to run, and handouts to the Thai family.

However, we would also have my savings invested in the UK bringing in enough baht every month to mean that I did not have to work, as long as we are not too extravagant in our spending habits. But working in the village school will stop me from getting bored. My UK pension could start early in a few years (when I will be 55) if I want it to, or I could defer it until my 60s when it would be a lot bigger.

It would be nice if I was able to help the village children to become really good at English, and perhaps give them an edge over other Thais especially if they are competing for places on further education courses.

Before moving to the village, I was also hoping to enroll on a Thai course in Thailand. I studied Thai at SOAS in London a few years ago - a part time course in the evenings - and learned to read and write and speak a little. I did not take that far enough and have forgotten much of it now. A course in Thailand would help to get me up to speed and be better able to enjoy and fit into the village (and school) life.

Whether or not English teaching jobs are getting harder to come by in LOS, I suspect the local village school would probably be delighted to have on its doorstep a TOEFL or TESOL qualified teacher, who is also a native English speaker, and eager to work with them for a modest salary.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:18 pm on July 26, 2007
Shreddie wrote:

Whether or not English teaching jobs are getting harder to come by in LOS, I suspect the local village school would probably be delighted to have on its doorstep a TOEFL or TESOL qualified teacher, who is also a native English speaker, and eager to work with them for a modest salary.


I think you are correct...

However, when you say modest (depends on the school of course) will most likely be looking at less than 25K a month and in most villages alot less than that..

look on to get a more accurate idea of what village schools are paying these days...

fortunatly you do have some $$ coming from farangland but bottom line is that it would be nice for you to be with mrs. shreddie on a permanent basis...


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:16 pm on July 26, 2007
Shredded Wheat
ATL - I would be happy with THB20K per month. That would be plenty up country - in Mrs Shreddie's village anyway.

Whatever the modest salary is, I hope to supplement it with about THB40 - 50K per month from my UK savings income, depending on how the GBP performs.

You're right the main thing is to spend time with Mrs Shreddie in Thailand while we have the opportunity. If I keep my savings in the UK it keeps my options open for the longer term.

All the best mate.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:36 pm on July 26, 2007

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