Come on fellas, this Dr CB is having a lend of us. He does not have any idea what he wants to do. Dr, when you grow your rubber trees, you can make rubber boats out of them and with excess timber have steam engines installed to run them down the Mekong. And with the sweet potatoes, pineapples and the like, you can sell them to the villages on the way, but if the villages are off the river a bit, you can always load up the motor bikes to carry the produce to them. When the crew of your ships get hungry they can eat the noodles. If the Mekong happens to flood and make it hazardous for shipping, you can pick another river. The boats can travel overland because they are made of rubber and will not hurt the hull, they just bounce off any sharp objects. Forgot, you will also get weeds on the river just like land, so make sure the prop is enclosed with some sort of mesh type wire. This mysterious man is coming up with different ideas on supposedly making money off the land in LOS. If he has done all this research, it should be very clear to him that he will run into much trouble. He is planning to make a lot of money in one country while still living in another country. Like I said, he is having a lend of us as sure as England will beat Australia in the Ashes cricket series. I wonder who this masked man was before he came under this name. May have to do a Lock 7 of internet traffic to see where he is from, maybe. I am going to sit back and wait for the next installment of " I wonder if this will work", hehheeee. Barrafish.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:40 pm on July 23, 2005
Actually, funny thing, but this thread did spurn me on to do some research, and I stumbled upon exactly the right kind of product that would potentially allow someone to enjoy the Gentleman Farmer existence Dr. CB is winding us up with. It's something that's not easily stolen, holds no vlaue for neighbors or casual thieves, guarantees full sales of each harvest, and has a comfortably high profit margin. I won't post it on here. It's my little secret.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:35 pm on July 23, 2005
Had many queries/follow ups re setting up the Biz for the relations, needless to say, most end in disaster - Remember one guy said Pig farm was the go, laid a nice concrete slab, built a modern pig sty, stocked it - and left the family to run things. Returned from Overseas 6 months later, the Grandparents were living in the sty, the pigs had been eaten - everyone was happy... Another Guy was told to set up a fish farm, sounds simple, so went ahead, diverted water, stocked it with fish, and waited for them to grow - overlooked the rainy season however, the fish dam flooded, and they all got washed downstream to the next village, who thanked Buddah..... By and large the only success ive seen, is to set the TG up in a shopping mall - you can rent space in them pretty cheap, even top of the range like Marboonkrong rental is only 10-15,000bt per month, the upcountry Malls would probably only be 2-3000 a month for a stall space, depending on the location, - and then stock her up with Clothes from Pratunam - usually they manage to survive/make a small profit on this routine. Some of the franchises do OK, MILK PLUS quite a big deal with Thais, - and any Ice Cream type parlour near a school goes OK, although remember the upcountry Thais by and large dont have much $$ to spend [ unless of course there is a couple of good looking daughters in the family 555 ]
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:06 am on July 24, 2005
Dr What you might have noticed is that those guys who have been here a while and have some first or second hand experience are telling you as best they know how to forget the whole thing. No more to be said.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:31 am on July 25, 2005
China Sailor
Cool, Given the potential 'return vs. risk' on a business in LOS, and comparing that against the 'return vs. risk' on a diversified Global Investment Portfolio I do not understand why you want to invest in a business in LOS. If you place the same money carefully in more stable markets you will make more than enough to 'live like a King' in LOS. If you feel a need to impress others by having a 'business in Thailand' then go ahead and set up a 'Consulting Office" in Thailand and route all of your investments through it. I have done the same in Singapore. To facilitate the management of my interests overseas, I have set up branches in New York, London, Bangkok, and soon to come GuangZhou. I do not know the tax rate in LOS but I find the low (approx. 10%) tax rates and bank secrecy laws in Singapore to be particularly appealing. The advantages of my business is that I have low overheads by using serviced offices to provide support, I can sub-contract employees when I need additional representation, and I do not have to worry about someone taking off with the 'farm'...
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:16 am on July 25, 2005
Dr Coolbreeze
More good posts. Keep in mind guys, I'm still researching these ideas. I am not commited to any of my schemes yet. Singapore sounds like a good idea, as markets are active and tax rates are low. In thailand, corporate tax rate is 30%. I plan to move to thailand, and manage businesses more or less directly. It's difficult and risky running them from overseas. Why do people keep telling me chickens, pigs and fish are bad ideas? I dun tol' you I don't want to run live stock - too much work, and too easy to steal.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:09 pm on July 25, 2005
Quote: from CalEden on 11:18 am on July 26, 2005 Porcupines are hard to steal.
Yeah you would think so. But I wouldnt put it past a Thai to figure out a way. They have stolen from snake and crocodile farms before. I still like the flying pig farm.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:11 pm on July 25, 2005
Ya, you could have flying pig skeet shooting with rocket propelled grenades. Well maybe that's a business for Cambodia. Of course this could be mistaken for a Al Qaida training camp then also.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:02 am on July 26, 2005
China Sailor, Agree with you on all points... Singapore banks the way to go (at least for the time being). Regaring TPE's anecdotes -- have seen a few of these already upcountry, lol! My TGF's dad had the same experience with his fish ponds. He dug out about 1/2 rai a couple of years ago, made pretty large holding ponds, between 2 and 3 meters deeps. Socked 'em with Tilapia, etc. Then came the rains. Plenty of water for the little guys. Then more rain, and more rain. Overflowed the ponds into the surrounding paddy. Fish had a field day, until the water started to recede. Then lots of stragglers that never made it, but easy pickin's for the family and any passerby. So they still use the ponds for personal consumption, but it never got much farther than that. (Costs money for the heavy equipment needed to build big dikes, more than they had.) The reality is that the locals had tried just about everythng they can think of (though puttin grandma and grandpa in the pig sty is novel, lol), and they usually come up short. Depends upon the rain, the quality and configuration of land they have, money on hnad if/when they need it. For an outsider, I'd ask the serious question, "why bother?," when China Sailor has already given a more prudent answer. Unless you just want a pleasant and relaxing hobby. - Balls
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:26 am on July 26, 2005