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I have known people to use them, I have also sent them many emails for info on various stuff, some answered, some not. Rememebr that they use thai staff, it does not all get doen. I had to send 4 emails once to get an answer, it was only the 4th abusive one that got replied to.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:40 pm on July 27, 2004

Quote: from Manuel bkk on 10:40 pm on July 28, 2004
You will firstly need to submit a buyer disclosure and a confidentiality agreement, after that they can supply you with more info.
Just request those forms and fax them to sunbelt.

I think I was able to do that all online. I filled out what I would consider a buyer "profile" but I didn't see anything where I had to request forms and fax them in. Hopefully that was enough...

NM, thanks. Now I know which approach to take.

Did either of you actually use their services and are they this responsive after you have retained them?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:46 pm on July 27, 2004
They were that responsive after getting all details from me and signing the agreement, go figure, this is Los all the same.

I know one guy who said he used them, he got a thai company started, he paid way to much for it though. Just be aware that whatever their asking price is, at least halve it and see where you go. They constantly have prices 'reduced' for various reasons, but when a business for sale offers itself up for sale at half the original price a month or so later, you know that it was never worth the original asking price. Buyer beware, they are a broker and after a sale, they are not generally working for your benefit, the more they sell it for, the more they get commission.
And judging by the size, nobody is going hungry in that place, lol.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:57 pm on July 27, 2004

Quote: from GATOR420 on 10:46 am on July 28, 2004
I think I was able to do that all online. I filled out what I would consider a buyer "profile" but I didn't see anything where I had to request forms and fax them in. Hopefully that was enough...

I had to fill in a number of forms and fax them in after I asked for more detailed information about one of the companies listed on the weekly email. What I was sent was essentially a more detailed list of info about the company- enough to know who it is (including the address) and what they do, but not enoguh to conduct any sort of due diligence.

Turns out it wasn't a company in the industry I thought it was (they used a keyword that caught my eye) so I didn't follow up further.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:03 pm on July 27, 2004
Manuel bkk
Correct. After submitting the signed forms you are able to receive more details. This is just to identify the business. After showing more interest you will be brought in contact with the selling party. At that point you can discuss further details and a possible due diligence.
It should be rather sloppy to have due diligence done by anybody who submits a signed form only....
GATOR, the buyer profile is just part of signing up for the news letter, when I am right. Write them an e-mail requesting the mentioned agreements anf fax them over. Or drop me your mail address and I can sent them to you, I have them on file here...

Also, NM is right with the pricing. How can an asking price drop in 1 month from 7 mil. to 4 mil.?? (Just a rough example)

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:14 pm on July 27, 2004
BKK Banger
The problem is valuing the company. Most small businesses in Thailand do not tend to keep very good accounts (to say the least) and they do not het advice from Sunbelt on what to ask, not part of their service.

Hence the owners often have to face reality after a few weeks of no enquiries.

If you see a business in the industry you want in the location you want then do not worry about the price being asked, it really is up to you to work out how much it is worth to you.

So many wannabee business people give up at the first hurdle. They want a secure investment with a fantastic return and no work. They do not stay long in the market because if it sounds too good to be true it normally is.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:22 am on July 28, 2004

Quote: from BKK Banger on 1:22 pm on July 28, 2004
The problem is valuing the company. Most small businesses in Thailand do not tend to keep very good accounts (to say the least) and they do not het advice from Sunbelt on what to ask, not part of their service.

Hence the owners often have to face reality after a few weeks of no enquiries.

I remember the whole Sukhumvit Plaza craziness. Before the place was flattened everyone actually had been given eviction notices- to leave by December the previous year. Lots of people did leave but the bars stayed... and new bars were growing like mushrooms, some no doubt sold to new folks who had no idea what was going on behind the scenes. The old tenants had assumed everything was still ok because they were paying rent and someone was collecting. Little did they know....

The due diligence depends a lot on the type of business. In my industry (export) it all comes down to product, service, and relationship with the customer. Everything else can be worked out, which makes things somewhat easier.

It's fun to look at those business listings, though. =)


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:44 am on July 28, 2004
PussyLover 69
Report from Bangkok Post dated Tuesday 10 April 2007 :-

Foreigners seek business act clarification

Foreign investors in Thailand have sought clarification on the need to amend the kingdom's Foreign Business Law, saying they feared it would undermine investor confidence and discourage foreign capital inflows.

They made the move at a seminar on "Public Participation: Foreign Business Bill" jointly organised by the National Economic and Social Advisory Council and the Joint Private-Sector Committee to heed opinions by many parties.

Stephen Frost, a board member of the British Chamber of Commerce in Bangkok, said foreign investors had respected Thailand's sovereignty in amending laws governing the supervision of foreign investors investing in the country.

But they viewed the amended FBA had a broad definition and ambiguity, which could lead to a different interpretation.

To ensure justice, he said, they needed clarity for the definition of "foreigner." Otherwise, Thailand's competition in attracting investment from China, India, Malaysia, and Vietnam would be affected.

Jean Jacques Bouflet, European Union trade counsellor and representative of the Foreign Chamber of Commerce, said the chamber had submitted letters to embassies of six members of the European Union, expressing concerns about limitations under the FBA.

They asked the Thai government to pay an attention to the matter since the investment is different from an ownership.

However, they were glad the Commerce Ministry was willing to make an alteration of voting rights to ensure it complies with the World Trade Organization agreement on the investment liberalisation.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:10 am on April 10, 2007
I have just read through this entire thread, and I must say it was informative as well as amusing (especially in early July 04; wonder how chickengeorge is doing now? Wish him best of luck, though I agree that some very good connections can be made through certain forums such as this and also as a view to the character of any prospective partner or employee; I think that is essential, as a couple members pointed out, especially here in Thailand).

I set up a company recently here and used a Thai CPA suggested by a friend who used them and although they were OK, it was in fact a difficult and time consuming process. Cost including gov't fees about 22K Baht. Difficult mostly because of the communication problems between the CPA, me, my partners, and my Thai shareholders--regarding the company objective and structure and liabilities. Even though I speak and read Thai pretty fluently, it's amazing how complex the steps can be to some folks. However all's well that ends well, as they say.

At this point my advice to anyone about to do it would be (naturally, but still worth saying) do your research on the necessities and be prepared with them before you take the plunge. It probably would've been less hassle for me to use a foreign operation such as Sunbelt and that bears some looking into.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:07 am on April 11, 2007
China Sailor
Be careful with Sunbelt. Due dilligence is a must with them.

My US partner and I tried to buy a web portal company in Pattaya last year and it turned out to be a 'bait and switch' by the Sunbelt agent. He knew that the seller had changed his mind and did not want to sell but he did not fully inform me until I got to his office.

He then tried to interest me in a small internet shop with no guarenteed lease that based on their assets was overvalued by at least 200%, a serviced office complex that turned out to be above a pussy bar in P. Burgos (I know that some of you would like that but try selling the idea to the bank), and finally an Internet Phone Company that was a shell and had no assets and no customers and was valued at USD 10,000.

Caviet Emptor...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:17 am on April 11, 2007

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