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ThaiPrivateEye II
LY why not work for yourself...

Use your imagination and develop a brand new business concept...

Or, buy into an established business and improve it...

Just don't waste you time waiting until something turns up.

Time waits for no man.

Make it happen.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:16 am on July 30, 2007
China Sailor
The problem with that TPE II is that it takes cash to do that and I believe that LY is a little 'tapped out'...

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:15 am on July 30, 2007

I frequently submit my CV to KBR (halliburton ?)


I get back the "this position has been filled"

I consider flying to their office in Houston where I hear it's easy to get a job, but you might be eating RPGs for lunch

TPE II, this has been considered, but after over 12 years here, if it hasn't happened, I don't think it's gonna happen

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:22 am on July 30, 2007
If you had put the same commitment and energies you used for chasing titties and being the show of any given go-go in LOS, you could have been already high in the Fortune 500 list!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:19 am on July 30, 2007

Quote: from caronte on 10:13 pm on July 30, 2007

If you had put the same commitment and energies you used for chasing titties and being the show of any given go-go in LOS, you could have been already high in the Fortune 500 list!

Quote: from LocalYokul on 10:00 pm on July 29, 2007

some of you might be waiting to get your shot at me

I realize this isn't so much as "shot at me" as it is a notice of what I could have become if I'd directed my energy elsewhere

I'm sorry, there were distractions along the way

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:59 am on July 30, 2007
No you are not! And neither you should! That's the spirit of living the LOS Dream!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:02 pm on July 30, 2007

I had a farewell Pattaya shagfest weekend on Soi 6, but now it's time to put my nose to the grindstone and dig up some form of income that will get me a long term visa

over the last few years the employers are really taking the piss with the shite wages they are offering and then daft enough not to provide work permits in a timely manner

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:35 pm on July 30, 2007
I'll find you a job if you give me 100k upon signing of the contract.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:29 am on July 31, 2007

Quote: from China Sailor on 9:09 pm on July 30, 2007

The problem with that TPE II is that it takes cash to do that and I believe that LY is a little 'tapped out'...
Working for himself, if he comes up with a creative business niche, does not require a major cash outlay.

DrLove did not have to deal with any major cash outlay to start his tours. The problem, though, with most people is simply that they don't know what it is they want, and thus they won't find it.

There's quite a few people on this forum who have managed to secure some great positions/jobs with lesser apparent experience. Maybe it's an issue of presentation? Or maybe it's because they knew exactly what it is they wanted?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:55 am on July 31, 2007
China Sailor
Whilst it is true that folks like Dr Love did not have a large cash outlay you still need cash flow to support you whilst you are building the business or during times of crisis. Remember there is no sick leave, paid holidays, or other benefits when you run your own business.

If the government of Thailand shut down Doc's Tours during their moral clean-up how long do you think he could wait it out?

Cash flow is the biggest cause of business failure. I know because I have built a business. I struggled with cash flow for the first year or so and only recently have come to the point of having enough cash in the bank to weather illness, a family crisis, or the like.

How about you Duck? What business have you built...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:07 am on July 31, 2007

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