LS wrote: My little girl was born on November 19th and will make her first trip to Thailand in March '07. _____________________________________________ The wife and I look forward to meeting the little one on our next trip back south!!!! believe me, since you had yours and our ladies spoke to one another about the baby.... I have had a earful almost everyday about the old biological clock....thanks man !!!! atl
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:43 am on Dec. 10, 2006
nyc boy
Quote: from LastSurvivor on 9:19 pm on Dec. 10, 2006 works for the "Big Boss" in Surin and will help out I'm sure. I still want to meet this guy as I'm curious what a "big boss" looks like as I tell the wife everyday that I am the "BIG BOSS"here at home! I know this is about land but I'm curious about a male child and their Thai citizenship rights regarding the military. I know my wife's brother recently had to do the colored ball lottery to determine if he had to serve time in the military. I wonder if a male child born in the U.S.A. and living primarily in the U.S. would be subject to this same rule especially if he had dual citizenship. Certainly a concern of a friend of mind as his little boy will also get a passport when he returns in March.
no need to worry about the draft here in Thailand. as would be the normal case, you have 2 options. your son when of age, could go to the governmental office in your district and register (after having his Thai ID card), all documents are in Thai (so if he cant read or write) its basically, an automatic black ball. the other option is to wait, till about the age of 27/28 (I have a few friends that did this) and then register for the draft. and they will tell you, that you are too old... in reality your son would never have to register for the draft, if he does not wish to work here in Thailand. Because for most Thai males, when applying for work, must show this exemption form. but if you never work in Thailand (or find some company or person that looks the other way) you should be fine. also please note that as a US citizen, you can not serve as a member of the armed forces in another country. then again... just ask Big Boss, I am sure he can get you through -- in regards to having children, with parents of both Thai and US citizenship. I would strongly suggest using the Thai Embassy in D.C. be sure to get a Thai birth certificate with a few official copies for when you would like to have your childs ID card done (here in Thailand). Also have the Thai Passport issued from the Embassy as well.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:22 pm on Dec. 10, 2006
Quote: from nyc boy on 12:46 pm on Dec. 11, 2006 "....also, please note that as a US citizen, you can not serve as a member of the armed forces in another country."
nyc boy: I didn't think this sounded correct so I took the liberty of researching it. I think you originally said you could lose your citizenship if you served as a member of the armed forces of another country. Here's the real skinny on serving with a foreign military and the subsequent loss of U. S. citizenship: "Foreign military service may result in loss of U. S. citizenship only if performed voluntarily and with intent to relinquish U. S. ties...and, additionally, only if the person served as an officer, and/or if the foreign army was engaged in hostilities against the U. S. Note that the Supreme Court also ruled in Mandoli v.Acheson, that "coerced" foreign military service could not result in loss of U. S. citizenship." It is my understanding that all Thai men are required to register at their 18th birthday and present themselves, when called by the government, to enter the lottery and see if they must serve a two year enlistment. If a Thai man is a dual citizen, the simple fact of dual citizenship would not relieve him of his responsibility as a Thai citizen to register and subsequently serve if called. Here is the link if, like me, you have no life and nothing better to do than read legaleese: http://www.richw.org/dualcit/law.html The "Thai draft" system would certainly be one of a coercing nature, thus no citizenship could be lost as a result. Also it is highly unlikely that Thailand will declare war on the US so I would think that presents no problem as well. I just thought this might be of interest.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:47 am on Dec. 11, 2006
nyc boy
Quote: from expatchuck on 4:11 pm on Dec. 11, 2006 It is my understanding that all Thai men are required to register at their 18th birthday and present themselves, when called by the government, to enter the lottery and see if they must serve a two year enlistment.
expatchuck, thank you for clearing the air on the legal issue... but concerning the above statement, is not entirely true. for many Thais with dual citizenship or the like that live abroad, do not have to show up for registration when they turn 18. reason being, when you are issued your Thai ID card (in Thailand of course) they ask you to register for enlistment when the date (usually April of each year, I believe). but if you never register, military enlistment is void, for that year. since you didnt register. to plug this loophole, as I mentioned before, is when you apply for a job here in Thailand, they will ask for military exemption documents. of course there are exemptions such as enrolling in University, or other Teacher positions (look at Paradorn, he was exempted for a few years as well) but by pushing the date further back and consequently adding a few more years on, will help. in my experience, there are a huge amount of Thais that volunteer for military service. but that does not entirely rule you out. I have a friend, who was luk kreung, half thai/half american; PHD from Harvard; the works. registered for enlistment at age of 28. couldnt speak, read, or write a word of Thai. But the commanding officer in his district (Bangna) liked the idea of having a scholarly person on staff, to help the soldiers/officers speak and understand English. so was enlisted for 2 years.... just finished recently...
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:35 am on Dec. 11, 2006
nyc boy: I certainly won't challenge your information on this. I only have a basic knowledge of this based on heresay information and relatives of TGFs going off to see if they get a black ball or white ball. How/when they register is not a matter with which I am totally familiar. I, therefore, bow to your knowledge on this subject.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:18 am on Dec. 11, 2006