Mel Gibson
Not even an poor Isaan rice farmer could eat a Koala,,,, have you ever tasted a Eucalypt leaf??? their flesh apparently tastes exactly the same ( you are what you eat). Now the Aus Platapus on the other hand has excellent potential,, in-built handles at each end to turn on the BBQ. MSB, It's either scaffolding or turned into charcoal / coke for them Thai BBQ's. Second option is very environmentally irresponsible ( think greenhouse gases ). Make sure you can get reasonable access to your land for the trucks. Best of luck Mel
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:47 pm on May 16, 2007
Quote: from Mel Gibson on 5:32 am on May 17, 2007 MSB, It's either scaffolding or turned into charcoal / coke for them Thai BBQ's. Second option is very environmentally irresponsible ( think greenhouse gases ).
You may want to rethink your knowledge in that regard, and consider what charcoal is, how it is produced, and where said greenhouse gases are supposed to come from. You are burning wood, which produces carbon as the charcoal residue, and CO2, which the trees initially took in, and release upon death/firing. The 'coal' in 'charcoal' is not the same as coal from mineral oils, which does have a higher envrionmental impact. These are not the same - in essence, charcoal/wood has a far lesser impact, and released hardly any environmentally damaging products. http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/story/0,3605,1592854,00.html Yes, giant forest fires release lots of CO2, and their smoke impacts the environment, but unlike mineral oil pollution, the environmental impact is only very temporary, and once passed, is actually beneficial to the environment (hence why farmers often burn down fields in a controlled manner). You're fine.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:32 am on May 17, 2007
on plane ride home a couple of weeks ago talked w/a guy (farang) who just finished planting palm trees, for the oil, said it would be 6 years til they produced, they need a lot of water (he had to dig 2 wells) pay off per tree is small, so you need a lot of trees, forgot how many he had, have his e-mail if interested
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:39 am on May 17, 2007
Quote: from DaffyDuck on 3:17 pm on May 17, 2007 Yes, giant forest fires release lots of CO2, and their smoke impacts the environment, but unlike mineral oil pollution, the environmental impact is only very temporary, and once passed, is actually beneficial to the environment (hence why farmers often burn down fields in a controlled manner).
I think people living in Malaysia and Singapore would disagree with you each Indonesian slash and burn season.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:54 pm on May 17, 2007
Quote: from Buai on 9:39 am on May 18, 2007 I think people living in Malaysia and Singapore would disagree with you each Indonesian slash and burn season.
I think the soil and the flora won't.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:36 pm on May 17, 2007
Mel Gibson
This thread got me googling very fast. Potential is there but certainly not in gum trees. Convinced a fellow investor to go halves in 30 rai just outside my wifes home town in Isaan. paid 40,000 BHT per rai,, but it's in a great position with easy access to a semi-major road and also a good supply of water. current quotations on what we are growing are around USD 5,000 per tonne. first minor harvest in 5 years,, major harvest 15+,, We are looking at it as a suppiement to our retirement fund. first cutting expecting 15 tonne, ( 1/2 tonne per rai). Final cut somewhere around 150 tonne. ( 5 tonne per rai) Initial costs FAR outway those of planting gum-trees, we are looking at, 300 BHT per tree to get them settled/planted correctly with proper drip irrigation etc. At least 144,000 BHT on top of land cost. looks good, the numbers add up,, but as with all thing who knows until it's time to sell??? Let you know in 6 years ( will take a year to plant/irrigate etc). Mel
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:27 am on May 27, 2007
Shredded Wheat
What about olive trees - is there money in those in Thailand?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:50 pm on Aug. 6, 2007
doubt that olive trees would do well in Thailand many crops will not.. tomatoes for one example, you would think with the heat,they would have good ones, but have yet to find one tried to grow them with seeds from the US and they just don't grow well.. have a friend with a similar experience
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:01 am on Aug. 7, 2007
Mel Gibson
Oaktoad,, I have some lovely Tomatoes going up in isaan,, in a hydro system. They dont really like the humidity but the hydro system under cover helps relieve that. Olives should be ok,, if correct variet selected. Olive oil is a good commodity and relatively simple to extract. Mel.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:41 am on Aug. 12, 2007
Mel's got it nailed - indoors, greenhouse, or covered gardening in hydroponics systems will yield very good crops.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:14 am on Aug. 12, 2007