The best silent farts are in airplanes. People have to sit and smell them no matter what. There is no escape. And nobody is certain where they are coming from. Best is the second one; when you wait for about 15 minutes and you give them another one. The look in people's faces.... !!! Now, one thing I want to clarify... a burp is not a reverse fart. Thery are related, but are not ther same. Farts consists of gases that are produced by bacteria and yeasts living in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals and are released through the ass. The primary constituents of farts are methane (produced by bacteria) and carbon dioxide (produced by yeasts), neither of which have any smell at all. The smell of intestinal gas is caused by minute quantities of various aromatic sulfur compounds -such as hydrogen sulfide- that are the result of protein breakdown, and are picked up by these gases further on along their way down the intestinal tract. You see? Burps do not have the same smell as they do not pick the aromatic sulfur compounds that are along the intestines. Burps smell bad becuase they smell of decomposed food in the stomach. For farts, in the case of beans, the most notorious helpers in this regard, gases seem to come from starch molecules resistant to digestion: when the polysaccharides reach the intestines, intestinal bacteria feed on them, producing gas. In the case of those with lactose intolerance (ie. most non-Caucasian humans), intestinal bacteria feeding on lactose can give rise to excessive gas production. For burps, a source of excessive gas production in the stomach is stress. Stressful situations can cause the stomach to produce gas. Also, not only does tight clothing cause a gassy stomach to be painful, it also can contribute to the production of gas. Methane is the primary gas released in farts. Four other gases that are found in large proportion are nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. As methane and hydrogen are flammable, most farts flatulence are as well. The gas released often has a foul odor which mainly results from sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide that are the result of protein breakdown. The fact that we are in general repulse by the smell of other peoples farts is a natural defense mechanism. Why? Well, because Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is considered a broad-spectrum poison, meaning it can poison several different systems in the body. Breathing very high levels of hydrogen sulfide can cause death within just a few breaths. There could be loss of consciousness after one or more breaths. This means that -perhaps if 10 big guys ate a lot of beans and all farted at the same time, close over someone's face- they could maybe kill that person. Now I know where the expression about deadly farts comes from. Exposure to lower concentrations of H2S can result in eye irritation, a sore throat and cough, shortness of breath, and fluid in the lungs. These symptoms usually go away in a few weeks. Long-term, low-level exposure may result in fatigue, loss of appetite, headaches, irritability, poor memory, and dizziness. Animal studies showed that pigs that ate food containing hydrogen sulfide had diarrhea after a few days and weight loss after about 105 days. There you go! We have found a new way to diet!!
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:28 am on Dec. 15, 2003
Smegs, now I completely understand why you are so busy. All this research is requiring you to burn the midnite oil. Just keep the open flames away from your ass, I would hate to see all this valuable reserach go up in smoke.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:52 am on Dec. 15, 2003
[Deleted] Double post, cheap ass mouse
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:57 am on Dec. 15, 2003
This whole Thread sounds like a lot of hot (smelly) Air!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:01 am on Dec. 15, 2003
This thread is very profound !
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:10 am on Dec. 15, 2003
Somewhere in this Forum is the story of my own personal 47 second fart after being treated to a colonoscopy (sp). It wasn't deadly, just loud. I will sometimes let one loose in economy class on an airplane but only when I am in business or first. I do not sh*t in my own mess kit, as they say.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:47 am on Dec. 15, 2003
Farts (Horse n Carts) in the bath? The wonderous way the bubbles rise then explode to fight with your black orchid bath oil !
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:19 am on Dec. 15, 2003
I am stunned that people actually have 'fart memories'. Great Hollywood Fart Memories.....smells like show business. The Whitehouse Fart Memories......whiffs of power. Sporting Fart Memories....stinking, 'up close and personal'. The Art of Flatulance--Memoire de Fart....painting with fumes. Why, a guy could write a book......
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:31 pm on Dec. 15, 2003
In my former life, I always enjoyed cutting a big greasy one in bed, waiting 30 seconds for its potency to maximize, quietly lifting the blankie from around my exes shoulders, and seeing how long it took her to wake up. No wonder I'm divorced and she hasn't spoken to me for 14 years! Yes - payback is great - :buggrin: moke
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:03 pm on Dec. 15, 2003
Red Alert! Red Alert! This just in! (or out?) Eating spaghetti and meat balls in Thailand, and drinking lots of beer Chang afterwords, gives you some unbelievably stinky farts the next morning. Also, after a few good long ones, you might want to start sitting on the toilet to fart. Some of these farts are wet YIKES! Krypto
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:43 pm on Dec. 15, 2003